[NEW MAP] Testers needed!

Hey guys,

with help of Enigma, i found a testserver, where you can test a new map BlAcky and myself created.

1st Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/sidubs
2nd Download: https://skydrive.live.com/#cid=C72481DBC61834E8&id=C72481DBC61834E8!110
Screens: http://www.pic-upload.de/gal-510979/irb3e7/1.html

Would like to have some feedback, so share your thoughts. :)
Why dont make smth simple like Adlernest? ://
Because I enjoy making maps the way I like them to look, and not the way someone else want them to look. This, actually, is how everyone should approach anything they do. But that should be obvious.
this -- good job :)
And thats the way ur map wont ever get popular at first place, thats the thing thats called reality.
I won't try desperately to get this map popular, but i am willing to change some stuff if it makes the map more enjoyable.
Reality also is; that this map would not exist if i would map diffrent from the way i did. :)
Looks nice! Good job.
I like that there are new maps incomming, if map will get popular or not it does not really matter like the fact that you are doing good job!
Too much stuff. Will never be played in competitive games I'm afraid :/
Could you give some explanations? For example the routes between first allied spawn and flag (shipping hall) are pretty simple. :/
Or what do you mean by stuff.
i think they want more shit like delivery adler supply
adler has a lot of boxes set up everywhere but u can still get around and get to oppo quickly
samething for delivery , simple and a lot of battles take place
supply which is a bit bigger but not too many places to hide or something
3 routes each simple to get to the objective

erden got kinda popular cause it kinda fits those categories
Did you test it? What are your thoughts?
For the 3 routes; the flag hall also got 3 routes with the option to shorten one route with battery-like metal door for the allies.
havent tested it yet
wen i do ill let u know
i had just a short run through due to no time...and besides the missing voice sounds/voice announcements i do find the command map a bit confusing... other than that..cant say much ..was more or less alone on the server...it is much time needed for all players and spectators..to get used to the map and stuff...before giving it like 5 hours playtest i think one cant say if it is suited for comp or not. i mean i walked 10 minutes around and sure it was confusing and wtf but well...that was on every other new map/at start of et exactly the same...
I dont know if im the only one, but with the b2 version i had to download some shitty download and that made my Chrome fuck itself over... Can you put this on a public dropbox or something without retarded downloaders?
hm... if i enter the download site there is a big button wich looks like this...
image: qz3h251qhtx3
and if i click on that button "waffenschmiede_b2.pk3" is starting to download.... not?
Thats what I did, gave me waffenblabla.pk3.exe had to install that and that was some downloader that downloaded the map. However it also put all my chrome settings to default and stuff...
This is how you get virus,.
.exe are bad, mkay
Same weird download thing that Adeto mentions tho :C
I do like the map itself, it would take a bit for getting used to, but I like it,

too bad this community is narrowminded when it comes to new maps and their brain stops when it's not on supply/gold/radar :(

Good effort!
same as above... :)
I did download the map, but once it was finished, my chrome just randomly shut down :o
maybe just a bug or random crash? - hvnt got any problems with sendspace so far. download it one more time and see if chrome still crashes :D
I got the map, that's good enough for me :P
the name of the map already deserves a medal
"The Waffle Workshop" ? :D

image: tumblr_l2jpnxUQpz1qc23vjo1_400
not certain but i think you googled it wrongly :D
haha i didnt google it :D "Schmiede" sounds like Smiðja in Icelandic wich is Workshop and Waffle obviously from Waffel. I was just beying funny like allways ;)
ok, but it´s Waffen, not Waffel ;-) and means something like weaponry...but Waffelschmiede would have been amazing :D
hehe yeh i meant waffen :D i knew what the word meant but waffelschmiede would have been awesome ye :D
great map! we have been playing it on our server for the last days like 5 hours every day. it's definitely a must be in the next world cup
nice map maybe add it to ladder maps and cups and stuff
GL blacky and fender nice effort maybe this time it happens :)
after getting stomped on by erAse

I like it :P just have to get used to the many pathways
they are changing it a bit to make it less easy for allies. Hopefully will be even better
there goes esSe's night painting tax on paint :(
dont worry he doesnt mind spending a few more nights adjusting the master tactics hehe
i see al 30 people who still play et are here to test, Kappa
isnt that blacky guy a busted cheater?

Robaciak reorganised Dignitas.ET
Well, never heard of it, but that doesn't mean anything. If it helps; Austria blAcky is the mapper of library and old member of Germany AoW. Maybe someone else?
vádevör hf
looks a lot like an RTCW map, cannot remember the name, hopefully works better in ET because it was pretty awful.
im avi to test hiv positive [+]
Ah this i nice to see ppl still making maps for ET, keep it up.
The screens look nice got some doubts about some spots looks like too many camping spots but i can be wrong cause its hard to judge on screens only.

Btw maybe give it a test on a pub server?
Would love to create a pub server with comp and non compo maps like SOS (its still a damn nice map) but dont got the time to manage it :(
For me and my friends it was a bit too big. I think you could make 2 smaller maps based on this one. There were some nice places and I would love to test it on a full public server, one problem for me could be fps though, as low as 25 near the flag :). Nice work overall.
avi :-)
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