25 Nov 2013, 23:20
hey yo, is this game still active.
whats new here? some matches to spec?
i just played et last few days on pub and noticed i miss that fun.
is there some team to play with in 0030 CET?
whats new here? some matches to spec?
i just played et last few days on pub and noticed i miss that fun.
is there some team to play with in 0030 CET?
if u mean that 1-2people are playing it then the answer is yes
if u mean that u can find a 6o6 in few sec and at any time then the answer is no sir
only 4 solid teams r playing this game activily
so u gona tell me that there are more than 4 teams who r playing 3-5days per week?
there are plenty of teams playing 1-2 days/week (or more) which is enough to call them active
cu battlefield