searching old game

Hello crossfire,

I have been unsuccessfully trying to find a game that I used to play around 2004 and now ask you guys for help!

I got it with a bundle of game demos and it was a shooter. One of those games in the bundle was some under-water-sci fi-shooter and the other one a shooter where I was fighting at the pyramids in the desert without any other friendly soldiers. As I only had the demo I was only doing one mission in the game I am searching for at which I first was riding on a truck as an US soldier which looked like

The scenery was scrub/steppish. Then when the truck stopped I got off it and stepped forward where an enemy wave came towards us. The weapon I used was an m16. I'm not sure but I think the crosshair was a dot, I was able to zoom in though. When zooming into the iron sights one couldn't see anymore what was around them. It was all black except for the the view you can see when looking through the iron sight. I was able to switch between multiple firemodes.

Then I remember it was a wide open field I had to walk downhill at until I ended up at a few houses and a road going through it. There were enemy tanks around and the US soldiers had anti tank weapons with them (wasn't rpg and one didn't have a lock on for shooting or anything, but some kind of rocket launcher) which one was able to pick up when the soldier carrying it died. In the end I ran to a black hawk helicopter. I'm not sure if that was part of the mission though as the mission didn't seem to end there :p There was some message but as the game was in English I wasn't really capable of understanding it :p

I'd be greatful if someone of you could tell the title of the game I am talking about,
Thanks in advance!
would say also Delta Force... the underwater shooter could be Aquanox.. but couldnt find any infos about a bundle but i know that there was bundle all over the places back then...
Yeah, aquanox could be the other game :p I think it was packed in a red demo bundle
Try Conflict: Desert Storm 1 or 2..

you could also search through the release dates back then... Spieledatenbank-- Spielerelease
Oh and a mate played halo or halo 2 around that time
Delta Force Land Warrior? =)
maybe the first Operation Flashpoint?
that's it I guess lol :D
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