[IDEA] NC 2014

ET's activity is definitely not at it's peak, neither is le skill so here's idea for CB:8 team nc with Finland United Kingdom Poland Belgium Netherlands Sweden France and Germany. Better games, no useless stuff like Brazil playing, more about skilled teams and random captain installing ET on buddies' PC so Romania can have 6 and so on. Also makes it easier for admins in terms of identifying cuz with all games on ETTV the demos are there and serverlog can be checked for IP match so no bN happens!

This is 100% serious and you should consider this.

Alternatively NC by #ET can be organised if CB feels they need to give Brazil and bN a chance
rather 1 more OC istead
rather OC/EC/NC combined
yeah no, Norway would want to try to gather a team and participate

(you're allowed not to care, read, watch or do anything until playoffs (with the 8 best nations))
Fuck yeah, to the front men!
Canada has a good filled lineup that could compete also
crono isn't allowed to participate, Forward Momentum has practices to do.
no cwels allowed
and you are not the one who will decide about it
sadly. so cwels will be allowed.
What do you care if teams play longer group-stage and eliminations? You don't have to watch them and it is not like you are going to play in any of those.
eliminations would be lovely tbh
Serious fact : FranceNever reached finals because they never wanted to be led by a real MarseilleColonel.
When did we start running cups purely for the benefit of the viewers? Using your logic, there is no point in running a 6on6 OC at all, since EC games are far more exciting to watch, right?

Regardless of activity, our cups are not for "top" teams only and never will be. If we do end up running another NC, signups will be open for any nation that is able to field a 6-man lineup, as usual.
whered ur fb post go to, wanted to read it
This is all in situation where there is no way to identify players AKA NO UAC OR W/E
How is this idea of yours a solution for that? Should we allow fewer nations to compete in NC so that it is less difficult for us to keep track of who is playing in the cup? If that is the goal here, then it would probably be easier to simply ban Team Poland.

And what sort of database of IPs are we going to compare the ones found via server logs with? Assuming ClanBase shuts down, we will be left with no official league or anticheat for ET, which means no place to keep track of player IPs.
Team Poland and bN! CF+GTV ip database?
The way Crossfire logs IPs is nowhere near sophisticated enough for that to work, and I highly doubt that it is much better on GamesTV or that they would allow us to make use of it anyway.
If you'd have people sign up with links to CF accounts then it might be less of a hassle and GTV is better for sure and Marcus might allow it if by signing up users agree to it.
I've thought about that, but many players have dynamic IPs and Crossfire does not automatically save your IP when you're simply visiting the website while logged in - you have to post something or do some sort of action first.

So set up signup post where people are supposed to comment reply to captain's signup comment!
And what happens when their IP changes after that? Should we force all players to post on Crossfire every time they have a match to play?
Why would it change completely? IP within range should do like ya know fine?
Because many ET players use the same ISP as other ET players? Because some ET players live relatively close to other ET players? Because shared IPs exist?
lies. you bitches always manage to ip match cheaters, you're just making troubles that will occuse in less cases than UAC lags cases
No, you just happen to think that every idea of yours is flawless and any idea that someone like me comes up with is terrible.
No every. Just 90%.
Fine. 87%. Today's decision to watch juve's game wasn't so good.
you act like i'm the first person to smurf? people always smurf and get away with it lol you just don't know about it
Nah, you're just most recent case in NC (twice in a row if I'm not mistaken :D)
you mean i'm the most recent that got caught? yea, and you are mistaken I smurfed last nc as ppE and like 4/5 years ago as Quota..
Really? Wasn't twice in a row? or at least shorter ammount of time?
:D You have no idea how many people play for different nations in reality. Tzac accounts were traded back and forth quite a lot. People generally just don't give a shit, same situation as twidi mercing for 5 EC teams. The only ones to actually care are the butthurts. Hell, we had kevin play on iron's tzac account for one or two games iirc, or at the very least intended to.
I do have the idea but easier to speak of CAUGHT and BANNED cases
Haha, yeah man, breaking the rules is so cool and anyone who says differently is butthurt!
clanbase IS SHUT DOWN... GGL sucks dicks
Nothing is "official" yet, but yes, GGL is quite annoying!
I got this for you.
i prefer reading the newspost of all the nc teams :)
will be a good season
Stop tryharding with your shit ideas please
only if you stop tryharding ET
Sure, so will you stop posting there if i quit gaming?
You will receive a platin medal of community for sacrifice yourself in the name of greater good.
erase will win nc anyway
NC w/o Estonia Night? no thx.

NC was all obut useless matches in group stage where Brazil random was able to be proud because he killed mAus once.

I'm not sure that Belgium is better than Estonia Czech Republic or even Iceland
Night with who? eestis are virtually gone from community
Eestis to busy to read gay topics like this one, We do have real life...
Hahh, no more excheaters and div6'ers in hungary.nc. DAS$ĐđAD43

icecube approves
dont even know if france can gather a lineup lol
kzm kaisen ange pupa tiger snatix yokoo :s easy win
you missed out emorej
dont worry, you can always play for catalonia
I don't know the state of the game since I haven't played in ages, but it seems kind of counterproductive and even discriminatory to organize a NC only for the "top" lands. If a land can field 6 players, why not let them participate?

This sounds more like a G8 summit of ET than an actual NC cup! :P
the topic is made by robaciek, what u expect.
at current state that's like low+ team in EC. there's not even wooden spoon award anymore
rofl, last season Czech Republic beated Belgium twice and robaciek still hatin...
Whatever its not a bad idea but you if you wanna do NC just for 8 teams, you should invite 8 teams from 1st - 8th place from last season
Robert please.

Tits or Destiny?
u stupid? nationscup is for all nations, getting a lot of countrys is the best that can happen. it's still about fun and seeing lots of nations makes a nationscup better. maybe get more time for signups so that every nation can get 6 players to avoid dropouts
wat about we just remove poland and that's GG
What about make u a cb admin.
You got a point in what you are saying,but doing this would be stupid as calling your self Robert.
Hitler: "Cmon Robert thats a bit too radical,
you should calm down."
Sounds terrible.
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