Keyboard problems


I bought a new computer and installed ET, but I noticed that there was a problem, I can't click 4 keys at the same time, it is only possible at most 3.
Btw is a notebook (Medion).

Anyone know a solution?

Ty for the help
hardware limitation, you cant?
it's pretty good this notebook, 8gb ram 1tb hard Drive, graphics card with 1gb nvidia (...)

Ye i can't, the fourth button does not work when i press
its normal on a laptop
if it is like mine u can press more than 3 keys at sametime but only in diferent parts of keyboard

even if u remap ur keyboard with a litlle program i have, its not worth it because the keys u want will still be fisically in diferent/distant parts of keboard

TL/DR: não podes fazer nada, compra um teclado usb e ligas qd é pra jogar
é o que eu vou fazer, obrigado
buy an usb keyboard
Is probably what I'll do.

It's called ghosting of your keys, the problem is that most notebooks(pretty much all) have a keyboard that doesn't allow more then 3 keys. There is no way to go around it, unless you buy a normal keyboard and use that with your notebook.
That little luck, my previous notebook was possible to do this. But ty anyway
mad cuz bad
buy me a keyboard
get mech keyboard <3
tenho o mesmo problema com o meu portatil, comprei um teclado "rasca" no outro dia e funciona bem. perguntei a um gajo na worten se ia ter esse problema com o teclado e ele disse que nao, mas que normalmente isso é tipo defeito da motherboard! por isso nao sei, troca por outro, se continuar a nao dar tas lixado xD
Bah, pois lá vou ter que comprar, mas como sempre joguei em portátil achei estranho, porque o meu antigo não tem qualquer problema relativamente a isso mas pronto..

Obrigado =)
fogos os meus sempre tiveram esse problema -_-
E o meu antigo portátil deve ter uns 5 anos, sempre sem problema e agora compro um novo e é isto xD
I have this keyboard but i dont like it :////

Sometimes i press a button and just touch another one a little bit... then the button I touched a little bit fuckin activates and i do some crazy shit like give a medpack to a dying body. :/
I have small girly hands with small girly fingers so no problems like that. An absolute beast, not only for playing but also typing. Takes a lot time to get used to, especially if you never used mechanical keyboards before, but when you get comfortable it really helps in gaming.
Filter keys maybe? :x
manda vir um do contenente (=
Estava aqui a pensar e acho que tenho aqui um por casa, mas para o encontrar... xD
gama o do teu irmão
Ainda te lembras dele xD. É portátil também!
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