Yes, UAC is best anticheat around, spotting cheaters all the time.
Im bored at work, lurking random screenshots, and.. of course its not ban worthy nowdays.

image: x52Ijkx
its from official, not some random irc war if you would like to know.
ban incoming
because of one pic ?
Yeah, but tell us why you used WnX64? :D
one pk3 file is responsible for the consoles, whose forgot to delete a few months ago.
Actually few days ago, I wrote comment about that on gamesTV. On your screenshot at 28 october your console looks typical normal. Im also pretty sure that you played without it in that offi, but thats not evidence.
there is no .pk3 in WnX64
There is in 1.1v.
it's not put in any ET related folder, console like that = bot was started
shit even with cheats :/ sad players
How suprising.
Sounds like I just won it for you without shooting single bullet.

btw. zaloguj się na wykop.
:D:D:D:D he cant have been cheating lol, his stats...
It'd amaze you how low some are with cheats
like u for example
nothing new
like Chemik...

i specced him yesterday and he was just weird..
nothing weird there
expected :D:D:D
those polaks make selfbusts btw

hf watching, specially at 05:01 XD
Dat preshoot :XD
Comms / footsteps`?
What should we see on that screenshot? To blind atm to see anything decent.
(not trolling, sadly :s)
Same here bro :D
Few years back Finlandpale also known as adawolfa (vide console logo) released few hacks like ETH32 modifited version, ETbot leak, TJbot, CVAR unlocker, RCON stealer, some private wallhacks also. Prolly its still possible to find some of them on google. Anyway on the screenshot you can easily spot his logo because this guy have some cheaty pk3 files in ETmain, or maybe some lua scripts. I dont think hes actually botting, but things like that are bannable.
iirc you have to actually start the bot for the logo to show up, pk3 file not enough

ETH32 messing up with files so its could be possible. As far as I remember pale realesed whole executable files, not just packed up rar. Anyway I wont prove anthing, its pointless, he should get banned for stupid.
haha i asked the girls the same :DDD
playing in a polish team has its benefits it seems
playing against girl team on ET


believe me, guys can't handle losing against us, Polandpazi even deleted et, this is just sad :D
l0l these lowskillers rage xd
we are too strong!
fuck you :D
so rude

me sad now
image: 783797Sanstitre1

sorry for leaving D:

my provider going worse and worse :l
french internet. what could you ask :D
u forgot to add "in 2013"
wasnt necessary
I don't understand why you are hating on UAC here? If it wasn't for UAC, no one would have ever known that he was using this sort of thing.

Also, in case you didn't notice, there is a "report cheating" button for this exact reason. :)
Oh, well, actually screenshot system this time worked well, mostly just because this imbecil played in window mode, anyway - he had most obvious pk3 file in his directory, pb would notice such a files in few secs. PB is still better solution.

Im not hating.
Which .pk3 are you referring to? And PB is not an option...
This one which messing with console logo for example.

Why PB is not an option? Theres really not many undetected hacks for PB nowdays. Also, people like nazty or yokoo wont find them anyway.
I was asking for the name of the file, but I guess you don't have it.

No official support, easily spoofed GUIDs, easily bypassed, supposedly causes "lag", etc...
Nope, I dont have.

I can research some pale files but its useless work if you'll ban this guy anyway.
It wouldn't be useless. I'll PM you.
i play this game for 10 years now and only lags i had durring this time were caused by UAC in every game i played with it
I don't know what to say to that since I never lag with it, nor does anyone I play with...
Few my buddys lag while using UAC. I didn't try by myself, because my three OC wars were won by noshows.

Indeed, lots of noshows/dropouts :( I don't understand why teams sign up then don't bother to play any matches, but oh well...
Normal guy with brain would figure it out, that when low comes to rape med- players and is preshooting from 85500miles something is wrong.
So report him then? Just need demo/replay + timestamps...
I've never seen him play offi tbh, just playing some 3o3...

Would rather people to try to bust players who are playing offis everyday....
...Why did you reply to me then? :P If it's so easy to tell that he is cheating, then report him.
probably because this shows how little uac is detecting, all pale haxs are super old and super detected even on PB and since you provided tutorial on how to make screens grey this only opens up retarded polaks for busts
I never made any promises about UAC and have always been fully aware that it isn't perfect. My point was that UAC is being hated on here when it is the only reason that we are aware of kaufje using something from pale.

And no, that has nothing to do with my "tutorial" - most ET screenshots are gray/black by default.
didn't say it has anything to do, just showing possibility
Quote by Robertyou provided tutorial on how to make screens grey
well you did and that opens up possibility to make sure screens will be grey
What? I know you have a bit of a fetish for flaming me and UAC wherever and whenever possible, but you can't possibly be this bad at reading and comprehension.

most ET UAC screenshots are black/gray by default -> I made a journal with a "tutorial" showing how to make them not black/gray -> players choose not to follow the tutorial so that their screenshots remain black/gray -> you blame me and my journal for this
I always blame people's stupidity and you cannot into read
I am actually quite good at reading.

Players could "make sure screens will be grey" even if I hadn't posted that tutorial, so you're just making yourself look even dumber than usual here by trying to say it's even partially my fault that players have black/gray screenshots.
It's UAC's fault (cuz it's shit) but if someone actually didn't have grey screens he could easily make so with lovely tutorial.
Only if he went from playing in windowed mode to playing fullscreen, which is rather unlikely.

Oh how easy it is to sit back and flame UAC 24/7, yet no one ever has any better ideas. :)))
I totally have better idea, but you cannot into listen so meh.
I'm listening. What is it?
TZAC without detections + democrew.

And I don't mean TZAC, since apparently chaplja can fake busts and shit, but just the part with ID + login so identifying super easy + no lags like UAC.
I told you this before - TZAC was going to be shut down regardless, as there were far too many issues with it to continue. Accounts were getting regularly banned for no reason, and chaplja wasn't going to stop until we shut it down. Half the users couldn't even log in, the e-mail system was unreliable, and the website was extremely slow.

If you're talking about someone coding something new which is similar to TZAC's GUID system, then, well, I wonder who you'd expect to do it. There aren't really dozens of people lining up to spend time and effort on something like that for a 10-year old game with a few hundred active players.
Can't you based it on part of TZAC's code that was released by chaplja himself?
As far as I know, the portion of code that he released is rather useless.

Even if it could be done, who would do it? We don't even have anyone to work on CF, let alone an anticheat / GUID system...
Robert is a faggggggot... and idiot also. Don't care about him :D.
vid_restart bug
lol but as ohurcool said , what is with the uac whine in here when it was thanks to the uac ss that he is now busted? I dont get it
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