Comp Mod Features Q&A

On editing a comp mod I would like to know what features you would like me to try an add, Things you maybe wanted in etpro which was not possible or menus, spawns and so on!

Thing that I saw and wondered if you guys think its nice, Fireteam show through walls aka need medic and need ammo signs, NOT FULL BODY, NO Wallhack, just fireteam things to shorten the time looking at the map to see if your guys there.. Just an idea, that's why i ask and not do.
I have a question for you:

Who are you and why do you have so many CF accounts?
Well my name is snowy and i am making a comp mod with anticheat for the etpro community.
Quoteand why do you have so many CF accounts?

So far, you've done nothing but spam our forums with multiple accounts, promising us an "ETPro anticheat" which seems to be hardly anything more than a slightly modified (?) version of the silEnt mod AC. Don't get me wrong, we are certainly in need of a proper anticheat, but why should we use "yours" instead of simply speaking directly with the silEnt mod developers? What do you have to offer us, specifically?
New pk3, edits, new menu, new features, scripts and well a tournament for people who are willing to give it a try!
This does not answer any of my questions, and no offense but it's not really what we're looking for in an anticheat. I am interested in this topic and would appreciate some actual answers please.
Basicly I'm removing the gaymod stuff and putting in some comp stuff!
Menu like config, added more option for players like sound and hud a mouse settings and more, there are now 14 huds to choose from, adding etpro map scripts to work with silent, lua script working too, givin players use of commands to check a players silent server profile to check if they cheat, simple things but in a sense take ages to edit
Quotebut why should we use "yours" instead of simply speaking directly with the silEnt mod developers?

You are essentially taking a mod which is not your own (silEnt) and trying to make it similar to another mod which is also not your own (ETPro), and you expect the entire community to switch over to it when you won't even give me a straight answer about who you truly are and why you have multiple accounts on this website, none of which are more than 2-3 months old.
Firstly Anticheat. Secondly Because a etpro like mod with anticheat is better than 2006 etpro with hackers, Thirdly I am snowy! Many people in the past made fake accounts of me, I was stabbed in the back after setting up an etpro server and also i have only have 2 accounts and one was banned for "too much spam" which isn't spam when a forum is a place to talk.
Look this mod will run for the tournament, Thats it. I don't ask for anything else other than people try it. Fine, This post was here to ask what things people would like to see aka referrering to the tournament, Silent supports everything etpro supports just it was a bit gaymod so I removed it, most of the players liked the test server and some don't because they have problems connected due to some cgame failure from what i read is they are trying to load a cheat or something. Enough said this will run on tournament and goodluck with your etpro community.
image: jPOtJEQ

If you want to run a tournament with "your" mod/anticheat, then go for it, but we don't enjoy having to deal with this sort of bullshit here. HipKat was bad enough with his nonsense, but at least he didn't have multiple personality disorder.
ETvApouR > idfAllen > SiickReloAd > SnowStorm
Lol i am not vapour, I know who is though! Taku, sick reload was the the account i made which got banned, id fallen is from hipkats old server
he copied silent anti cheat to etpro folder :D
I made some changes on that, not etpro anymore.
Why do you call it etpro then?
In basics it is just silent mod renamed to etpro...

Crap et source code (or etpub) and script your own mod.

Also I think Nitrox already did a compmod and there were some attempts to set nitmod as comp mod.
Lol nitmod as a compmod is horrible silent was built on etpro with pub features
Nitmod is actually pretty good.
nitmod was nice but as a comp mod no, easy to cheat,easy to hack! silent mod has loads of comp features and supplys a anticheat
QuoteWe are greatly thankful to ETPub dev team and community, since silEnT mod was started from ETPub version 0.9.1.
Add a new class called lumberjack.
Only pistol and big fucking axe which gives him possibility to chop down every tree on a map and make a barrier which can be blown up with a satchel.

image: Sion_Lumberjack

Most epic comment of the century
yeah sure.... Etpro mod with omnibot enabled lol.... Real etpro hahaha
actually the omnibot is been used a player for me to test things on, even though omnibot is an option i am only using it for test purpose's.
still acting like you're both not the same guy? :D
Maybe too smart for this thread?
Did you even ask the coders if you could use and alter THEIR code?
He didnt alter shit, cus hes as dumb as goldfish.
ET is open source lol
Yeah and silEnT isn't.
If it isn't then it is going against the license agreement made by ET. Which means it can be shut down.
ET is double licensed mr coder. RTFM.
So why does trickjump zero say everything has to be open source? I mean he has been telling me for years everything is open source
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