Is the universe a giant hologram?

"Maldacena himself predicts that we could one day use just quantum theory alone to explain the nature of everything in the universe. "

welcome to the matrix :XD


image: ashley-sky-38
tldr but i think yes
Interesting subject. Sometimes I imagine being a square seeing a cube, how would it be? (and i'm not high/drunk eheheheheh). I mean even if you live in a 3D(+1) world, we can describe the nature this way, some other phenomena aren't fully described it's probably because as squares we don't see all the characteristics of the cube. Yet, it's just a hypothesis...
Anyway, one of the main problem nowadays is we cant find the holy grail of particles. We "found", atleast had "high probabilities" results on most of the particles from standard model but still the graviton is missing. Either something is wrong in the model or we simply cant find it.
In a nutshell, I don't know if "hologram" is the appropriate term, the thing is gravity can't be denied it's the reason why stars can make fusion happen, the issue is we cant find any particle related to this force. Also I don't think this theory can explain what is the mysterious additional energy/mass in the universe that we call dark matter/energy. However, I'm not saying string theory is shit. But I think it's too early to judge this theory since there are still theoretical physicists thinking about it.
Alright I could write a book but it's just my pov, it may be wrong it may be true. Funny because I didnt expect to talk about this on cf a saturday morning but yeah why not afterall :{D!
blowing my fucking mind
String theory is massively fucking annoying, I surely hope it isn't the answer.
So fucking annoying at Physics class and as hardly anyone understands what our teacher is trying to tell us we get to hear about this at least 20 minutes twice per week -.-'
string theory

Yeah, you'd be surprised of all the shit we get to hear about in physics, of course we don't dig too deep into it, I'm in an Austrian type of high school with focus on natural sciences and mathematics though

I bet you have seen this video

edit. wrong video cant remember the one i meant
Don't remember watching it but sums up my thoughts pretty well. To go further until Newton, physicists described nature with a 3D space but it was more a restriction than anything else. Later on, statistical mechanics and then quantum mechanics showed that you can use any subspaces of Hilbert space to describe a system. And it works pretty well though otherwise we wouldnt expose our teeth under xrays @ dentist for example :XD
i had even better video in my mind explaining how 2d objects cannot see 3d objects and 3d->4d and so on
feel free to share if you find it (:
Oh the hours I've spent watching/reading things about this :PpP

didn't read the article, but this theory has been known for a long time already.
i really really doubt the "measuring the energy of a black hole" thing which the whole theorie apparently relies on...i mean there must be so many interfering variables, it sounds ridiculous to me to even try and "measure" anything from that distance
Crossfire scientists at it
QuoteI'm only like a 10 year old trying to explain it to a 5 year old, so anyone feel free to correct me where I'm wrong:
First off:
Don't mistakenly associate the word hologram with the Matrix or a StarTrek holodeck. It's a mathematical representation of something inside something else. It's like a video playing on your screen: it's there, but it doesn't take place on your actual screen. It also hold more or different "dimensions" than your screen is (you're watching a 3d videorecording on a 2d screen).
Dimensions are a though concept. It's not just about left right up down "and time being the fourth dimension" - it's a mathematical system that goes over the head of many. For now, consider them as "variables of a calculation", where the calculation is the system.
Then, what does (roughly) means:
Stringtheory is a (albeit debated) theoretic framework that explains all the different particles and behaviour.
Strings are 1-dimensional objects.
They run into a lot of problems explaining all the stuff happening in the universe, what happens in black holes (look up black hole entropy for example) and gravity and such.
In order to explain part of the stuff happening they need 10 dimensions to make the math work.
In order to explain a different part of the stuff happening and work with string theory, they have 1 dimension to make the math work
They have managed to make the math between these two systems correspond to eachother. So they can now use the 10 dimensional calculations and place these "inside" the 1 dimensional calculations.
This gets them a step closer to making the stringtheory as a whole "work".
Concluding: it doesn't mean we are living a lie or that we're in some sort of fictional world that doesn't exist. It means they have managed to put a 10-dimensional framework inside a 1-dimensional framework, like putting a video on your screen.
Source: I used to be a physics teacher, quit the field and completely switched careers - so I'm not very deep into this. I'm pretty sure there are people around here that can correct and improve my attempt to explaining this.

from redd it
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