back in game wubwub

Well, I never thought, I'd pst something again on neither I'd interest myself for ET again ... but I had a talk to banani (some of you might remember him) and I really would like to play it again and after reading, that tzac is down (qu'elle surprise), I'm really motivated again hahahaha

Well .. first of all, I installed ET again and have to download many useless stuff and have to find my confing somehow on the internets...if someone of you got my package, please send it to me :)

What did also happen to ET in the last for-five years of inactivity? I saw, that the EC's participating, that's great!

So i do need some time to get back in the game but I hope, that's like bicycling ... you'll never forget that ^^ and a good update.

thanks for anything and greetings to my old friends! <3
´geh schnittlauch sähen du lauch
geh mal die toilette abwischen du lappen <3
last time I remember you posting here you wanted to create a new team called "gr8" but you got a shitstorm from Loekino & Greece co. so you picked nonpro as clanname!! but no way that was 5 yrs ago. :D
that's like having sex while recognizing that you forgot the condom. you'll need a shitstorm to get to something good!
eigentlich kannst du gleich wieder quitten
dead game is dead :D
don't you also like dead stuff? like cows...beef...pork...
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