small update - RtCW Alliance Cup

We've recently had an unfortunate event concerning hacking.
I've added a new rule on the cup's website stating that all participating players are required to record demos of their matches. An admin has the authority to request these demos if he thinks there is a need for it.
The cup's official server config has also been adjusted to force at the very least the value of cg_autoaction 1.
edit: cg_autoaction is forced to the value of 7
What happened?
RtCW + hacking + nackjee do the math

does this really surprise anyone? I mean it's obvious that he has been cheating in RTCW + ET pretty much all the time
He and some of his team pretended he was someone else.
2001 + ?? + ?? = ???
Avi today? :D Come Irc at 20:30 CET
Can't bro, taking a girl out in London straight after work!
If you want demos 100% to be recorded cg_autoaction 7 should be forced. I see it's in 1 to 7 in the config but 2-3 of those settings dont give you demos.
alright, didn't know that. thanks for the tip
Never thought it is possible to hack on RTCW 1.4.
It's possible, just noone though someone would actually be bothered to do it.
i already muted this nerd on ts long time ago... i ask the community to stop playing with him... we dont have an anti cheat so, basically, this is the only way we have to defend our selfs against this ultra nerds...

dont let him play mix teams...
kick him if u see him in a pub...

mOST got bored alrdy cause no one wantd to play with him... jst do the same to this focker...

btw i think the cup should force some pb since ppl is abusing a lot on cfgs lately...
Quotecg_autoaction: Sets automatic actions to be taken, 1=start demo at start of each round, 2=take screenshot at end of each round,4=save game statistics to file at the end of each round. Add the numbers of the actions you want.
Above sentence explains all really. For example, add "1" and "4" if you want to automatically record demos and save statistics. Red always wants everything so he set this to "7". Some German leagues force players to keep this at "7".

We'll talk a little about this on stream today in the pregame for Crossfire vs. Blatant Disrespect.
Welcome to the issues we have to deal with every single day in ET! :P
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