new monitor?!

need a new one :)

max 250 euro

pls give some good shit :P
Was thinking about getting one of them 144hz philips or benq but ive got no experience with high hz lcds and they are quite expensive. Would love if someone with experience could tell me about them if they are worth it or if i should stick to my 19" 15 yr old crt.
benq monitors are deffinitely worth it
benq xl2411t


No, seriously. Kevin, bully, voice, cliffarn and some others all bought it after my amazing testimonial and review that accurately stated "stfu and buy it". I haven't ever heard nerds any happier than the day they first plugged it in.
Ye was looking at that one but it costs 400e here in the land of ice. So does it outperform my crt or should i stick to it?
Order it internationally, might be a lot cheaper with whatever custom laws you have over there. Claim it was a christmas present or whatever. I got mine for 230e from a UK shop.

I honestly don't know, I haven't used a CRT in over 10 years, in comparison to my other LCDs though? Absolutely amazing. esreality seems very fond of it too. You'll definitely have better colors, less power draw and greater picture all together, as far as ghosting, I genuinely don't notice any. Also added benefit of 3D if you're into that.
So you played RTCW and ET with low display refresh all this time? I don't know how you do it, I found it frustrating beyond belief. But compared to a CRT even a bad LCD feels superior when it comes to image quality and it's also way less strenuous for your eyes.

Knowing what I know now, I would have definitely gotten one of those Benq monitors you linked. I went from a 100+ hz CRT to a 60hz LCD, was an immense downgrade for FPS games. I've heard a lot of great things about those LCDs with high refresh rate , you aswell, so I know what I'm getting next :)
Yeah, for years. But I was used to it, I hadn't played for 2 odd years during which I replaced my CRT with a LCD, when I started again I... never really noticed the "huge impact" it had. Firefights were horrible, really, you get used to it though. You eventually just start aiming with the middle of your screen as opposed to your actual crosshair (at least, in my case, I had an utter horrible one of the first consumer 10ms 19" LCDs). Luckily we don't quite have the CPMA speeds when it comes down to strafing in this game, so tracking wasn't too much of an issue either. In fact, I think I was rather lucky with my display in comparison to some of the horror stories I've heard.

It's still quite funny to me, actually. I have a dual monitor setup, my BenQ and an old ASUS 24" 60hz next to it, even just browsing or moving windows around I can quite evidently see the difference in refresh rate. I always used to cringe at the people being all "oh god, 60hz so bad" not having known the difference, but I can genuinely relate now. :(
Actually benq xl2024t with lightboost mode outperform any CRT around.
Had CRT few years back, finally with benq black is actually black.
Yeah, you're retarded. LCD's don't do black. LCD's only really are a form of a very dark grey.
No. It's a technical impossibility for a LCD to ever outperform a CRT, period.

Also, xl2420t* Which is considerably worse than xl2411t. Not to mention more expensive for no other reason than having a fancy button that switches profiles.
whats about xl2420TE?
dunno, google. But I'd guess the same specs as xl2411t just with extra fancy buttons that, in the real world, have absolutely no use or benefit to them.
actually there is some color correction stuff [i dont really understand]
and how come it cheaper than the older version? [xl2420T]
I don't know. I've never looked into the xl2420TE. The xl2411t however, is cheaper due to the "lacking features". Just a design thing, the xl2420t "looks better" and has a tool for "switching profiles" people believe to be useful or worth a considerate amount of money, it isn't. It's just marketing, it looks more stylish and has a fancy button, so it must be better compared to that very simplistic looking display.
You talking about xl2024tx (?), its the model with the built in emitter 3d and glasses in pack.
for 500 eur you can buy the new eizo 240hz monitor
The 240Hz is a marketing gimmick, although it may reduce motion blur slightly, at 120Hz that shouldn't really be noticeable anyway.
Check my comment below mate. If you plan on playing competitive FPS (or even multiplayer FPS in general) it's definitely worth it. If not, it doesn't matter all THAT much.
BenQ xl something with 120hz or 144hz
still got my 50yr old crt monitor that could go up to 120+mhz on fullhd 70years ago.
waiting for some new technology to switch the monitor, think im gonna go for this
Ugly nerds talking about nerd stuff. must buy.
Can anyone actually get me into it? Im not kinda good in this :D
What¨s most important on monitors (let's say your budget is 350-400€)?
First thing and probably the only one I recognised as important is refresh-rate(HZ) so there is no way to go under 120hz then.. But what else is important and good for either eyes/work/movies/games etc etc ???
contrast/customization possibilys/decent monitor foot/slots, should be dvi anyway/120 or 144 hz
Any specific numbers?
Like what's good and what's bad?
contrast above 1:0 , hz above 5, reaction time below 500ms
u put ur thumb in your anus?
Yeah man, broke it when I couldnt pull it out
If you plan on playing ET with it, or any competitive FPS for that matter, better get one with high refresh rate even if you have to pay a bit extra. If not, it doesn't matter that much. I found LCD in general to be a real upgrade from my CRT. Had some problems with reading on a CRT and some problems with my eyes, but that all went away when I switched.

