Best metal of 2013

2013 is almost over and everyone and their grandmother is making shitty best of metal lists. I've been making mine since forever on CF so who am I to fuck with tradition?

Every time I make these journals I'm crossing my fingers hoping I don't have some huge missers :p. For example in 2009 I missed like both United States of AmericaVektor AND UkraineNokturnal Mortum (easy #2 and #1 spots), that was pretty epic. Anyways I think I listened to alot more stuff this year, so the missers will probably be less. Don't blame me, metal is a really fucking huge music genre with MANY hidden gems! I had some absolutely incredible finds this year, many of them landed in my top 20, so I think I did good after all. Missed top albums will be posted on a later comment.

Oh and if you don't see your favourite picks, I started my original list as a top 100 which then I trimmed to a top 50 by picking whatever felt more right. I honestly think that the bottom 60 picks were all of about the same (high) quality, the top 40 outshined them though. So chances are they were trailing close behind.

This year I wrote some small reviews/summaries of the top 5, to make this a bit more personal than just a numbered list.

Lastly, 2013 is the first year of a death metal renaissance, especially OSDM, it was really hard to put any other genre here, of the other 50 picks like 30 were DM. Blah blah who cares, scroll down bitches (and use right click)!

50. United States of AmericaVHÖL - VHÖL (hardcore punk/black)
49. NorwayKeldian - Outbound (power)
48. GermanyThe Ruins of Beverast - Blood Vaults - The Blazing Gospels of Heinrich Kramer (doom/atmospheric black)
47. United States of AmericaImmolation - Kingdom of Conspiracy (death)
46. SwedenSoilwork - The Living Infinite (melodic death)
45. PolandBlindead - Abscence (progressive/atmospheric sludge/rock)
44. NorwayVulture Industries - The Tower (progressive/avant-garde)
43. IndonesiaVallendusk - Black Clouds Gathering (atmospheric black/blackgaze)
42. GermanyThe Ocean - Pelagial (sludge/progressive)
41. BrazilThy Light - No Morrow Shall Dawn (black)
40. United KingdomHaken - The Mountain (progressive)
39. FinlandOranssi Pazuzu - Valonielu (black/psychedelic)
38. United States of AmericaInter Arma - Sky Burial (sludge/black)
37. FranceAosoth - IV : Arrow in Heart (black)
36. United States of AmericaWindhand - Soma (doom)
35. United States of AmericaDeath Angel - The Dream Calls for Blood (thrash)
34. United KingdomGrave Miasma - Odori Sepulcrorum (death)
33. United States of AmericaAlter Bridge - Fortress (alternative/hard rock)
32. United States of AmericaRevocation - Revocation (thrash)
31. GermanyAtlantean Kodex - The White Goddess (A Grammar of Poetic Myth) (epic/heavy)
30. SwedenIn Solitude - Sister (heavy)
29. SwedenCult of Luna - Vertikal (atmospheric sludge)
28. FranceAtaraxie - L'Etre et la Nausee (death/doom)
27. United States of AmericaFates Warning - Darkness in a Different Light (progressive)
26. BelgiumOathbreaker - Eros|Anteros (sludge/crust punk)
25. AustraliaAltars - Paramnesia (death)
24. NorwayObliteration - Black Death Horizon (death)
23. United States of AmericaNails - Abandon All Life (grindcore)
22. ColumbiaInquisition - Obscure Verses for the Multiverse (black)
21. New ZealandUlcerate - Vermis (death)
20. United KingdomCarcass - Surgical Steel (melodic death)
19. GermanyBeyond - Fatal Power of Death (death)
18. IrelandAltar of Plagues - Teethed Glory and Injury (atmospheric black?)
17. ItalyProgenie Terrestre Pura - U.M.A. (atmospheric black/IDM)
16. United States of AmericaSubrosa - More Constant than the Gods (doom/sludge/stoner)
15. NorwayLeprous - Coal (progressive)
14. AustriaSummoning - Old Mornings Dawn (atmospheric/symphonic black)
13. United KingdomSatan - Life Sentence (heavy)
12. SwedenEnshine - Origin (melodic doom/death)
11. United States of AmericaOvid's Withering - Scryers of the Ibis (djent/deathcore/symphonic)
10. FranceMonolithe - Monolithe IV (dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom)
9. United States of AmericaDeafheaven - Sunbather (blackgaze)
8. United KingdomSaor - Roots (atmospheric black/pagan)
7. SwedenAvatarium - Avatarium (doom)
6. United KingdomHell - Curse and Chapter (heavy)
5. SwitzerlandBölzer - Aura [EP] (death)

