CS:GO seriously?

I just bought the game and ROFL, is this game being played? :DDD
Worst console RIP I've ever seen, and those wnb l4d moments.

I want my 3 euros back, could had been a beer.

haters gonna hate
mad cuz bad
i heard there is a game which is free for all... hm name should be Enemy Territory when i remember right...
quakelive is also free
mad cuz bad
Console rip? Dafuq
you just suck??
No guys, I'm pretty good!
mad cuz bad
no good fps on the planet
cs:go is awesome, come on - adeto low
console rip wtf? :D
master troll 5/5
console rip? :D
The movement, the graphic and the gameplay is so console like. Feels like I'm playing Wolfenstein or Brink duh.
o_O it's not like console at all imo, hows it going with the competition btw? :p
Very very slowly. I started taking german lessons next to driver licence and work and house work :D. My opposer also ran into rl problems so he slowed down too. I got all the clips cut, all I need is to work with the music and put it together which is the harder part.
The first deadline was originally 15th of November, but it's changing to 10th of January or so :D
dude the game was 75% off on steam this weekend, and i bought it for $3 .. and its pretty shit
I know , that's what I said.
you said 3 euros.. o_O unless you bought it when it was 50% off.. i dont even understand the game
it took me 4weeks to figure out how2aim :S

e: I already played it directly when it came out but after 3weeks I gave up cuz it hurt my ego to lose vs low players, so I started playing et again but now I didnt give up and now I can easily search for med+/high so im finally done with et
the no-movement shooting.. it hurts..
jep true but if u once figured it out its quite izi tbh

would be funny to see csgo players starting to play et^^ if they gona stop moving to shoot then they will eat tripple headshots :P
yeah, the game is pretty easy. but afterall, we are ET players, everything comes easy to us after years of hard practice on such awesome game, amirite? :D
CS pro players would get smashed by low+ in ET I am sure xd
yes u r right sir!

bf cod cs is nothing compared to et... it took me ages to hit decent in et while in bf cod cs i just needed few days/weeks
every game feels so slow compared to ET.
and it's not only shooter games.. just look at ET players in SC for example, pretty nice players too. personaly it took me one month to get to plat there, and I've never been really good in RTS games.
Yeah 3€ or 3$ whatever, it was 2,74€ if i can remember correctly
cs 1.6 was the best anyway
whats wrong with it? Other than the hitboxes I actually enjoy the game.
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