
Hey, I hope everyone is in a good mood. United States of AmericaIpod is really busy analysing all the data he's collected, therefore he's hired me to make him a questionnaire.

Who did you suspect of cheating that got busted?
Who did you not suspect of cheating that got busted?


ipod going to bust people or my brain still too slow? watafdak is this post about
obviously not nazty, suhaj, webe ( a couple of months ago ), king and uranus
uranus is clean, frozzen is just a joke
agree with half of that
cheaters in et? no wai.
how about me, jin and kapla? i think u said we are cheating.
never said u were cheating lol, u are utterly shit, as for the rest of two, complete randoms, as 90% of polish community.
i know for a fact nazty is walling at least
just waiting for him to get busted
aside from that, i never really felt like i was vsing hackers
everyone accused rapz for a long time but i always thought he was legit
never thought m1tja would hack
lol kids still playin this game 'nazty is wallin wah wah he aimbots wahh wahh" lol Move on with ur pathetic life boys

ps snatix you don't need to play et 24:7 to be decent BB

my time is near...
im starting to understand why people now play 3o3 offis on ettv only.....
lmfao 3o3 offi when the only dumbasses looking for one eryday is base hell fucking no man
Estonia estonians from lotta.prv or w/e. they cheated hard for a while but when they first started with slac/tzac they were beyond lowskilled so it felt good to punish them in a few 3on3s before they decided it's time to cheat again. then they decided to and got banned within a month or something. :D

e: also Res, jaran, waffle from Israel nubswithin. they weren't cheating 24/7 but I knew it'd only be a matter of time til the banhammer came their way.

the most annoying one was Germany tessaiga and his comeback after like the 5th ban. because his bans were spaced apart by like 6 months each time and he'd been caught on some lists he never received a 10 year ban. but yeah he was cheating megahard, had to face him in some 3on3 ESL tournament many years ago and in the final he was begging for a server with nopb because of "lags" the whole time but it seemed he was just paranoid to get caught again. he had some decent/known/skilled guys defending him (Bl4d3, stownage i think and some others) which was sad to see especially since they all witnessed him getting busted multiple times.
Jesus Christ, you must have a database sitting somewhere or written your very own ET encyclopedia, there's no way you can actually remember all of these things so vividly. Anything ET related, ever? Artstar to the rescue!
I remember experiences. :D feels weird to me that others don't.
You remember EVERYONE'S experiences though, not just your own. :( Unless you decided to associate every written journal and news post ever with an experience of yours.
well these 3 I wrote were my own experiences. ;o originating as a 3on3 player I played against guys like Estonia lotta faggots, Israel nubswithin + Germany tessaiga etc on a regular basis. :d
I know, I just mean generally. I see you in these kind of topics all the time and you always seem to just... remember everything. I can't even remember what I've had for dinner yesterday and you're sitting here sharing random ET facts and details from 10 years ago.
I remember experiences. :D feels weird to me that others don't!!!!!!!!!

on a serious note there are many things I generally forget and some things I remember. it's the same irl sometimes, I remember specific things and others around me have no recollection of it (insignificance could be the answer). some people just need to be reminded, had a moment like that last night with Clown about something I saw him say quite a long time ago. :D he remembered it pretty quick and it was hardly of any importance, just funny.
to add to this list; I wont be surprised when Oxy gets busted in Extraction
pls nub, iz all skillz :S
Thanks, now I can't fucking shake the image of Artstar reading Crossfire journals and "experiencing" things. You sick bastard.
waffle was busted? rofl
I used to play with those nubswithin guys a lot back in 06/07 resiz was always shit until like 08 but waffle was always a beast
Yeah I'm pretty sure that Res guy was cheating at one point. Never heard of him and suddenly he was outaiming me and even chizz6l and illumise. I bet waffle is clean, because I don't remember him :D
Didn't Illumise cheat too? I joined silentium as he left I think
Not sure, chizz6l and hit got busted, don't know about illumise. I know they had a cracked ETbot at some point, but they were already doing really good before that. To be honest, a lot of people I knew had that cracked etbot. I knew Illumise and chizz6l got it from zeto. They didn't use it alot, just sometimes when we were playing random scrims they would start giggling and me and witje knew what was up. Me and Witje refused to play with them if they cheated though, so they rarely used it because we would just stop playing if they did.
You remember the names of those lotta guys? Rings a (very distant) bell.

