ET and profesional multigaming = 0

(17:27:24)(dR|acid) ET and lans are worth no big money nothin so we wont take a ET team
That is what i hear almost everytime....
noone instead of idle, FF, is interested in pr0's et division
that's just sad ... :(
no big, bright future for ET :/

(17:39:50)(H2k|Le_Freak) no sorry
(17:40:00)(H2k|Le_Freak) i don't see any future in it

looking for more...
(17:52:58)(a-L|Graphix) the game is just not interesting enough
(17:53:36)(a-L|Graphix) and where is this community in all the important leagues?

uh conclusion ...
Commercial gaming sux!
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