the walking dead mid season finale

how'd you like it ?
it was pretty epic!
Best show ever. Can't wait for Feb
I am not watching the show so I shouldnt really comment here. BUT. This is about zombies, come on who the hell likes zombies, maybe teenagers.
thought the same.. but when you watchh it its really good!
and it's not about the zombies, its way more than that! you might have to go through the first 1-3 episodes that are boring but it really picks up after that.
Probably worth to watch, best hardly can be the "best show ever". I just cba to download.
Jeh I think I watched first 2 episodes. when it came out.
I said the same thing before I watch the show. But it's rly good drama and action and wat everyone likes zombies
Nah it's actually really good, i personally love this serie, it's not just about randomly killing zombies tbh.
another show down between 2 camps. Want 2 know more about what's happening in the world... :<
stopped following afther 3season mid break
pretty cheap show
B class acting
Z class story
B class acting, you serious?
Maggie, Glenn and that retard kid, Carl or whatever his name shouldn't appear in from of cameras, horrible "actrors".
Rest is decent.
If you want to see some A class acting in series go watch House of Cards :)
Prolly I know all "some" popular series, also HoC :P

Anyway, acting side in TWD is good from my point of view, its not masterpiece what Breaking Bad is for example, but good.
what you saying.. glenn has one of the best acting
really like the new season and this episode was one of the best so far.

last season I almost stopped watching cause story, characters and acting were pretty bad :\
What you exactly like in the new season? It's the same crying as it was in the 3rd.
I'm not exactly sure, I think that town-vs-prison-thing wasn't really my cup of tea. Andrea was annoying. The governor and the way his character "evolved" was just weak. characters are a problem anyway, they are all cliché, boring or annoying. Rick isn't as stupid anymore, I guess.

acting and characters and such, walking dead is ofc nowhere close any real good series like breaking bad. but the gore stuff is alright, and at least last episode was somewhat "thrilling".
Most of actors are utterly shit, somehow happy its mid season finale, so i can have a break from all the bad acting they have done.
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