I remember that Res guy. Played a game against him, felt like he was a bit too good. Playing against him was harder than playing against any of the top 3v3 clans. Felt really fish, but I wasn't too sure, so I started asking who he was. Was actually a fairly nice guy, but a few days later he got busted.
the lotta guys changed nicks quite often after being banned so I can't remember all of those so well but:

Estonia Needle
Estonia $U$UMU (aka d1eSeL and mihkel or smth)

i only remember these now D:
Germany rakji was always so obvious. the proof came on lan, where he was utterly shit
expected seeing myself here, guess the only person still caring after all these years is TosspoT!
Dude, there's no-one left here who even remembers that.
haha yeah that's what I figured
I do. I do.

Hi btw.
Well today I learned you've been busted too, so there's that!
I have learned the same thing yesterday! So there's that!
Ironic, TriFlip or Rhand
lol, as funny as when evan_ was cheating
You should have a honourable mention in this journal!
Haha, I just had one guy stalking me for awhile. Brumu or something.
hahaha him :D
Till this day I don't know how much of him was trolling and how much was real :D
NetherlandsTesti :S
seNti was always funny to watch. And then the bust came.
Gnajda, same as seNti.
as Artstar said, those Estonia Lotte.priv guys.

Others I can't really remember/recall right now.
How about BlueDragon ZHEHE?
Goldfish did it.
Austria keNta best!
THIS! Secret King of Poland, Matthias Weirdaimfov the very secret I. of Proland
First played with fagrider in 06 or something he definitely cheated back in like 07 as well hes a gimp anyway
belka juice
too many to name
nackje, crono & some shit from usa axcess or smth like that

you get rolled by the same guys 24/7 with different nicks, i cant believe how big of a retard you and your friends are lmfao..crono has made rolling you dip shits into an art
he b' dropin' names like his crew aint full of hackers fuck em
ITT: people misunderstanding the questions
Didn't read it properly tbh :D
Oh cmon you just stupid <3
Nice love spreading homo :s

Hello fellow redditor! Xd

Edit:omg srsly reddit gold?? :D thanks internet stranger!!
obligatory edit: great now my most uppoped comment is about sex with my cousin... xd
Who did you suspect of cheating that got busted?
Who did you not suspect of cheating that got busted?
when was domi ever busted?
Few months ago, but its because Goldfish did it. Anyway dominator =/= Domi. Its a public player.
Figgit :D
Well u left your best e-friend mortal and me, and now u play with other guys. Im a lil bit sad
I talk with mortal all the time :D You have just disappeared under a new nick ;)
oh u sherlock
Freking newskoolah
I never got busted.
and I never even knew you or suspected of you anyways until you cheated vs us using a 96k tzac account , while using a name like koehjkes or smth, next week your other tzac account got busted because you gave it to your friend so he could cheat with it as well. You were playing with cheaters, gave your tzac to a cheater to cheat and cheated vs me with a 96k tzac account using a random nickname. <we also already went thru this in another thread so this is all> bb!
You must be one of the most stubborn idiots I have ever seen. I have never _EVER_ cheated with tzac on, I have not even used the account name Koekjes in a while there (tzac + CB admins checked). And the guy who got my tzac acc banned got it banned within 5 sec, so the cheat detection worked quite well there. So cuz the crap, you know nothing and are just an ignorant piece of shit who thinks he does.
You cheated vs me using a 96k tzac account and that name, I know this because you told me in irc after I kicked you and you said you were domi. Now you deny that you used that account ? Get your story straight. You had multiple tzac accounts, you gave your tzac account to your friend so he could cheat and you were cheating on that other 96k account. I dont fucking care really , I just think it was verty funny that you said "I am domi, super known super awesome go ahead and bust me" and the next day your tzac account was busted.
I have never cheated with tzac so yet again you are talking bullshit. But yes, I was playing on my 96k tzac account > NAMED BLUEDRAGON, with my ET in-game name Koekjes. And my friend was using the tzac account KOEKJEs with some random ET in-game name. And I have not given my tzac account so he could cheat, I had given my account to him so that we could play together. But making you understand things is like my talking religion with some christian people. Its impossible.

