New Fragmovie?

I have found this Fragmovie with some good ET playing guys. Have you ever seen it before?

Brings back the memories :)

BTW: Anyone playing Tom Clancys Ghost Recon ? Rly nice game!
old fag is old.
oh wow, have you heard this cool song?
pretty cool. thx for sharing!
yeah indeed man, watched this movie countless times,
what the fuck did I just read
Ghost Recon? The first one? I remember playing with my favorite crew.. Will Jacob and his AICW, the guy sniping with a M81.. Oh god :)
das bester movie allerzeiten!!!

jedes mal wenn ich es sehe überkommt mich eine unendliche lust wieder mit Et anzufangen. masterpiece by Quaky
have you ever seen it before?

are you kidding m8 ;D?

quaky is just awesome
just trolling mate
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