image: 154bxbm

With just 2 EPs under their belt this band has become one of the most important new faces of metal. Aura is a truly unique, highly creative and dynamic blackened death metal EP with an extremely dense atmosphere, driven by huge, all-encompassing, planet-sized RIFFS (with all caps), mixing The Ruins of Beverast, Asphyx, Neurosis, Deathspell Omega and Incantation (listing just the most obvious ones), and the end result? A masterclass nightmarish, devastating behemoth with one fatal flaw: it has only 3 songs, and yet it landed this spot with relative ease, imagine where it would go with more material! Can't wait for their full-length debut!

4. SwitzerlandPaysage d'Hiver - Das Tor (atmospheric black)

image: 2py56hc

Wow I just worship black metal like this. Das Tor delivers the most soul-crushing, cold, eerie low-fi ambient/atmospheric black metal experience you could hope for this year. I did the mistake of listening to "Offenbarung" while falling asleep (I think it was around the 15 minute mark during that wall of sound avalanche when it happened), the next day my eyes were as red as tomatoes. Apparently my brain didn't shut off completely while I slept and it kept my eyes open while I was semi-consciously drifting in an endless loop of a whirlpool of sound. More Darkspacey riffage and a bit less ambience than what we are used to from previous records is fine in my books. While not the best recording of the one man band, this still contains some of the most stellar, majestic and entrancing tracks Mockl has ever written. Absolutely essential for any metal fan.

CanadaGris - A l'ame enflammee, l'ame constellee... (atmospheric black)

image: 335eces

This is the black metal equivalent to F♯A♯∞. A very sophisticated, tremendous effort that takes Gris even further than where their awe-inspiring debut has led them. Dark folk is fused with neo-classical elements to forge a very passionately performed and beautifully depressing BM record. I think the word “massive” is the best to describe the orchestration here, and along with very emotional vocals, Gris does no wrong and releases another masterpiece. Extremely highly recommended.

United States of AmericaKayo Dot - Hubardo (avant-garde)

image: 2my6squ

There is a lot of polarity coming from people who have reviewed this. Let me tell you right off the bat that Hubardo is an acquired taste, especially if the weird spectrum of metal doesn't sit well with you. But for certain this is the greatest thing Toby Driver has put out since Choirs of the Eye and the two maudlin of the Well masterpieces. A review of this thing is pretty much pointless, it is something you need to listen and rate by yourselves. All I can really say is that it is the nail-bitingly unsettling, blissfully gorgeous, intense avant-garde multi-instrumentalist 100 minute perfection you have been expecting from Driver and metal in a long time.

CanadaGorguts - Colored Sands (death)

image: wk36s5

How listening to a Gorguts cd goes:

Song 1: WoW, this is INTENSE!
Song 2: What the hell just happened?
Song 3: What is this I don't even. Let me get a breather please.
Song 4: Make it stop, MAKE IT STOP. But I can't stop listening, my brain demands more!
Song similar to Clouded from Obscura album : ...ALL HAIL GORGUTS. ALL HAIL GORGUTS.
Last song ends: <evil grin> Again :>
And before you know it, several days have passed, you are out of a job, your girlfriend left you and you're dying from starvation.

Luc Lemay, objectively one of the greatest death metal musicians/songwriters of all time, has returned with one absolute motherfuck of a comeback album. Fanboys like me were dripping wet just thinking about all the possibilities of unexplored regions of technical death metal that Gorguts has yet to delve into. Will Colored Sands be a continuation of the legendary Obscura, will it use a more old school formula like the early Gorguts records, or will it follow a new path altogether?

