Searching "This is ET" Fragmovie

Hi, Guys.

At the moment Im watching a lot of Fragmovies which has been uploaded on youtube and're not blocked cause of copyrights (Germany, I hate u for it :D)

Since a couple of weeks Im searching the fragmovie "This is ET" (Made by Kamz? Dunno it anymore :P), cause Im not able to watch it on youtube because of this shit reason I wrote before.

Im also looking for the moviecfg that has been used for it, because I want to make a movie on my own and the cfg is similar to this what I want :)

Would be nice if someone can help me out with it :)

Greeetzzzz Kenjiii ;)
now that one was a really bad clip
Funzt trotz proxytube nich, deswegen schreib ichs hier rein.
proxe mate addon?
doesnt work. It doesnt start, dunno why. :/
Thanks a lot :)

Yeah, next time I will do it :)
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