An apology would like to apologize to the whole ET community. It has come to our attention that the amazing ET community does not tolerate people who "serious prac 24/7 2k13 tryharders". We are sincerely sorry that we still enjoy playing this game together and having fun 2-3 nights a week. We are sorry for all the people that have been upset over the fact that we still play this game. We are sorry that we alone have destroyed this game for continuing to play outside of major cups/leagues unlike top teams who show up for these cups with huge top gamer names and should naturally win everything despite the fact that they barely play these days and force themselves to play a few fancy cups a year. We are sorry that FinlandtoNi cheats.

We are sorry.

image: wilz10
I'm sorry that crossfire will probably remove this calling it spam:/ The way life is.
This post actually carries a big meaning between the lines to the current state of ET and its community but unfortunately since this site is so alive and journals are being posted every few minutes there is a big chance that this journal will indeed be deleted by admins that take good care of the site.
For some reason all the forum and journal posts are been marked as spam, Guess we have a hate admin!
"All". Right. Or maybe just your shit-threads?
My shit threads of I have some anticheat? That's really shit as we have been looking for it for a year now. Idiot.
dude youre killing cf with deleting everything. thats why theres almost no content... let there be a shitpost once a while jesus man
back in my days crossfire was all about shit posts.

that's what kept et alive!
There's a difference between shit posts and complete bullshit stuffs.
I haven't deleted a thing, though I would have if I were the first to notice his posts :)
Im taking general crossfire mod policy here. theres so much that gets deleted and you must be delusional if you dont agree that the activity here has declined since cf4.0 and heavy moderating. of course theres some decline because of et being somewhat inactive but still you get my point.
Activity has gone down, but I rather not let the retards go wild just for the sake of spam and "content".
fucking tryhards

lol'd @ toNi part though :D silly rokka the landodger
haters will always hate mate
learn to ignore those nerds they r just jealous
u guys played amazing :)
no worries man, we're all equally shit.
Apology not accepted, this is 2013 you are not meant to practice. Get on the same page as everyone else guys.

On a serious note anyone giving grief because you practice is an idiot and you guys deserve to be where you are due to that practice.
that nikkkkooooo attention whoring gg :s
all publicity is good publicity my man JB taught me this. But seriously don't understand doesn't matter if you win or lose people cry about something #logic eh.
lol tryhard

edit: i hope you guys are trolling, i dont see how things people say over the internet could actually really affect you lol. but you guys have played well and there isnt anything wrong with playing a game you love and being good at it. SHWAAAAAAAG
People are just hating the fact that most of the former top players have quit playing and you've kept on going, which has allowed you to become a top team. There has always been hate towards new teams (with new players) on top level so nothing new here :)

Instead of whining about you being tryhards and praccing 24/7 when you're winning, those guys should simply start playing again themselves and beat you. If they can't do that, they should just be quiet.
rofl who are you fucking noname shit???

8 years, 11 months and 12 days
6 years, 1 month and 12 days
6 years, 1 month and 12 days

6 years, 1 month and 12 days

2 days

2 days

2 days

2 days

2 days

2 days
2 days
2 days
2 days
2 days
2 years, 4 months and 28 days
2 years, 4 months and 28 days
2 years, 4 months and 28 days

2 years, 4 months and 28 days

captain obvious cannot into sarcasm
omg change batteries xD
Stop being so upset.
I guess you were "sick6 God"? :P quite sad to flame other players for doing nothing more than playing a video game more often than you do

it's okay if you don't want to play ET any more or as often as you used to, but this just makes you look insecure
What the shit?
Quotesick6 God : is it true erase are playing ec final?
#ET^7Robert : WB final
#ET^7Robert : so they are top3 guranteed
sick6 God : hahahhaha
sick6 God : hahaha
#ET^7Robert : and CF cup grand final from LB
sick6 God : i thought i was being trolled

sick6 God : talent > 24/7 nerding
sick6 God : noobnerds lost ggwp

was that not you?
I could tell you who it was.

