New Anticheat

Well not really, it's an old one but it still works better than nothing. Punkbuster may not be getting updated but it still has the features required to bust cheaters such as pb screenshots and being able to identify who people are, which afaik that's all tzac did towards the end.

I know there are arguments against it such as lag, but does it really lag people any more?. It may just be me but I don't experience any lag on the public servers that run it such as HBC.

What are your thoughts on using PB again?

e: unless there's a better alternative to using nothing.

I think we should keep playing with UAC , very good ac software.
uac is shit.
so is ur irony detector
so is your definition of the word irony
pb will only bust idiot

we dont care about random idiot
True, but you can use it to bust other people through screenshots and being able to identify who people are ( it would be useful in that base thing)

free multihack bypass pbss

pb guid ingame was the only way to identify players, and they could share their etkey
Still lags like hell for me
In the Past PB worked very well. I havent played on pb for a while so what about the pblags? If the lags are resolved and if pb is working like u said in this post, I would accept it for sure.
not going to happen, apparently the only reason UAC is being used, currently, is for CB admins to be able to identify players, which... obviously, neither TZAC nor PB support... But hey, ya know... 1 Month 'till we get our next polish crafted "anti cheat".
Clanbase should at least take some input from the community, like a poll at the very least.
Good luck with that.
I think it is better to not do anything as a community, let CB make a decision so that ET is actually played for another season and bitch and whine about the decision they make - it worked for UAC after all.
worked how exactly? all those skilled teams that totally agreed to perfect AC?
decerto? sick6? quite some part of KW?
one.soldier? phase?

+ how long would some of them play it.. maybe one match and then quit
and phase are super happy with uac, yep yep
Have you ever considered the possibility that there were teams who refused to play without an anticheat, just like those who refused to play with UAC?

If you had to choose between running cups with an anticheat and running cups without an anticheat, and both options would result in teams refusing to play, which one would you go with?

Also, keep in mind that I do not base my decisions on whether or not they will make Poland tMoe happy.
Who the fuck cares about polaks that couldnt win NC even with cheats... wtf
and who the fuck cares about you and your words, words coming from some random trash mouths
you got burnt ololl
Poland any clan will never be happy, argument invalid

and I'd go with option that will piss off less people
Which option is that?
from overall reaction and random IRC conversation with some of the respected (non-polish) community members I'd go with no AC + democrew
So you've just introduced a new anticheat and now you're going to tell the community that they don't have to use it?

What do you mean "overall reaction"? What happens when people don't react well to your new decision? What do you do then?

I've talked to many "respected community members" who are fine with using UAC. How do you decide which players' opinions you go with?
Wouldn't force it before massive discussion and stuff instead of HEY IT'S ONLY CHOICE

Leaving comment here to edit it later cuz CS game starting
Why even call UAC an anticheat when it doesnt even bust people?
A poll? With what options? This isn't like the 5on5 vs 6on6 debate where we have the convenience of choosing from two happy scenarios. How many anticheats do you think are willing to support a free 10-year old game with less than 500 active players?

As I said below, I have never once tried to do things on my own without asking others for advice. I consult other admins and players on a regular basis. The sad truth is that no one was able to find anything better than UAC because there was nothing.
.pl AC gonna be very good, Poland will finally win NC again
Actually players are able to run UAC + ET on another PC / Laptop while cheating on another one... so much about identifying :D
If that's all it's used for, it shouldn't be hard to make a new identification system.

edit: And as far as I know, no one has figured out a way to spoof PB guids yet (I know some people managed to spoof the last 8 characters or so, perfect for making false PBSS's, but that's about it).
Using PB for its SS feature is kind of useless, even old school 2006 hacks have features to turn PBSS blocker on
isn't that an instant bust then if the screenshots are blocked?
No. Windows Vista/Windows7/Windows8 tends to black them out by default, also driver issues and thousands of other things can cause it.
its not blocking it only, it remove automaticly wh and others cheat related stuff for like 0.5s ( cheat detect the pbss request somehow )
I don't have any experiences with PB, so I wouldn't mind
Sad way that ET goes :(