Well, Colored Sands follows a template which is a compilation of all their previous albums. It encompasses textures and dissonance through a set of musical ideas which haven’t been fully explored yet, driven by riffs and very weird melodies influenced by well, I have no friggin' idea, (all I know is that Lemay loves eastern european "dissonant" classical composers of the last century so maybe there's that) which will be studied and dissected for a long long time. Typical Gorguts overall. It is crushing, organic, brutal and one of the most intricately crafted records I've ever heard. It sounds fresh, flows exceptionally well for something as dizzying as this, and doesn't contain even a single millisecond of anything subpar to the Gorguts standard. Hell it even sounds "melodic" at times. And by "melodies", imagine they are replicated by aliens trying to instrument human music, but ultimately failing in grasping the humanity of it all. It is something you just haven't heard before. While it still sounds alien, the band give the listener a lot more to latch onto compared to their previous records, and their modus operandi this time focuses on a murkier, slower and sludgier album and production. However, it will still probably prove too much for the casual listener. If Obscura was bat-shit insane asylum crazy, Colored Sands is the reformed and released into society insane person. He means well, but you know something is clearly not right.

This is what Gorguts would naturally evolve into after more than a decade of silence. This is for me the most important death metal release of the past decade. And I'm pretty sure Lemay and co. are not even close to having pulled everything yet from under their masterful hat. Judging from how easily "accessible" Colored Sands is compared to earlier works, I honestly think this CD was made as a taste to see how the metal community would react to a comeback, a small sample of a band with infinite potential, an appetizer to prepare us for an even brighter Gorguts future. I am expecting that when the next CD will land, it will be the full force, nothing will prepare us for it. It's gonna be even better than Obscura. It will completely annihilate us. 10/10.

A great review by (non-metaller) Anthony Fantano:

5. PolandRiverside - Shrine of New Generation Slaves (progressive)
4. United States of AmericaQueens of the Stone Age - ...Like Clockwork (alternative)
IcelandSigur Ros - Kveikur (post)
United KingdomSteven Wilson - The Raven That Refused to Sing (And Other Stories) (progressive)
United States of AmericaEarthless - From the Ages (psychedelic)

image: ziomfa
That's punk, and fronted by a neonazi :)) good effort.
thats nowhere close to punk,punk
They were, unless you want to go into shitty genres like psychobilly now.
Either way, Jocke is a cunt

image: Pitbullfarm+tuig
u nazi motherfucker
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Nice man normally I would flame you because it'ss just common sense on crossfire website but this time I just cant. Everytime you bring these lists I end up listening to most of the songs.
Thanks man, it's always nice to see people appreciating my lists, it's obviously my biggest incentive for doing them.
again you payed no attention to KVELERTAK. I doubt the quality of the list..

?? how?? how not to mention them???
Sweet. Sticky!

Will go through some of the stuff later. Was wondering why some were at the top then realised it was starting at 50 x) Nice to see Falkenbach on there, it had some bad reviews from what I saw but I loved quite a few of the tracks on there. Markus always puts out some good stuff.

Will have a listen to some of your top 10 later, don't know some :) Got the Hell album here but still haven't put it on yet

Should check out Finland Wolfheart if you still haven't heard it Tuomas new project (ex black sun aeon, before the dawn etc etc etc)
The falkenbach cd had many flaws tbh but was still pretty good. And you know how metal reviewers are, 4 metalheads 6 opinions. Gonna check em out, I'm a fan of Tuomas.
Thoughts on new Hypocrisy? Was it in your top 100? :)
Think it's great
I had mixed feelings about it. On the one hand it gives me the impression that this album is what Hypocrisy is all about, everything sounds as it should, but on the other it felt a bit too standard, like they exhausted all the good stuff already and had no choice but to write an album just to write an album. Can't really pinpoint it better. This is by no means a bad album, for the true fans this is a really good Hypocrisy release, but on the next level it brings nothing else. Maybe this is felt more strongly because the whole melodeath genre seems stagnant for me at this moment.

Not only @ Panda:
BTW, did you listen to any of my recommendations that you didn't know about & how did you like it? Also, what's your fave album this year?
All true! I think Peter still brings out some fresh music with Hypocrisy each time, but I can only imagine it gets harder to write something up with so many melo/death bands and trying to keep the fans hooked.
Always a risky move if bands want to experiment otherwise, while you get those that only like 'the early stuff' etc. Not related to Hypocrisy as such but every band. It's good to see they're still going though. First got into them through 'The final chapter' album.

Right now I've got 2 bands to check out, Starkill (think Children of bodom basically, newish band singed with century media and the new album by power metalz Germany Silent Force.

