starcraft practice

looking for some people to practice with, any matchup. I am currently plat (playing pretty bad after break tho), playing toss. playing in the evening/night.
if you are interested, you can either pm me here, add me on steam: green_clon (preferable way, as its easiest way to reach me, for more info pm) or just add me in SC: GreenClon#234

random terran quote : wont wish you hf cuz toss is broke
i play every month or so once or twice with broken macro and random race can add u x)
just add me then :)
Sorry greenclon i don't really enjoy 1on1 :P rather play team games with my mates
never said I am against teamgames, but I suppose I aint no mate of yours :p
lol nah bud it's not that, i'm playing with IRL friends via skype etc, we often play arcade mode and some match between each other
I get that, was just jokin ;)
Not playing LoL anymore? Never see you online anymore :(
I am still playing, much less, but I am. its more like YOU arent playing anymore :D are you still EUNE even? in your history I see your last game on 4th March :|
Oh.. EUNE.. no i'm on west mow. my noob acc on eune is namiiii add meh
thought so. added you, so see you around :)
see ya around :)
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