Would like to play a bit but im not motivated enough coz of less AC :(
I don't have a problem with pb :))
What are peoples issues with pb, apart from that its outdated?
PB LAGS nigguh
i dont understand, pb has always been used in this game, then everybody threw tons of shit at it saying its terrible because of the lags (i never had any but whatever) and we switched to tzac; now tzac/slac is dead and we have switched to UAC temporarily cuz it's going down aswell, and now we are going back to the pb everyone hated so much? this is pretty pathetic :D i know its just an hypothesis but still...
its the same to me, but a stable working ac would be good
I have no experience with PunkBuster in ET as a player or an admin since I didn't actually start playing ETPro until the summer of 2010, which is pretty much the same time the transition from PB to SLAC was made. I also don't really understand how it works with PBBans now that Even Balance no longer officially supports ET. And from what I've heard, it is not much better than UAC - easily bypassable, easily spoofable GUID system, supposedly causes lag, etc.

That being said, if you want to play with PB then go for it. But don't expect me to be the one to take the initiative and get it all set up and running for you. These kind of journals are nice I guess, but it's the same thing every time: "Check out all these ideas I came up with! As soon as I find someone else to work on this, it's gonna be great!" See Frop's comment in this journal.

I have no idea where these comments about ClanBase not listening to the community are coming from. Seriously? Ever since I introduced UAC to ET, I have said over and over that you guys should feel free to come up with ideas for alternative anticheats on your own. Less than a handful of players have PM'd me with ideas. I've been flamed more in the past few months for UAC - for finding an anticheat to replace TZAC - than I have in my entire "career" as an admin.

I never made any promises about UAC and have always been fully aware that it isn't perfect. There was simply no other option. Trust me, I tried to find one. I didn't ask for any of this, honestly. I never wanted to be the one to decide which anticheat we would use. I would have gladly handed that decision over to Killerboy or some other admin with more experience than me. I wish chaplja was still around and developing TZAC, so that we could have avoided this situation altogether. But, it is what it is. I am not going to apologize for "forcing" teams and players to use a less-than-perfect anticheat.

So, go for it. Talk to PBBans or whatever and get everyone in the ET community to use PB again, and enjoy being flamed on a daily basis if it doesn't work out 100% perfectly.
I don't think I've ever flamed you, tbh all the work you put in for et is amazing. What you said involving frops comment I gotta agree with in most cases, but in the past when I came up with the idea of the draft cup I actually followed through with it, but in this case I have absolutely zero knowledge, just trying to start a discussion :)
Thanks. I didn't mean to target you necessarily, just saying that I see this all the time and it's a bit frustrating for me.
oh my gawd man fuk yiu why ruin ET???
its really sad the way this community acts
thanks for all the shit u do


oh boy
As long as UAC will be replaced, I'll most likely start playing a bit again if there are still some tournaments coming up
*removed yes, but not replaced

In order to replace something you need a replacement!
Thought there was some new anticheat coming up on January, had something to do with trackbase if I don't remember wrong. Something went wrong with that plan or what?

I don't know anything about coding, but how hard it would be to code a program just to identify the players? It's not like these out dated anticheat programs are catching many cheaters anyway.
Yes, TrackBase is working on an AC it seems - - but the last update was in October, and the developer directly stated that he doesn't plan to support ETPro with it.

I don't know anything about coding either, but yeah I guess it can't be too difficult. Dunno who would be willing to actually work on it though.
Initially he (the developer) was going to support etpro but he saw people here in crossfire calling him a retarded polak making a "shit anticheat" so I think he gave up on this side of the et community...(as far as I gather from trackbase public&private forums)
let the game die tbh... no1 plays this anymore
euthanasia will be the best ;(
UAC is fine
just remove UAC to stop all the whine
So according to your logic, CB should remove you since half the community whines about you cheating?
nopb + all official games on ettv so you can watch demo of suspected player and ban him if needed, problem solved. too bad you can't work like that instead of forcing some shit uac that busted 4 people so far.

we played like that some time ago, at nopb, and no one cared about identification, you can still force adding etpro guid and screenshot of etpro guids after every game as an identification. people who would like to spoof someone would at least needed to make some effort and play on some cheat with guidspoofer.
If you want to bust someone JUST from ETTV match, you need proof (timestamps/avi etc etc...) and then someone, who really decides if that guy is cheating. And is there anyone, who would be neutral to all players?

