Riot please...

Hey guys from crossfire website!!image: 93463

Today, I come here to share something interesting with you. You've probably never noticed but I'm sure Riot took some ideas from our beloved game Return To Castle Wolfenstein : Enemy Territory. You may think, come on dude both are fucking different games but I have proofs so you wont deny the evidence.

First, I start with medicks :

image: medic
Strangely, in LoL you can heal people aswell with e.g. :
image: soraka___lol_by_rong718-d5mtsu7

Well, at this point there's nothing so special, it could be a coincidence but let's go further...

image: covert

As you all know covertops have a satchel AND goggles, hum so weird that guy also :

image: candy_burglar_ziggs_by_shev14th-d62bu2o

The next one is our almight soldier, which is a field op on this pic but im sure you guys have noticed it since you are fucking nerds...

image: soldier
Recently, they brought another champ in da pool :

So weird, dat bitch got a panzer...
image: jinx_bg_by_dutomaster-d6s4lud

Alright guys, since I was talking about field ops you all know that guy is black and can throw stuffs from the air...

image: fieldops

Strangely, they put a black guy and also a woman shooting stuff from the air. They thought we would never see this but they didn't know MarseilleI see everything :

image: E-Large

Also that pirate image: gangplank+cannon+barrage+ultimate+skill

and our black guy image: lucian

And to finish, I kept the most obvious example for now, the engineer...

image: engineer

Look at this... he has tools to repair some shits...

image: maxresdefault

If I remember well, TF2's "engis" also have some kind of machines shooting bullets and stuffs but we're talking about ET atm.

I also noticed that they named some champions like guys from this website, not to mention FinlandEvelynn and my old e-friend PortugalJ1nx.

As you can see, noone can make a fool of me eheheh.

Journalistically yours,

MarseilleLeFrancis - A man who doesn't believe in coincidences

ps : Oh ya, I know atm you're like "OMG WTF WHERE'S THE FUCKING CHICK???" wankers must find it it's hidden in this journal.
ps2 Btw, if I suddenly dissapear its because that Romaniaguy you all know wants to punch me hard so i become like a pizza and he can deliver it @ one of the CF admins' home.... I hope you are hungry.
You can thank me later, your eyes are now open.
how long to find em? :XD
Well, I started from the bottom scrolling upwards. So it took me like 20 seconds
not sure if you're reffering to jinx or I cant find it.
scatman spoilt it below
ye I noticed but still not able to find it :(
its in title :XD
very clevar my friend. GJ
soraka duh :s
Knew it!
I think soldier is more like Lucian, dont you think?
:D well guys who made those ET pics kinda failed since i dont think ET soldiers are black its only fops afaik isnt it?
I think those pictures dont have anything to do with ET. They are models from original RTCW, not from ET.
quite similar tho
Different jackets, helmets and faces. And no covie model :(
seems like hours of gaming seperate us, sorry if i have life man :s:s:s:s:s:s
typo, meant fop :|
wheres cait as sniper???
Jinx RTCW venom?
Soraka as a medic? she can't revive for shit, but Yorick and Zilean.....
oh yeah forgot that moustache man :(
casek bro !
fops = rumble
you teaser....
jesus finally i found the pic....
image: 93463

for lazy ppl
oh u dibidibidi dop dolodop
Hi im a 1 month old banana. Since i fall off tree i watch leek of legends and want to become Soraka bestest banana but im afraid Wukong will eat me. Pls no macaroni copa pastaroni capuccino my stori.
twitch cancer
from a 18+ PEGI game to a 10+ PEGI game...shame on you ~24yo ET players :_D
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