An apology
10 Dec 2013, 02:04
Journals would like to apologize to the whole ET community. It has come to our attention that the amazing ET community does not tolerate people who "serious prac 24/7 2k13 tryharders". We are sincerely sorry that we still enjoy playing this game together and having fun 2-3 nights a week. We are sorry for all the people that have been upset over the fact that we still play this game. We are sorry that we alone have destroyed this game for continuing to play outside of major cups/leagues unlike top teams who show up for these cups with huge top gamer names and should naturally win everything despite the fact that they barely play these days and force themselves to play a few fancy cups a year. We are sorry that toNi cheats.
We are sorry.
We are sorry.
that's what kept et alive!
lol'd @ toNi part though :D silly rokka the landodger
learn to ignore those nerds they r just jealous
u guys played amazing :)
On a serious note anyone giving grief because you practice is an idiot and you guys deserve to be where you are due to that practice.
edit: i hope you guys are trolling, i dont see how things people say over the internet could actually really affect you lol. but you guys have played well and there isnt anything wrong with playing a game you love and being good at it. SHWAAAAAAAG
Instead of whining about you being tryhards and praccing 24/7 when you're winning, those guys should simply start playing again themselves and beat you. If they can't do that, they should just be quiet.
6 years, 1 month and 12 days
6 years, 1 month and 12 days
6 years, 1 month and 12 days
2 days
2 days
2 days
2 days
2 days
2 days
2 days
2 days
2 days
2 years, 4 months and 28 days
2 years, 4 months and 28 days
2 years, 4 months and 28 days
it's okay if you don't want to play ET any more or as often as you used to, but this just makes you look insecure
was that not you?
you got my vote for crossfire reply of the year award
PS: i love toNi
by dTEC7 • today, 04:04 • Journals
Just finished ur prac?
Maybe you don't have shiny names, maybe you are not even close to the top teams from historical standpoint, but you put your time and effort while the others don't - and that pays off. Do it for your own enjoyment, not to be acknowledged by others, it will save your nerves.
they r practicing and im sure they would be able to take on top teams from the past as well if they keep playing
<3 snatixm8
if they pracced this much and were able to beat KW one dispo etc...
That being said - I don't want to take anything from eA, praccing still pays off and they managed to surprise quite a lot of people. They might be top in this respectable time, but still not on par with teams previously mentioned (and with the "quality" of todays pracs, It would be hard to catch up).
they would be consider med/+
The teams mentioned above were on top level among all the skilled teams that were still competing those days or whatever u wanna call it ur way.
that's just so sad
spending your free time enjoying ET, how sad are you guys, just join and flame other people, it's way more fun to do in your spare time!
won premier 3 years ago :]
E: not, the rest
oh ok.
why would u react to this if it isnt true nerd
WP erase, wp indeed.