My fav album? Hmm, I really loved the Summoning album, but then with Caladan brood the more I listen the more I love it. There has been so many good albums this year, Tyr, Poisonblack, DT new album was good, Ghost, October falls, Sodom, Thyrfing, Enteral tears of sorrow!.

Biggest disappointment: Turisas and Megadeth.

I listened to quite a few from your top 10 maybe, I now have the Das Tor album too :)
Listened to Wolfheart, check my missed albums comment! At first I thought it was rather generic finnish melodeath (and I'm not really interested in generic metal albums unless they are really well made), but eventually some solid songwriting won me over. Still doesn't beat Black Sun Aeon or Before the Dawn though!

Will give some of them a listen.
The Abyssal record is heavyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Check this out!

New to me, need to get the whole record to give it a listen
This is what I'm talking about... So many unheard hidden gems everywhere in metal, I love this genre. This sounds a bit like the other new major atmospheric black metal revelation for me this year, Arsaidh/Saor, but with psychedelic and without folky elements.

We need to start becoming more hipster fags and check out more blogs etc if we really wanna get to know everything great and new in metal.
True. Finding more and more every week, which is great for me!
Another band that is fairly new to me and similar to Clad in Darkness in a way is Canada Noir/e

Really liking their sound so will give their album a listen in the week to see how it is.
Not too sure of many blogs, I check a lot to see what new releases are out, quite a few unknown/new bands come up on there too
I've moved on to 2014 by now, not looking back at what I forgot/missed in this year's list :p

Album of the year so far (judging from just that one song): GreeceHail Spirit Noir (psychedelic/black).

Still waiting on new (some were supposed to release new LP's by 2013) Cynic, Darkspace, Nokturnal Mortum, Ne Obliviscaris, Vektor, Entombed, Demilich, Empyrium, Negura Bunget, Wintersun, Bolzer, Elysian Blaze, Woods of Desolation, Behemoth, Grand Magus, Sigh, Alcest, Blut Aus Nord's Memoria Vetusta III, Triptykon, AtomA, Solefald etc etc etc.

Bold = Album of the Year material from bands that (if almost) never disappoint. I have my doubts about Wintersun though...
Ah, christmas came early. Good job as always!

Gigging next week, if I am in condition to drink,

Missing Link

1349 - official site :

Black Sabbath 13


Carach Angren - Haunting black -

Carcass already on there!
Did you really enjoy that sabbath album? Gave it a few listens and just thought they were trying to scrape whatever remains are left to keep them going. Wasn't too impressed :/
oops updated, btw im a fan of BS since 25 years and honestly this album is one of the best ever made, really
:-) each to their own I guess, just my personal opinion on the album itself. I do like BS though!

Oh, you added Satyricon now :3 I liked the album but a lot of people have criticized it now as they seem to be moving far from their pioneering BM style that. Nemesis Divina still one of my fav records by them <3
true true, lots of ppl think that satyricon is only a Black Metal band, thats true but this is the logical evolution of the band even if The Shadowthrone is my fav album of the band
Honestly, I only liked 13 from the albums you linked, I found the others pretty meh :(. There were much better releases this year!
13 was recored by Rick Rubbin and it makes the difference
btw add this one on the list :

Tryptikon from 2010 but still an awesome album, they are in sutdio atm


e: something from finland
suomi always so hardkore
Oathbreaker <3
butcher babies missing ofc :DDDDD
No nipples, no #1 spots.
haha indeed :D, but the list is too much black/death/trash for me. missing some power metal like gamma ray or halloween and some rock/new metal like drowning pool. also the new killswitch engage album was pretty good, but as u said there are too many heavy metal genres to mention all of them.
Yeah man I guess you can say I enjoy some genres more than others. I loved the new NorwayKeldian (power metal) though, it was catchy as BALLS. Can't say that my ears caught any others from those genres you mentioned. The "heavier" genres of metal had much more interesting and quality releases this year if I have to be perfectly fair.

Was about to suggest Winterstorm's Kings will Fall album but that came out last year :(
Great German power metal band :)
Something really wrong with ppl who enjoys this:
Seriously what the fuck.

And no I really DONT want to flame here cause i can see you put loads of time and work into this list and review. I just clearly cannot understand what is this, sounds like zombies scream from hell.
This is death metal. Death metal artists take pride in the brutallity and technicallity of their music, resulting in an on-going dick-measuring contest to see who has produced the heaviest and (ultimately) most un-listenable sound.

