Heroes of the storm

voices around say it will kill LOL :XD
oh u Blizzard!
StarCraft detected
so original abbreviation it has..
global xp, no gold after last hit. cya
some1 already posted this vid few days ago :P
didnt see :XD

but ye there r so many new journals on this site so its better to post it multiple times :DDD
Looks good to me =) I like (now) the fact with the shared experience and the no gold gain.
lets be pro at this*!
cinematic trailer means the game doesnt look anything like that.
How I see this game and LoL :
image: barbie6
i dont give a damn about shit games like LoL or this, so bad
and people giving shit about this shit don't give a shit about you not giving a shit.
Why are you replying then?
For a mere pleasure of saying that sentence. Like repetetive sentences x)
then people knows that people doesnt give a shit if someone else doesnt give a shit about some shit when someone does give about shit when there is people that doesnt give a shit about anything when people have to say they dont give a shti about
oh shit. didnt understand a shit from that shit
metsuri REPLY today, 03:00
dunno what we talking about here but sucking a cock wud be nice
always lovely to take cock deep in to mouth
this game is even more casual than LoL... no lasthit gold, games will last 15-20min only etc etc... as a DotA player i gotta say i do not like it...

might be fun for the casual gamer, but i doubt it will have any impact on the competitive LoL or DotA scene... But since i am a huge blizzard fanboy and played all their games, i will give it a try as always :)
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