Snatix, dedication for gaming

Hi guys,

image: game44551

a quick journal in order to provide some content for future students studying gaming history.
Today my dear computer friends, something big happened, even bigger than Toss' return even bigger than my p.. well you've understood. A man who practiced the art of keyboard dexterity made a step forward in gaming world. I'm obviously talking about FranceSnatix also known as Francepapii also known as Francetanguidon. It all started back in the 21st century (yes its approximate but future students wont give a shit about dates) a french boy was found on a random gaymod server by my best United Kingdome-friend niSmO also known as Joe. He brought him to my office and said this kid has some potential. After teaching him how to drive trucks and bring objs Usain Bolt style we decided to go on different paths. I went retired while he was... "making love" to his mouse.

My dear readers, as a real e-journalist I went (as I used to do) on the battlefield to bring you some fresh news.

A message from one of the Franceveterans :
Quote by Kartez[23:28] <+kartez> enfin un jeune prodige bon pour l equipe de france 2014

Finally, a prodigious teen able to compete with the french team in 2014.

and from one of his mates :

Quote by BossHK[23:31] <BossHK> Followfrancis tell all the world that snatix ate baguette with melted cheese(?) and cup of warm milk after the win
[23:31] <Followfrancis> ok will do
[23:33] <BossHK> and then he slept with smile on his face, his life was complited

Even our almighty FranceAnt7ho wanted to be a part of this journal with an outstanding observation :

Quote[23:03] == `An7ho [[email protected]] has quit [Signed off]

As you can see, [flag=CFfuckyouicantremember code for this flag]community loves FranceSnatix.

In this journal you can cheer and ask questions to the new computer star : FranceSmadix.

As we used to do when a new king was born I show to the CF crowd our new king but not only, wankers will appreciate image: tumblr-mv75rgqrsa1scp6t2o1-500 pic.

In a nutshell, FranceSnatix you are...

image: wn1iis7

Snatixly yours,

MarseilleLeFrancis - An electronic journalist bringing to light new talents
image: 56452146-4

FranceSnatix aka Francepapii aka Francetanguidon aka FranceHackeR in his old jaymod times. I'm showing my admiration for his skills
paprika too
Gold times! :D
je vais lui briser ses putains de chevilles si je le vois
Concept arrogant, rime sanglant.
would have bashed in supply tbh
what a cheap troll doll knockoff.

ur content is shieaaat
fuck off nerdreal
i actually dont try to write valuable content as u do, when i write shit im aware of what im doing, its only for entertaining nerds like u so they can rage on my journal, i consider myself as someone who contributes for nerds' mental health in here :)!
u can try and speak to me once u take my crossfire crown i own.
crown made of shit u can keep it
dayum u goin downwnwnwnn!!!
u illiterate child, what did i just say??
and u growing upupupup
nothing new. he owned already years ago <3
francis you feggot :XD
sup costume friend hows life in switzerland?
come IRC breh
started loving your journals 8 : ]
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