you got my vote for crossfire reply of the year award

PS: i love toNi
My favorite team atm :) Keep it up!
np, some of us still dont care if people prac or not
Cheaters :s
An apology
by dTEC7 • today, 04:04 • Journals

Just finished ur prac?
thought the same :XD
ET problem today - practime from 18:00 till 02:00 - searching oppo time = 7h -- play time 1h
Play time 20minutes because either oppo or someone from your team RQ and there isn't merc avi
apology accepted
just cut the crap, why would you care what others think? This is just sheer attention whoring...
Maybe you don't have shiny names, maybe you are not even close to the top teams from historical standpoint, but you put your time and effort while the others don't - and that pays off. Do it for your own enjoyment, not to be acknowledged by others, it will save your nerves.
what the fuck do u mean historical standpoint?
they r practicing and im sure they would be able to take on top teams from the past as well if they keep playing
don´t get your nose too brown, they are definately a good team, but that statement is just rediculous.
<3 snatixm8
:D erase > pro5

im sure pro5 played together much more than these guys did
if they pracced this much and were able to beat KW one dispo etc...
props for beating mix of skilled players
There is one very significant factor going against them - there is basically no suitable enemy available for pracs. Most of the times they are left playing some random mixes or 2-3 teams (which are far from being at the same level as top teams during ETs golden times). There is very little variation between day-to-day practices these days, you may reach some level this way, but you will not get past that unless you play challenging games you can actually learn from. You have to play against top experience to get that top experience yourself. In my opinion, they are nowhere near top teams from golden days - TLR/BB, zP/pro5, idle/dignitas/mamut, impact, masculine mans, EDiT, YoYoTech, SNB, VaE, NETR, Helix, one4one, cdap-pi...
That being said - I don't want to take anything from eA, praccing still pays off and they managed to surprise quite a lot of people. They might be top in this respectable time, but still not on par with teams previously mentioned (and with the "quality" of todays pracs, It would be hard to catch up).

they would be consider med/+
so TLR, impact, dignitas were what ?
Dude u have to realize there's basically not a single med+ team praccing on daily basis, hell, not even 2-3 times per week, apart of erase prolly, back at the days u had TLR and even mamut playing at least 3 times per week, and u had shitloads of teams to pick from, nowadays u see 1-2 euro teams and rest is just polish mixes.

The teams mentioned above were on top level among all the skilled teams that were still competing those days or whatever u wanna call it ur way.
i understand :)
what i mean is that the high teams of today would be considered around med back in the days of the other high teams,
Not all, just most of them.
what high teams? lol.
there are no 'high' teams these days apart from phase. Any other team is like med+ max
i think u noob jaymod player :_D
vittu miten säälittävii on postata tälläsii, kasvas vähän
yes, POLARb olBaa shines again
nice to see u guys still playing gj
toNi the guy voted to be worst finnish et-player 6 years in row????
6o6 beasts
its ok.
playing ET is fine, but cmon guys


that's just so sad

spending your free time enjoying ET, how sad are you guys, just join and flame other people, it's way more fun to do in your spare time!
amazing logo guys
i still remember you guys playing in like division 2/3 3 years ago :p
I still remember u sucked in division 2/3 3 years ago :p
Hell, he never reached that high 3 years ago!
Can i prac with you????
ET community never ceases to disgust me, makes me puke :E

E: not, the rest
attention whores
makes journals about creating a team, destroying a team and quitting 5+ times a season-calls others attention whores

oh ok.
now I wanna see which teams I destroyed.. give me some links, info or whatever + also give me journal/forum post where i wrote that i gona quit et

why would u react to this if it isnt true nerd
Okay, sorry. You are absolutely right.
Are YOU seriously saying that? :D
bored in uni so now i can make people mad/going crazy
Please don't become that kind of faggot
Quote by Azur
that nikkkkooooo attention whoring gg :s

WP erase, wp indeed.
lol didn't thought that u can still find enemies 3 days a week :D
only being upset about erAse that since i left they are fuckin good :/
pretty good logo 10/10
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