quebra-tolas selfbust :)

Hello dear readers!!!!
Im here to tell you few things about quebra-tolas ( 89.181.1*7.*** ) :) It all started yday ! Was searchin 3on3, got him , he had name randomsrandomsrandoms or whatever.. we were playing normally and suddenly he reconnecting with aimbot claiming that i have private nexsus cheat or smth and thats why he's cheating also! Insta kick ofc :D
Today he did the same! As soon as he saw I was playing he reconnected with cheats still claiming i am cheating xD

demo of the actual game( im rly bad, just woke up xD) :


If you think im cheating i don't mind installing a camera that records me while playing xD

And after the "war" he start spamming on irc :
laugh at will :) oh and if u think its fake log
there's ss :


[14:20] <quebra-tolas> http://imgur.com/oncbPrh,ptKFKsp,qiNzUJI,KRqnorh,WlgutrO,fVcoxdw
[14:20] <quebra-tolas> Z``
[14:20] <quebra-tolas> dont play with that fucktard
[14:20] <munta> ??
[14:20] <munta> selfbust?
[14:20] <Z``> WHAT? xD
[14:20] <Z``> idd nice selfbust
[14:21] <munta> tbh you've been obvious for weeks quebra
[14:21] <munta> merced with you once and you blatent aimbotted, 130hs on supply.
[14:21] <Z``> what am I supposed to see on that ss?
[14:21] <Z``> except that ur graphics r shit
[14:21] <Z``> and ur aimbotting
[14:21] <Z``> roflmao
[14:21] <miklabitch> 3O3 hs /q
[14:21] <munta> and u have some weird cvars
[14:21] <munta> [12:21] <quebra-tolas> yes keep killing this game fuckface
[14:22] <munta> no YOU
[14:22] <quebra-tolas> "weird cvars "
[14:22] <quebra-tolas> those ghosts must be given u nightmares
[14:22] * kartez ([email protected]) has joined #3on3.et
[14:22] * Q sets mode: +v kartez
[14:23] <munta> i can find a screenshot of your 130hs and admitting aimbot too in my etpro folder
[14:23] <munta> so go and die lol
[14:23] <quebra-tolas> if u werent retarded, u would realize i do that after reconnect knowing opo is cheating like in Z`` case
[14:24] <munta> lol
[14:24] <munta> i dont understand what that screenshot is supposed to prove? that you're cheating, not Z?
[14:24] <quebra-tolas> when i connect fisrt time im always playing normal
[14:24] <Z``> u went full retard
[14:24] <Z``> never go full retard
[14:24] <Z``> DrLagAlot please do smth here
[14:25] <munta> nerd is still sleeping
[14:25] <munta> shhh
[14:25] <quebra-tolas> he is using same cheat as me, the aimbot cant track him + those screenshots shows him has a "friend"
[14:25] <Z``> XD
[14:25] <munta> HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[14:25] <quebra-tolas> like a partner in crime if u will
[14:26] * Gonnevut ([email protected]) has joined #3on3.et
[14:26] <Z``> i sure am! def with my 20 acc and 10hs
[14:26] <Gonnevut> 3on3 med hs
[14:26] <Z``> bot is not workin cuz i just woke up
[14:26] <Z``> :X
[14:26] <quebra-tolas> THE DIFERENCE IS: litlle aimbot or wallhacking in a round or 2 is still cheating, thats i dont hide a bit when i reconnect against cheaters
[14:26] <miklabitch> merc avi
[14:27] * LeMoufl ([email protected]) Quit (Signed off)
[14:27] <munta> the fact that you even have a cheat on your pc is enough
[14:27] <munta> and you whine like a little fucking bitch when ur hacking yourself
randoms busting randoms

gg wp thats what i want to see from community, keep it up
random cheater commenting about randoms busting randoms
im not random fucking fuckface, check your words before posting sometimes
ye sorry ur a polish busted random , my bad I apologize.
hello i have no idea who you are but i definitely think you are cheating. please install a camera so we can watch you play.
Z aka drovage
not rly but nice try
dunno how u reached to that conclusion rly.. and how r we playing together at the same time then? xd dumbfuck
najz selfbust
finally! you are so obvious man, so funny :XD
logic now-a-days is that if you think your opponent is cheating then you should go ahead and turn your hacks on....lol gg
Nice conversation, please not on #3on3.et though

From what I know some cheats are really able to spot similar cheats though, for example wallhackers occasionally can't see other wallhackers through walls
that's why i posted demo :)
omg quebra omg
no reason to ban him seeing that 99.9% of ppl are cheating, nothing to do here, as u wer motherfuckers.
ur mate Lsk accuses me every game i dominate him
you just to good man
this topic ain't about you, and no1 saying anything about Lsk
Everyone from them is whining when they're getting rolled at delivery :D
i mean we lost deli to them
but in supply i bash em and get accused :X
your just too strong
do you even lift*
they also accusing me and purska of that everygame :DD
But we never lose delivery ?;s;s
never seen an american dominating as much as u @ET, luckily for u gaysek doesnt live in the us, close enough
k i think i got it, the 2guys downstairs have esp names on because of cheat detecting same cheat and showing it to him.

image: KRqnorh


so cheaters geting mad over cheaters isnt that cheating?

and still shit
vidrestart bug
perfect for you
oh plz talk to me when you beat me *shabba*
keep hacking
lol ur the one with etbot not me bro oh wait it wasn't yu it was ur brother
hahahah acting like crystal never existed
u and the rest of .55 were on his dick cuz u thought she was a chick
i bet poor Gonnevut never got a game :---(
Bad people busting other bad people. Oh ET 2k13.
old news
my gf is my hand
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