Sometimes death metal vocalists are refered to as "singers"; if one over hears this common misnomer they will promptly freak the fuck out and correct whoever said it. Singing is never a welcome part of any true death metal song, instead frontmen use a combination of belches, grunts, squeals, gulps, roars, and whatever other noise sounds primal and raw. Pitches of these vocals range from yoda-getting-ass-raped-high to that low grinding, gurgling sound when your roommate flips on the garbage disposal with your hand still wrist deep into the drain trying to dig out a stuck spoon.
Do people really enjoy metal over RockNRoll?, I mean I like metal, but Rock is way more melodic and progressive, then again people have different tastes :)
I can only speak for myself, I like metal and rock about almost the same and that goes for almost all their sub-genres, I listen to other major music genres as well ranging from electronic, drone and ambient to jazz and classical, but my honest opinion is that metal is the most interesting of them all. People can argue that metal is the most diverse music genre (probably even more than electronic) compared to rock, that there is a metal band for each person on the planet, but that's not it. I feel it depends on the person whether he will embrace some new-found music genre or not.

I'm a sci-fi-loving kind of dude, in music I like experimentation and exploration, complexity and passion, and metal stands by these in a big way, more than other music genres (personal opinion). Hence I like metal more.
gaming community

fking metal admins stick metal journals

them nazi finnish
There was a best of hip hop or some shit last year, they said they're more than happy to sticky such thing if someone came up with a list like this to discuss with others.

But then again, metal is the bestest music so what can you expect :)))
i can like any music from any genre, but i dont think its a common style
2013 best frontman so far.
great, I've been waiting for this list :D
I could never listen to most of these bands myself, but I appreciate the effort you put into this :) good job.
thanks :))
Also worth listening to:

Monuments - Gnosis (prog metal/djent)
alot good music on your list but you missed, United States of AmericaThe black dahlia murder
Right now I'm loving a rather unknown depressive BM from Russia

Promising demo, couldn't find much more on youtube but download the demo or something! There's also a lifelover cover on there :)
prolly the only genre i cant stand listening to.

United States of AmericaBlack Crown Initiate - Song of the Crippled Bull (EP) (melodic death/progressive) ~Top 10 material
United States of AmericaZealotry - The Charnel Expanse (death) ~Top 20 material
United KingdomAbyssal - Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius (sweet jesus let me hold on/death) ~Top 30 material
PolandObscure Sphinx - Void Mother (atmospheric sludge, what is it with Poland and sludge lately?) ~Top 30 material (that closing track, holy shit)
FinlandWolfheart - Winterborn (melodic death) ~Top 50 material
definitely missing Protest the Hero, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Vildhjarta, The Safety Fire, Counterparts, Conducting from the Grave, The Black Dahlia Murder, Dark Tranquility & TesseracT

Other than that superb list (+187692462962346 for Gorguts on #1)
I couldn't handle Protest the Hero and tDEP, I thought they were too much or too weird for me. But again I'm not the biggest fan of mathcore, I have serious issues with bands like these. I could process mindfucking releases like Portal, Ataraxie, Kayo Dot and Abyssal but those 2 were indigestible for me.

Black Dahlia Murder and Dark Tranquility suffered the same treatment by me as Hypocrisy release, good albums by their standards but pretty monochromatic, didn't really feel excitement. In retrospect I should remove Falkenbach release because of this but who cares. Didn't listen to the others.

Like last year, 2013's #1 was miles ahead. 2014 will be brutal though, at least 5 bands that I know of that are incapable of creating anything less than masterpieces will all be releasing new albums.
Ah, has it been a year again already.
Thanks! As always.
From my list above I would recommend Vildhjarta and Conducting from the Grave the most - considering your general taste :D Tesseract is something completely different, but after I've seen their current album pop up on many lists of "best whatever album of 2013" I gave it another listen and its great (I would even go as far and say that if they keep progressing like that they can become the 21st century's pink floyd).

Kinda agree on TBDM and DT - both albums were top-notch but very "samey" on a high level of musicmanship.

Apart from that - are you releasing your list on other places too? Just in case CF isn't anymore in december 2014 I would still like to see your list (since that is the only thing that let me open Crossfire for >9 months).
how can there be not this on the list:

or this:
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