LOL guy

i need a good guy to play ranked , every lane i dont care. Add muuradis
no lol guys here, srs bsns only
i see you made some progress as you are in silver already, good job keep it up! thresh op
well supp or mid is my primary lane, with tresh i can replace a shit adc getting tanky and holding the team :X tresh WHAT A CHAMPION!
leona and taric are more op
i don't like to play leona, but taric is indeed awesome, playing it quite often, especially now when I got so much moneyz when playing taric
Taric is fucking bullshit, everybody who picks him should be autokicked from the game.
yea it's truly truly outrageous
leona is so easy to play with that it's boring imo. goddamn nidalee supports these days carry games :<
nunu OP support
Doesn't really sound out of the ordinary.
so riot being the only ones doing it makes it common practise then? any single one of the games listed as forbidden does not have such rule in place, neither do they try to make LANs exclusive to their own game.
riot a little scared cause of dropping market share?
Nah, they just want the monopoly and milk all the money out as long as they can. Every game has a lifespan and it is better to do it early than too late.
I phrased it wrong, I kinda meant it was to be expected at some point.
A proper reading of the LoL contract says that you aren't allowed to stream other games WHILE providing LoL content, not altogether.
"onGamers has confirmed with the team representatives that LCS players are disallowed from streaming the games listed below outright, not just when adjacent to a League of Legends stream."

that sucks.
get a gf better than a 'guy' xd
i have a gf

image: valentina-marconi-gf-12
What if he likes guys?
right right
diamond 1 avi
No pic, no proof.
Judging by the reactions of others you're pretty good. I salute you, although I would be ironically amused if it turns out you're cheating in LoL.
One of the main reasons I'm playing this game is because there are almost no cheaters/exploiters, the game is pretty hard to cheat on because the source code is not available to anyone and if you cheat it's kind of obvious because it ain't an FPS, so it would be visible to anyone. Also they have every move you make logged and you'll get insta permabanned and they'll track all your new accounts and exploits got fixed after a day/few hours with a simple hotfix, people kind of gave up after a few months.

Game is kinda easy to play after a few games but hard to master, new shit all the time so you don't get bored that easily, too many kids playing though spraying hormones everywhere...

Only downside is fucking DDOss that happen from time to time... and the EU servers suck because there are too many people logging on during the same periods of time. >_>

In my spare time I decided to pick up CS:GO and oh boy, that game is fucking hardcore, I love it, it's really competitive and really hard to play, think it is harder than Enemy Territory, there's so much things I need to learn. (All guns have different types of sprays, so many flash bangs/popflashes/chokepoints/smoke/recoil) shit I need to get used to.

Dunno why it ain't the #1 FPS game atm.. or is it? Not really following the FPS scene that much but the game really feels it has the best competitive edge at the moment.
I didn't like GO one bit, even CS:S played better in my opinion.
:D teach me
+2k games wtf dude???
still respect for you ranking
been playing for 3 years... so ye, and my team have a contract so... gotta stay updated as much as possible :P
Hello there fellow diamond 1 ownager
Rofl nerds
avi, nickname szczurkas
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