I had not even used that low ID tzac for a few weeks. The IP caught was even Dutch, while the 96k tzac had a norwegian ip logged in at the same time. So yet again, your beliefs are of and you are a piece of shit that doesnt understand shit.
Haha you are really mad about it eh?
I am not interested in your fucking cool story man, get it. Either you or your friend were cheating with that 96k account vs me and I didnt feel like playing vs lows with bots so I kicked that koekjes guy, then you said it was you, next day one of your tzac accounts got banned. Ofc you wont be admiting that you cheat, but I dont usually accuse anyone of cheating (perhaps 3 guys if ever), 96k guy koejkjes (you) was one of those. The things that you came up with the days after your friend got busted with one of your tzac accounts (why do you have more than 1...) lead me to believe I was right, and I still think so. You were posting about how tzac was already bypassed, cheats were available easy, etc, also the guys you play with were openly cheating so for me you were cheating. You can go ahead and insult me all you want, for me you were just 1 random idiot who was cheating in a random irc war and next day got busted, I dont know you and I am not interested in this anymore.
You are just as I said, a tunnel vision guy. No matter what I say and how many people are vouching for my side (CB admins, tzac admins). You are keeping it with your ignorant thoughts. You couldn't be more wrong with your "thoughts".
I dont care what you or your friends ( whoever they are) say, you wouldnt admit cheating so...
And I think you forgot what the original question of this journal was. I answered with my opinion. You were clearly cheating that day with a random 96k tzac account using your cheater friend´s name, it doesnt get any more obvious for me. And again, why did you even have more than 1 tzac account anyways? Lemme hear that cool story now, or better yet, stfu already.
e: and if by your friends vouching for you , you mean the guys above, well didnt they also get busted? hahah you are funny
My friends vouching for me? I did not know that the tzac admin and the CB admin were banned. I have only written this about 5 times, and yet you were unable to read this simple fact. And yet again, I have never cheated with tzac, so me cheating on that 96k tzac account is 100% unlikely. You were just some random irc war that got destroyed, can't really help it. I have raped and destroyed far better players than you (Didn't even know who you were before that war)

