You choose back?

image: ff

image: ford-mustang-roush-car-wallpaper

image: 2871-japon-babe-2010



Green or pink, rest is either useless or the ethnic reasons are just outside of my moral :P
Green: just for when its needed, like when i would be late for a meeting and just fly there to skip bustimes/drivingtime
Pink: just to prank people really, like when at a friends place just turn into a lamp that won't go on or something
Green's a bit tricky - it is not specified how fast you will be flying. What if you will only fly as fast as you can walk/run? It also does not say how it will drain your stamina - so let's say you can fly as fast as you can run (deadly sprint) but consumes as much energy as running, you won't be flying very far that way :)
u think 2 much
Well assuming flying means faster than walking, if not I personally would call it floating more than anything :P.

But in the sense that you are mentioning you can make ???'s at every pill, as none of them specify the exact criteria of the abilities. F.E. the black one might only show the future in the current state of your life, not as in the future that will be.
Flying is flying and floating is floating - there are differences between those terms and speed is not one of them! When you fly, you have full control of your movement (direction of it), while during floating are just moving in unspecified direction or "flying" without having control of it (birds/airplanes fly, they control it; balloons are floating, they are controlled by external factors, same as with astronauts in open space, they just float).

Your assumption might be reasonable/logical, but it does not change a fact it is just assumption :)

Most of those pills are for one very specific purpose and don't require much specification (shapeshifting, 'cupid touch', in-head inet connection, mind reading...) but that flying and future-sight might be very useful in some cases and very useless in others. And in case of black pill, there might be some paradoxes involved as well, like - if I see the future, is it possible to change it? If yes, and I change it, did I actually see the future? If no, this power would be somewhat useless.
However - even if we were able to fly in very slow speeds, it would be a gold mine, how often you will see a flying person :)
Yeah they would put you in a lab and do tests and shit. That's how you would spend the rest of your life.
black pill is imba
Green or black, specially black.
Why would you want black? :X Takes all the excitement out of your life
nigga, win all dem bets for the next 5 years DUH.
srs gamesTV gbooky hustler
No doubt;i would choose the green one.I always wanted to fly by myself and I dream a lot of it.
Also you'd get mad pussy by flying
pink, cuz im fabulous like that
yellow/pink op
Why would you need grey, if you can know exactly what the other one is thinking? Ha
blue cause yolo
Special abilites are for faggots like superman or batman. i can do all that things without any pills

cocaine is hell of a drug
yellow. but that one has some fucked up negatives, pretty damn soon you'd start to hate everyone around you even close friends or whoever you're in a relationship with.
your E-buddies would become the best ones
None of the pills. Every single one of them makes your life less exciting ( okay maybe except the flying one ). Every time you wake up in the morning, you don't know what will happen with your life. It is all up to you. If you take a pill that makes a woman fall in love with you, then where is the fun? The best part in a relationship is when you have to fight for her, so she falls in love with you (next to sex ofc). If you read the mind of people, then it doesn't have to be in a positive way. You will, like Artstar said already, hate everyone around you, because you know what they think. If you can be a good athlet, then it is like cheating. If you really want to accomplish something in your life, then train hard, go pro.
< If you take a pill that makes a woman fall in love with you, then where is the fun?>

Fuck her, dump her, rinse and repeat.
Only 10 uses in a lifetime.
yes so pick the 10 hottest girls out there, and use the pill every 2 years once u get tired, pick a new one..
yellow / red
blue - viagra
so they are all basically lsd
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