6on6 #ET cup tonight? yes!



SIGNUP: http://et-cups.tourney.cc/sign-ups/

vote for the last map: HERE


do you want me to host 6o6 cup tonight, starting at 20 CET?


another poll, what maps would you like to see there, vote for your favorite maps


2 maps with most votes will be in the mappool. supply, grush, radar and adler will be in anyway, hence they are not there.

the cup won't require uac. anything else like maps per round etc depends on amount of signups

Yes we want a cup, no we don't want a random polak to host it
stop embarrassing yourself already
despite the fact that I am the admin of this site where you are registered for just 1 year, as well as gtv admin, multiple cups admin, team poland's captain, a player who played many times in ec and many more top-tier tournaments - you are right yea I'm a random polak and it's nothing compared to a figure like you.
I would like to explain you 2 or 3 things, but since your IQ appear to be lower than kazim, it'll just be a massive waste of time. random polak
thought so :-)
I'm glad we finally understand each other m8 :) So you can ask someone with a normal brain to host the cup instead of you tonight :) appreciated xx
kk whatever you say mister known skillzor legendary lan winner and stuff, i only know random polaks so cup is cancelled unless you wanna host it?
Why did you edit your post? found out your reply was just full of non-sense? Sure you can cancel it, I won't host it since i've got 0 experience in hosting cups what so ever. We can be sure to see a cheating polaks fest in your cup since you'll allow all your cheating buddies to play your cup
I find your replies full of non-sense, yet you still keep replying to me humiliating yourself even more.
yes very much humiliating myself, such humiliate wow
wow dude

ur like a faget magnet xd
Wonder where such a dibshit like you got this ego from?
Whoever you are, you just went full retard.. Never go full retard man
Lets face it, with anyone that would still care at GTV/CF u would be long gone as admin, as u are one of the most utterly retarded polaks stil left there, along side with robaciek.
cheaty cheat
u mad cuz a random odc organized in few hours got better teams than your ultra delayed shit ec?
yeh i can see, dat blasting final man, so many viewers, it was outstanding, outrageous!!!.... oh wait, go back to cleaning some toilets baddie :D

next time try harder.
same shit all over again, you cannot even come up with something new that would slightly bother me xD
Look whos talking, a guy capeable of hating on anything thats been done better than him and spelling consistently out two random words, damn man, ur mom must feel proud of ur education, not to mention, the loss of a random polak team and a team of whining babies, i can live with that anyday anytime.
nah still nothing, hope you improve next time you will come here to comment under my shit
At least at something ur right, its shit.
oh dear xDD no further comments
Indeed, cus u realized how crap u are lol, took u some time, but o well, ur polak, so i forgive u.
Get that stick out of your ass, it's one thing being butthurt, it's entirely another obsessing over it on crossfire.
What are u talking about? It's not my problem of using some program and crying like little baby not having their candy.
what Oxy said
21:00 cet and girls are in
maybe avi to play - pm on cf
Depends on if you will let all your busted polak buddies and yourself play =)
sure, host it

the game can use any kind of activity, atleast hes trying to do something for the community
humanaim allowed?
sick6 reporting for duty

Quote<Oxy> tipsa,
<Oxy> 6on6 cup tonight
<Oxy> we in!?!?
<tipsa> with polish cheaters allowed?
<tipsa> :D
<Oxy> as if those ever bothered us before
<tipsa> better have a good team then
<tipsa> because losing against polaks ain't acceptable
<Oxy> working on it
why arnt you guys participating in ec?
my guess, uac
it is pretty fucking shit, fps drops to da maximum.
erase avi
Don't forget to mention u will ban everyone from #ET that hurts ur precious feelings :D
Lets face it, with anyone that would still care at GTV/CF u would be long gone as admin, as u are one of the most utterly retarded polaks stil left there, along side with robaciek.
wow i wouldn't expect you to copy+paste this trash's words xD + words coming from your mouth meh stopped care about it long time ago
I like you but you started to act like Kamz with all the "i dont gief a fug abut et leloloel nerfs quit the game xd"

are you gonna lick my ass now?
not brown enuf lelelele
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