However, I do regret not getting one of those Benq monitors with high refresh. I was looking to get one, but decided to take a cheap one instead. Not being used to playing with 60hz meant that games like ET and CoD4 became so frustrating that I just quit playing them. I felt like I lost all my aim and that I couldn't get it back. So yeah it's a huuuuuge difference. I went from playing high games to getting slaughtered by medskill :P

My advice :

- Plan on playing competitive fps games? Get one of those Benq ones (like the one Oxy linked)
- Not playing any FPS games competitively? Doesn't matter all that much as far as I'm concerned
When I wanted to buy a decent monitor I did read a lot of forums, tests etc... then finally bought samsung s23a700d... its a "120hz 2ms" samsung lcd, heard only good things from it. So I bought it and man... that monitor sucks hard. I played a lot with it and i felt something is wrong... but i couldnt prove it. I felt that the input lag is big, and the 120hz just makes the picture blurring hard.

Now at DreamHack Winter there were similar samsung monitors (maybe a bit bigger but same technology) and alot of the quake players said that those monitors sucks, have big input lag etc... so my advice is, dont go for samsung monitors.

Benq xl2411t with nvidia card (lightboost enabled) can be really cool, i will go for it too when i have money :p
I have a Samsung one. Mine sucks aswell, I'm so bad if I play with it. Feels like my aim is so slow and irresponsive. I thought it was just the displayrefresh, but guess it might be the manufacturer then? lol
Yea, samsung monitors have high response time (not sure if all models, but the one I bought definately had). Refresh rate is overrated i think, response time is much more important, because it can "make you reflexes shit" or something :p
Regardless, I don't think refresh rate is overrated though. If you compare high with low refresh rate, when people are strafing it looks like they are skipping frames with low refresh rate if you are used to a high refresh rate (which is basically the difference between the two).

But yeah, guess my Samsung also has slow response time then lol :p
I've been using that s23a for couple years now. It was smoother than my old 75hz lcd but thats all I can say, never been happy with it. For that reason I ordered a new monitor today. (xl2411t)
Did same, had samsung, bought xl2024t.
benq xl2411t = insta skill boost
Can the lightboost work with an ati card?
you have experience with that? What settings would you use?
From what I've read it seems that 120hz & 10% is the way to play FPS with lightboost?!
120hz and any above 10%, 10% is too dark for most map besides supply, radar is unplayable for me with it, so im turing it off. But aiming with lightboost is quite easier, also thats could sound bs, but damage feedback is lower. Tbh lightboost is great at new games like bf4, which is bright enough to spot enemy even in dark places.

Its possible with ATI card also, just read some journals on esreality, they hardware content about benq stuff is quite huge.
Try 120hz and 50%
Im playing with 40% ET and BF4.

I said im turning off 10%, not whole lightboost mode, my mistake!
I'd use it for CS:GO.. Any advise on that game?

Also what exactly does the percentage stand for? From what I've read the higher the percentage, the more gosthing?
More "%" less bright and less motion blur, more smooth. 10% is pretty dark, could be too much for CS:GO, but in BF4 its still playable.

You can try from 3 FPS modes, just pick which fit you best, you can also change brightness, deep and other things and make your own.
wait for more euro then buy the new eizo 240hz monitor!
benq xl2411t 144hz here, using 120hz + lightboost though
got benq xl2410t, but i play on 17" or 19" option :D
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