extraction beta

does anyone have a free extraction account to give, got some free time and would like to give it a try thx
yes pls me wantz 2
me tooooooooooo
me to please!
dalej kurwa gierki w glowach
but but :S
I heard its trash and all servers are empty 98% of the time.
and how you beta test without players?
you can test quite a lot without players. in fact, in battlefield 3 I kinda miss the possibility to play alone
one server seems to be 16/16 at all times, thats sufficient (and about the same activity level as ET anyway! :p)
In the evenings 1/2 servers are filled really well most of the time. Two days in the week there are draft games/cups which fill up atleast 2/3 servers extra. It definatly not trash but since it's beta it does still need some work ofcourse.
If I remember correctly both the Quake Wars and Brink release clients were almost exactly the same as the last beta clients, so don't expect too much change.
I was in the alpha and in the beta, and the amount of things that have already changed in those is enough for me to trust them to not make those mistakes again :P
ill never trust them again after etqw and brink, but ill play this game until it dies -- or be positively surprised if it happens to catch on
me to!
filled in the beta form, no luck so far
got it today played 2 rounds, i dont like the engine so far :c
does it feel like etqw?
no its not bad, def not q3 engine with its trickjump and strafing but.. its decent
ja frost i aldamith/olas mamy chuj Ci w cycki
me too! :-(
laggy fps even with settings on low. same as for etqw and brink, you need a NASA supercomputer to have good fps, so to speak.
There are some tweaks on
Extraction bèta forum that can maby give you some extra fps.
My 3yr old laptop gets a decent FPS on Medium GFX, you must still be rocking a Pentium III.
lol bullshit

got a 6 years old computer and game is running decently (better than brink), got some fps drops tho but its alright
slt ^^ pq tu jou au jeu de merd???? v1 sur kuake
Ja moge udostepnic ci swoje konto jak chcesz. Napisz na ircu czy cos ;)
gimme login now bitches
don't get, it sucks
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