ClanBase Downtime

As I'm sure most of you have noticed by now, the ClanBase website is currently down. It is just as frustrating for me as it is for you guys, and no, I don't know when it will be back online. In an attempt to keep the CB ET EC/OC Fall 2013 season running without too much delay, I've created Playoff trees on Challonge:
Simply select the cup/league your team is competing in, and you'll see who your next opponent is. Feel free to try to contact them and schedule your next game. If you need help with this, PM one of us (me, Poland szczurek, or Slovenia Aniky) on IRC, and we'll do our best to help you.

All matches should be played on ETTV with UAC. Just request the game with a random matchlink (like and explain in the admin comments that both teams have agreed to play on the date/time chosen. You can use the number at the end of the GTV matchlink ( as the UAC match ID.

I've already requested the Premier League games to be played. They are currently set as unscheduled. Once a match has been played, I'll add the score and update the brackets. If any scores are missing, please let me know. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.
gl to all fragging
AD.RUS pm me chickita/chickita`off @ #girls.rawrr or just leave msg here
gMen will challenge!
easy tactics to beat adeto

1 tell funny joke
2 wait
3 adeto will get heart attack
4 profit
You missed the points when he is laughing and then when he is crying :D
step 2 1/2 cry
Bunch of dicks :D
Still have recordings of that! :D
hahaah it is cf post worthy
Bunch of dicks :D
my daily objective is to atleast kill him once for over a minute

good thing the same things work over & over again! :P
How often does this site go down...
do you know when it will be back online?
Quote(...) and no, I don't know when it will be back online.

It's in the second fucking sentence, you mong.
what if I told you I knew? you schlong.
But you didn't, because you didn't use a smiley to illustrate your sarcasm.
no its a new form of super-sarcasm when people dont use smileys
cb has always been going down
effectus wants to play cat in a hat tomorrownight at 21:00. challanged them nearly 2 weeks ago for that date so yeah. maybe u can contact them cause im not home till tomorrownight. thank you
clanbase is like the EUW server from LoL

only posts they r writting are "servers r currently down"

I see one big difference between Global CB and LoL EU:W :<
25 days left :)
not sure why you phrased it that way ("the real reasons") as I don't think I was being deceptive or dishonest in what I wrote above :P just trying to keep things positive in a community that is often quite negative :)

but yeah, that's pretty much it
Oh, I apologize, I didn't mean to implicate you in a conspiracy! I was just a fan of ET gameplay and streams before I became a CoD2 personality. I occasionally looked to this community for inspiration because CoD2 is equally a dying game and I've pushed to try and have some lessons learned in ET carried over to CoD2. That's why I specifically namedrop ET as I'm interested in what this community does regarding this situation as opposed to being invested in what the CoD2 community does. We should chat longer some day.
no worries :P tbh I never really paid much attention to the CoD2 scene until the drama with TZAC and chaplja began a few months ago, but nowadays I do try to check out other community websites as well every now and then

anyway, although the situation is kinda depressing, it's a nice write-up, and I would certainly be willing to talk more with you some time!

/q [CB]ohurcool @ #crossfire if you'd like
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