Cfg Help

Hi i need some cfg help.

Can some one give me the codes:

crouch on shift

lean with mouse4+a(left) or d (right)

and a good cfg for 1920*1080 ? thanks in advance!
pm chaplja, he knows about codes

@admins hf deleting my comment
Quotecrouch on shift

bind SHIFT +movedown

Quotelean with mouse4+a(left) or d (right)

Not sure if that's possible, but here's the command to bind lean:

bind [key] +leanleft / +leanright

Quoteand a good cfg for 1920*1080 ?

You mean to set ET to that resolution?

set r_mode -1
set r_customheight 1080
set r_customwidth 1920
thanks, i have a new pc and i have not constant 125 fps, do you know what the reason may be?
close unnecessary background programs/processes, use lower graphics settings, etc.

Google is your friend :)
this ohurcool always so cool
thank you friend
I run battlefield 3 on high definition so there need to be a different reason. I have already googled.
dunno, sorry

I play on a laptop and have stable 125 fps on every map :P
If u gör nVidia take threaded optimization off from 3d settings
Could be anything really. ET is known to has these kind of quirks. Look on this site or the internet for some advice, there might be a random command which solves it. It might be easier to try different configs. Check if "r_swapInterval" is at 0 for starters.

Another common thing is "Threaded Optimization". It's a graphic drivers setting meant for newer games and it messes up your FPS if used with ET.

There are numerous threads about similar things, here is a start (came up after googeling "threaded optimization ET") :
r_primitives "2"
Yes it is possible. You can lean by using "activate" with the left/right button if you wish so. It's how I always leaned. Way better than leaning with separate keys imo. Easier to manouver during leaning and you can use those two keybinds (which are probably close to your standard keys) for something else.

The command to switch it up is "b_noactivatelean 0" like someone already mentioned below :)
ah, right :P I thought he meant making a bind which requires two keys to be pressed for it to work rather than just one

but then you can't push while strafing or it will force you to lean instead :(
Well yeah that's exactly how it works and that's what he meant. Pushing while strafing is indeed harder, but it hardly matters because if you press "forward" + "left/right" and then use activate, it will activate instead of lean (if I recall correctly).

I have NEVER pushed a person while I was in a strafe fight though, so it's true that you can't really efficiently do that. But then again, only two players I played against who I remember pushing me more than once in duels were OLBAA and Bl4de. I think some guys had it scripted at one point, but its more gimmicky than anything else.
yeah, but it only works with +activate right? like I can't bind "CTRL + SHIFT" to open console or something, although I dunno why anyone would want to do that anyway

what about opening doors or pressing the button on deliv?! :P
Yup, only works with +activate, hence the name of the command. Never had any problems with opening doors or pressing the button on delivery. You rarely strafe when doing those and if you do, you can easily substitute it with a forward+sideways movement (which makes you move sideways without leaning. I'm used to it though, so for me it's natural.

I've had the odd moment where I leaned when trying to open a door, but I always felt like the benefits outweighed the minor risk you run. Considering I've played a fair amount of games on a high level where the slightest mistakes get punished and did pretty good during the short periods I played actively, I would think that not being able to do a pure sidestrafe+activate is really not a handicap.

Only controversial thing I did when it comes to pressing a button was pausing a EC quali game during the supply stage after I pressed the button (On my screen I had lagged out before even pressing :D).
Quotelean with mouse4+a(left) or d (right)

seta b_noactivatelean "0"
bind mouse4 "+activate"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind d "+moveright"
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