banned from public :S

i3D.netETPro.Terytorium Wroga.Pub

"You are banned from this server!"

Why so? :/
too pro!
too neutral!
Then join the NBS
Suck my cock loser
Cant find any on u lol
Are you gay?
he is just a Fag!

And Jesus hate Fags
too laggy!
Surely you will find the admin of the server here.
maybe u obv xiiter :s
because hipkat is brainloss
Keep fucking with my server, faggot. See how that turns out
Cant find any on u lol
dynamic ip and guidspoofer, u know what i mean? :D
No life and homosexual and you wonder why you have no friends
cos shit admin xd ( kitkat globby :D!)
Banned cus cheating, busted scumfag
:D go to slaughterhouse pub
too finish! xd
Too French to spell it right! xd
too sarcastic to be understood! xd
damn, okay! xd
Perhaps it was Punkbuster
no spawn kill ?
You're not banned. Somehow the little asshole that keeps fucking with my server uploaded a few z_packs and luas. I don't know HOW the little cock swallower did it yet, but you're not banned.
Then ask Bloody mary how couldhe upload things and change things on ur server.........
Are you somehow retarded?I don't have access to his server ...
Let me guess, are u the other dude named flummy? aint you? who kicked permanently the players from server, doing some exploiting? and i bet u can also speak german
not like you weren't one of the exploiting shitfaces yourself
No sir! Maybe you?
Ofc he was using the exploit ,it's vapour
I kicked players which were using the exploit like you
Dude I'm not argueing with you ,play on your server or somewhere else and we play on our ..
join hirntot
most of the time playiing there
Nope you have basicaly kicked all, coz when I came on server to check if yours also crashes I got kicked hard. So basicaly u were doing what exploiter was doing already.
Besides kalli said that you have asked why you cannot join our server, well I have already said to hipkat that 2.240-2.250 ranges are banned, what a coincidence that you are admin of HipKat's server and your ip matches to that range, while ur trying to get unbanned on ours. You will need to do some prooving now i guess, I mean to me that I can be sure it was not you :) If you don't care what community thinks and can't proove it otherwise I also don't care :)
but oh it was not only 1 exploiter anyways.
Ok lets say its possible to upload z_packs and luas, how is possible to change server.cfg? Are you running exploit fix version of etded.x86?

Maybe change your ftp password :P
Not sure what happened yet. May have even been my partner making changes, although I can't see it. Regardless, this kid is the worst thing to happen to gaming ever.

What a loser to put so much effort into only trying to ruin what other people are doing. Seriously pathetic.
check logs, when new luas were loaded, it has to be ur partner...
Just remembered 1 thing :)
you are running pb with ac2pro.lua right?

Quoteif not mstart then
et.G_LogPrint(string.format("filtercheck: client %d with faked cl_guid !\n",cno))
local badguid_reason = "You are banned from this server!\n"
return badguid_reason

Quotelocal badguid_reason = "You are banned from this server!\n"

change to
Quotelocal badguid_reason = "You cannot enter with empty or malformed PB guid!\n"

make sure that you are realy editing right lines it has to be near
et.G_LogPrint(string.format("filtercheck: client %d with faked cl_guid !\n",cno))

I think that players gets more clue and that you didnt get hacked xD

also you have so huge logs folder that you basicaly cannot even miss the problem :)

Thanks man and yeah, it was Mark that uploaded the stuff. I had a PM from someone saying that it was the idiot. For once, he's innocent
statti bad gaymer, banned for spawnblocking
is it still on? lol
Same here. Admins are retarded.. :)
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