And why I had more than 1 account? I got bored with the low ID because whenever I played with friends our oppo would leave because I was "too" skilled.
Hahah, I meant the guys who posted above these comments.
I know your fucking ip is not the one that got busted with your -original- tzac account. I have also played far better players than you, I dont even know who you are or what your fucking skill is supossed to be and I also dont care. Destroyed? We played 5 minutes or something that day I simply didnt want to play vs LOWS WITH CHEATS, it was too obvious so I kicked you and you went mental on irc about it, next day one of your accounts gets tzac banned. What really leads me to believe that you were cheating is what you said after your tzac got busted, here I will repeat it for you:
1. You got more than 1 tzac account, and the reason behind it is very lame- "lol I am so skilled no1 wants to play vs me because i am domi" , what the fuck is that ?fucking low idiot hahaha seriously.
2. You knew your friend was going to cheat with your tzac account, you gave him yours and used his name on that other 96k tzac. what a fucking coincidence..not. Ofc you wont admit this.
3.You were posting comments about how tzac was already bypassed, you listed all the cheats that were avi
4.Your friends were openly cheating and bragging about it.
Even what you just replied tells me you were cheating:
"I have never cheated with tzac, so me cheating on that 96k tzac account is 100% unlikely." See you change the " i never cheated" to "i probably never cheated" to "i never cheated WITH tzac" ....etc
Fucking hell, you probably are not a cheater but you were cheating that day, its not too fucking hard to tell when someone is cheating and I usually dont even waste my time on this but what you told me in irc after is what made me laugh "I am domi too skilled no1 would play vs me if I use my real tzac, go ahead and bust me" and BAM next day your tzac is banned hahah fucking idiot... thats why I put you in this list , also because I knew you were going to go mental about it again and I think I succeded. Bibuy!
And again, you took your time to write 98% bullshit comment. Conrats, you must be really succesfull in your life because your reading and understanding are at 5%. And me going mental? I am trying to get rid of this annoying rumour going around that I was busted on tzac, but clearly you are obsessed with things that are not true.
Nice use of percentage values, your math tells me you are really very succesfull in life...ehem
I gave you my points already like I did last time, I know you wont even use any proper attempt of argument but will just reply "omfg I am domi so skillt so i have 4 tzac accounts because people wont ply me so goood in et"
I have given you enough arguments that would even turn any christian to an atheist. Yet your ignorant brain can't understand it.
yeh sure, "i am domi sooo skilled so everyone is afraid to play vs me so i have multiple tzac accounts" is a very solid argument.
Sadly It is the truth. Couldn't play with lower "skilled" friends because none wanted to play against me.
k as I said, cool story now stfu
Baddie mad =))))
said the guy who searches low+ wars and cheats on them l0l
Who did you suspect of cheating that got busted?
sw1ruz especially when he was playing with Micha$ and that polish clan i cant remember the name
You prolly mean bijemyplebs. They were indeed the most obvious cheaterteam besides chingchangcong (wodka and co) :D
and hes now back as azquilpeta or whatever his name is, and still isnt busted -.-
That Portugal NC team that got busted walling vs Germany and still got raped. Was around the same time snoop said he preferred to play vs cheaters than with PB lag. He said he could cope with/beat cheaters but not unpredictable PB lag (something like that).
Koto and friends?
Yeah I remember that. Some of them grew a brain over night, turned out to be a wallhack.
razz is RTCW/QL approved!!
I remember downloading rivatuner right after his bust to play with those awesome graphics
It made me play Quake to legitimately have a picmip of 16. :(
/q Polandnejm, he is watching gamestv 24/7 so he has info about every et player
Most of the random guys I suspected got busted. Mostly all aim no brain players. Some top players annoyed me and killed me a lot in some games, but that's usually because they capitalize on your mistakes or outplay you. Usually you die because of bad positioningon your end or great positioning on their end. You can usually understand why and how it happened, not so much when people are cheating.

The one top player that I used to think that was cheating at some point was Nuggan (and phzyic only briefly). When I played 3on3's against him and everytime I thought I was winning a duel I would get trippled out of the blue. He usually had over a 30% hs accuracy. Frustrating beyond belief :)
senti was always a good player but you could tell he had that extra gear lil bit before he got busted. it didnt even look like anything imo but you felt it when you played him over and over again, that he cant be just suddenly pull that kind of stuff every round

super was always shit then suddenly he started to reading your plays like he was night himself. not surprised he had lil bit help there

outlaw, he used to play 3v3s with mize and fost and jackie.. was just obvious. some of our players were so frustrated we picked frostbite just to beat em after supply doublehold :D seriouz business

did not suspect nekz, he wasnt even a standout on his own shitty team.. no idea how that happened

razz was pretty funny also. no idea why he even used that its not like it helped anything :D

cant remember anything else
seNti was one of those player that went full rape mode on clutch moments or when he was 1v5.
was there any recent bustlist or something?

webe and super busted? :s
Ages ago. I think super used etbot in his first EC with moomoofarm or something.
later came to LAN with fake nicks, serious business :D
Hehe, I think he actually got busted for nexus right before his ETbot ban expired or something and then proceeded to play as Dieteman :D
slajdan :)
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