I have lags always, so I dont really care about PB, bust never had any problem with UAC apart from the instal. process + just see how many "skillboosted" players suck playing with it. (That's not directed against you my sweet predator xd)
I think so because I haven't played on UAC yet so you can't tell that! 8) and well I stopped following ET games recently so can't tell that, but I'm guessing that you mean some random guys or newschoolers, because after so many years you can't tell that about known and respected players because they already proved theirselves many times!

and well cb got its democrew so what's the problem? i guess they hired some competent people to do their job? and also it shouldn't be an opinion just of one guy who is cheating and who's not (on demo), so there shouldn't be any biased bans i hope :)
ooo the good ole nopb + no ac days.....and 5v5, i miss it :<
we can play without anticheat, external softwares just sucks
alot of players saying "just need a software for identification, no need anticheat". But the huge problem with this is, by speccing you cant decide for sure if something is humanized aimbot or not... also wallhack is strongly opinion based too. So yea any online fps needs an anticheat software.
Back when I still used to play, I could pretty safely say when somebody used a humanized aimbot. I don't know, I just knew that something was fishy about them. Mostly because of apparently no recoil or strange aiming patterns. Of course this isn't valid proof, but I'd say good aimers will know if somebody is cheating or not.

I know ET's Community has never been good in this, but all you need to do is exclude them [from competition].
Spotting humanized aimbot is a lot harder than u would think, just for the info.
Well, those I accused mostly (80%) turned out to be cheaters. If ur a good aimer urself, u just get a feeling for this, imo. Not saying it's easy though, but etBot for example wasn't that hard to spot, same generic aiming patterns.
It's easy to accuse someone, it's entirely different to actually have enough evidence to ban someone based on humanized aimbot.
Thats why I suggested to just avoid playing (with) fishy players. One might be incorrect on someone, a whole crowd of people thinking someone cheats yet being wrong, is rather unlikely, though definitely possible. Providing evidence has always been a problem in ET, so you're just left with this opportunity or you learn to 'deal with it', following Defix example.
Yeh well sadly nowadays even with Democrew up, most of ppl just whine about certain ppl being fishy, yet when we ask for some evidence, only a handful of players decides to provide something useful back, with an actual timestamps and demos sorted as it should be, the rest are simply being whining kids expecting us to do everything.
As for the community, sadly nowadays theres like 80% of ppl that are complete randoms and have no idea who they re, and thats mostly left to play, hell even a low+ war nowadays aim on top level :D

At least its a good aim practise, nonetheless!
Sad to hear that this is what ET has become, but then again I'm also glad I had the opportunity to play this game during it's rise, peak and fall. Man I really miss this game sometimes. Still skipping through my fragmovie collection every now and again. Anway, I'm getting nostalgic again, time to stop. :P

Enjoy while it lasts :)
Oh well, ET is over 10 years old, and it gave us a lot of good moments during this time, with very great games as up to 500+ spectators and some awesome EC/Lan games to be seen, sadly nowadays it's only shady imagine thats left from the game we once knew.
Kinda yeah. 500 Viewers were nothing back then, I remember watching the NC Final NL - GER live with 2000 other people - those were the times. Basically spend my entire youth with this game, haha. Well the sad thing is, you often only realize that you miss something or actually appreciate somebody, once they're already gone. Now we're left only with memories of better days.

But if cheaters are the main problem, then they're basically digging their own grave. Also scamming chaplja wasn't quite nice either, afterall he's the one who saved ET and gave it another good 2 or 3 years.
Yeh its true, i just gave an average number out of my head, ofc there were games with a lot more viewers, but pretty much every EC game had plenty more than nowadays.

Indeed, having that split up with chaplja wasnt good, but cant really go into this since what its done, is done, we can only hope to find new anti cheat in near future and enjoy couple more years of ET.
Do you think that anticheats like PB and UAC are busting any of the guys with recently updated and paid for humanized aimbots?
still playing at PB Pubs, at least a lot of fun ;)
better than nothing for sure
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