PB or No?

Now that we have (hopefully) most of the problems fixed with the idiot crashing the server, etc, should I keep PB on there or let it go back to how it was, without?

Also, fixed the admin levels

What else can make the server better??

And I know, admins/refs are going to be the first thing you people cry about. Instead of complaining, who would you think would be better admins?
Stop asking questions.
better ask yourself how to get rid of the "NBS"
I'm not worried about that loser
If you want to make this server popular there only way to get ppl there - no pb.
There are a few popular servers that have always used PB so not strictly true...
take pb off! Otherwise can't connect to server and bother not to do that etkey thingy
I count myself among the proponents of punkbuster but it depends on what you expecting.
The most cheats are punkbuster detected and it´s not possible to use any chipmunk wh without aftereffects.
But there are still undetected cheats available and it's not really to be regarded as anticheat. But like you can see on Hirntot/Hirnlos Servers (all running with pb) there are a nice amount of players all the time and it has nothing to do with whether a server is well utilized or not. Some players complain about lags, but there are no lags for me at all.
In my opinion punbuster has nothing to do with whether a server is empty or not.

To my own experience I can say that some referees act extremely premature.
This Holyshit guy for example called me a cheater two times and kicked me.
A other one, dont remember the nick actualy, kicked me because of teambleeding what never happend.
There are a lot of other Story about them and me and other players who i could talk about but i dont wanna wear out my keyboard. In return, I met also nice referee. I dont know how many refs you got.
All I can say is that some referees are really conceited and there is no whitewash. The referees should be prudent and adult and not acting like kids!

The right question is how decide a player these days for a server?
  1. Where are already a nice amount of players?? Nobody wants to wait on an emtpy server...
  2. The name NBS is known and many not crossfire followers are join this server because of the old time.They not knowing about highjacking the name.
  3. If you are mad about for whatever happend on Wroga are you glad to be able to play on another server.
  4. This vapor guy has managed through using the exploits that players think your server is unreliable.

It is not my goal to spread a bad mood in your "Wroga-Group" or trying to open someone eyes.

Believe me i hate this vapour guy too and I hope my thoughts can help you somehow.
Great Reply!

I'm not worried about Vapour. If anything, his antics have helped me make the server moe secure
Doesn't matter really.. But if you want to get your server filled again, just do what I do..

Start et 3-4 times connect to the same server and Boom sit in spec for 48 hours a day..

Quote48 hours a day

didn't u learn the clock in kindergarden yet?
image: M4KRptF
a day has only 24 hours
Enable Pb - disable Holyshit ,Problem fixed
afaik pb does not bar cheaters at all, simply cause it is not developed anymore. However, UAC is waaaay too invasive for my taste.

Solution: Stick with players you know don't cheat.
The Problem with UAC is you can't force players to use it on a pub server
I find a much more serious issue that UAC is compromising your security and violating your privacy by accessing way more on your computer than necessary.

But as for pub servers, it's likely always cheat infested and this isn't a new problem either. But public servers never were much fun for me anyway.
UAC scans your PC in pretty much the same way that PB does/did and only when you give it permission to do so :P
Hmm, I did hear different stories on that. As in: It needs to run with admin priviliges, needs to be able to scan more than just your ET folders, etc?

I admit, I have never used it (nor am I likely to ever need to) but this would be a no-go for me. TZAC/SLAC had about the same problems iirc.
well don't believe everything you read or hear from others :)
Removing PB. It's definitely causing lags. Not bad spikes, like used to be so common, but still lags.
Also, changed the rotation from 10 to 5 maps


As soon as ass-hat, errrr, I mean Vapour grows up a little and stops fucking with people's servers, I'll put map voting and nextmap back
PB on! it doesnt lag at all for me and the hirntot servers are running fine with alot of players, sometimes even all night long!

about the admins: quit ET cause ure the worst of all!
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