Japan boosts defence

Just though i would share this here to see what the rest of you think about all this story, basically could say paranoia at its best or just mindfucked by U.S allover ?


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Is it me or is $240 billion way too much just for those? It seems like the average cost of each unit is over $2 billion.
Everything does have electric windows, airconditioning and brand new stereo though
Nope, not really
this guy here is expert on these things, yes.

never even hold gun on hes arms but he KNOWS!!!
I'm simply compairing it to previous arms deals that I know of and specific costs per unit, for example a jsf 35 costs around 50 million us dollar while they order 28, submarines tend to cost around 1 to 3 billion us dollar, destroyers around 2 to 5 while an air craft carrier of the nimitz class costs 8 billion (they didn't order any, just to show how much they cost), then they need to pay for the delivery, the training they receive and of course the armament (missiles etc). It's actually not even a bad price but that's maily because the U.S. want to weaken China in this area
The most expencive shit here is the upkeep of everything. planes need constant patroll flights to actually function normaly. Same goes mostly for everything what includes bolts and oil.
Training manufacturing, upkeep, the places to hold them, the staff to pay what uses them. So it all adds up!
the world need to act as one unit, and not countries.
You are probably not involved personally in all that shit going on, but that's kinda ironic coming from someone from Israel :X
yep, fucking jews
what are you implying? kanker
Oh nothing, please dont send rockets to my house though
no need,

the Muslims in Holland will do it for me
They don't have time for that here, too busy stealing and reselling bikes.
except for the arabs amirite? :~>

how u doin m8
lol you got me :D one world, without them, indeed!

im fine mate :~>
how is sebastian, and yourself?
one world, without jews
dont mind being born in sweden
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