Finally rich

image: 6m2eofl2xtoasem7rxh2ny6jghwj8

12k? Is that rich in poland? dayum, brb buying your whole economy
multiply that by 4+, monthly rent for le nice room is like 700-800, add 200 on bills, then you can go with like 500 for food, another 500 for alcohol and smokes and show must go on
Don't mind these guys, not all are blessed to live in good economical land, nor blessed to get awesome jobs. Sorry in some country there are more people wanting the same job like " us ". And to admit in EE, where I live, has a few good workplaces to get a decent job, with decent payment.
To be honest I concider 12k Euros a huge money and this sort of amount to collect takes a lot effort.

I give you A+ Man, good job, to earn this money with honest and hard way!
I think you will never be able to get even 12 k, kulli :S
12k euro is like 48k zlotys, it seems to be pretty nice money !
Are you gonna buy new car or what? :) h8rs gonna h8
lost your virginity?
cooked a nice batch brah?

image: MyLVJeP
Mexico. Allz I'm saying
enough for plastic surgery :XD
ciągle mało, ale na nową słuchawkę i skrócenie nosa styknie
New color printer?
new floor?

12k in cash. dem drugdealers :/
He posted the photo on irc and it got picked up :)))
Legitimacy is still questionable with no explanation, timestamp or anything related to him :P It's just the spelling and we should all buy it, I mean cmon a polak having 12k€ cash is a pretty unlikely scenario.

My guess is the lottery or something.
monopoly WP
Polak has money,wtf happpend to this wrold.
CS:GO finally paid off
If that would only be urs :D
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