Huge lag on Windows 8.1

Sup i I got more free Time and start play on public server

Butt on my Winfdows 8.1 got huge lag on all server
when play anather games like WoT i dont have lag

any ideas?

Thank For help

If i was you I'd call the microsoft help desk and ask the same qustions at the same time mentioning how shit their new operating systems are
Windows 8 isn't too bad, only problem is the start menu -- which imo is superior to the old
Every OS is not too bad... vista not bad but requires 16 gb of ram to work well ... 7 not bad but requres at least 12 gb of ram to work well + at least 100 gb hdd as it takes more and more after your each login ... 8 has a very creative menu n stuff but needs lots of ram as well ... At the same time there is xp and mac osx , and both work perfectly.. However xp is the most exp OS at the moment xDDD and 8 is the cheapest one ... And i honestly dont think its a marketing trick xD
Its okay to install vista78 at home to watch some hardcore bdsm porn or to play some games , but think about companies and its staff that have to survive with this pressure every day.....
Thats why i use "start is back" ^^
yh and even that has a trial period, most of cracks are bugged so the "most used programs dont even show anymore"
woot... works fine for me.. go to warez-bb and get latest version... tbh mine isn't cracked atm, but then again i got the trial version (RC) and there wasn't cracks available.. there are few now ^^
theres 30 days trial version, after that u can buy it, or try cracks, but normally cracks bug up the recent programs.
As i said, no problems here (laptop) with latest version... it's installed for more than 1 month and cracked from day 0, works fine
yeah as I said I prefer the new start menu.. too bad MS is gonna bring back the start menu in 8.2
Didn't they include it already at 8.1 version?
nah, only a button which does the same as your windows-key on your keyboard
at first I was mad because of no start button. now I am perfectly fine with it, I dont even miss it at all
Visually its okey, but i think the old one is more functional, faster.. etc... dunno, guess i am getting old :D
i never look at it anyway, all I use it for is winkey + write something + press enter, which i feel works better in the win8 start menu than in the older start menus
yes i just love a start menu that takes up my whole screen and where you have to scroll over 40x40 tiles instead of simple names of the program;p
Well no ideas without being able to research it, but check your task manager to see if some processes uses lots of memory or CPU? Could possibly be PB too. And make sure you have the newest GFX drivers. If it's a laptop, turn off all power saving shit you can possibly find.
I got PC
Meybe i change driver i got test driver from ATI with Gaming Evolved Control Center by Raptr
seta r_primitives "2"
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Rather not help you
For nvidia, threaded optimisation causes lag.. it has to be turned off.. for ATI, i'm not sure if theres a comparable setting..

I'm on win8.1 with 4770k and gtx780.. with threaded optimisation on, i got constant lag
Well I am giving up on windows 8 this sunday.
It was my first legal copy of windows after all the years so I wanted to really hold to it but FUCK OFF.
Yesterday this shit happened to me the 3rd time in 8 months, randomly turned my laptop on...all good and bum black screen, nothing shows for like 30 minutes until suddenly windows 8 says Hello, lets get started and goes on to fucking re-install everything. It took nearly 2 hours to do it and I was ok with it, but then again after it rebooted it just fucking DID IT fucking said hello to me again and started over, so well 2 more hours lost so I could write an email. I am getting rid of this shit , IMO it is faster than windows 7 and uses less resources, but for me it is not worth the hassle ..its already the 3rd time I get this black screen shit for doing NOTHING , I didnt do shit , didnt install shit and it fucking did it.. so no ty. I will just download another illegal copy of windows 7 and continue to say fuck you microsoft, this is why I dont go legal fucking motherfuckers.
perhaps upset a little? :D
<- Still using XP
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