Brainstorm to save ET

Hi all.

As we all know ClanBase is shut down and we have really no other alternative to play our leagues and ladders. Many of you will wait for ohurcool or other admins to step up to find a solution to this problem. That's why I think it'd be wise if we create a journal where we can brainstorm about all these solutions, so we don't leave ohurcool &co alone.

That's why I have thought of different ideas that could possibly get ET back on track. What I need from you is input or feedback regarding the ideas.

It's also your game guys, let's all put some effort into getting this game back. I think CB will finish this OC/EC season, but after that we are in need of something better.

So, here are the things that I had thought of:
  1. I have approached ESL already to bring back the W:ET ladders. Some of you signed a petition saying you want the game back in the ladders. Since ESL doesn't respond very fast to these threads, Sn4k3 was approached with the question if there's any possibilty to bring it back. (No answer yet)
  2. Besides ESL I have also approached CyberGamer. This is also quite a big organisation where they support different types of games in their ladders. The most active game they have is CoD2. That's why I figured there might be a chance for them to let W:ET in.
  3. Temporarily organize all cups using or challonge. Playing ladder officials using these sites won't work.

If any of you have the slightest idea how to support W:ET by letting people play their ladder/cup matches, please reply to this journal. image: Shankly_Gates
Just let it die like the vegetable it is already! :D
as long as there is not a working anticheat on a long run its just a waste of time, and even if... most of the people just lost interest in et, people grew up and so on. move on
Wait, real Italy Mama?!
hello moto
ye people should stop following their hobbies and grow up...
i didnt say that.
Quotemost of the people just lost interest in et, people grew up and so on. move on

You really should take a course "understanding reading".
1 month ago I talked to the n!tmod guy it seems a serious alternative it would bring a decent AC + updated support since that guy is very dedicated to ET, after that im sure somebody in here has some php knowledge to create a website that could run a tournament and even more. Stop being pessimistic, cb/esl were just websites hosting tournaments/ladders, nothing stops you from creating a similar website with all the features an ET cup needs.
So stop crying, the game is still here, gamers (even if they arent as many as back in the days) are still here. You just need people willing to help. Even if Im quite busy I can find a couple of mins to help you out and Im sure some other guys wanna help too.
Just some ideas among others...
Why do you say im crying? Just looking for options that would hlep out those finding a solution.
not u, community in general when i see all these comments
We need some rich russian/chinese/whatever to host a 100k tournament. That would gather some attention and would make people realise that ET is the best of the best
only if :D
avi to give 12k
Stealing that from Robaciek? :DDD
SInce roba is rich can't he support Et community now??
paying bani for an update on etpro would be better
Why not run cf-ladder? Just need few admins and little bit time.
stop stealing my ideas please image: Kappa
Very few teams left in this game are enjoyable to play against.
Would be nicest to have everything internal. Something like CrossFights used to be. With a server plugin to identify people by their CF account, and using the banlist from here aswell.
Yes, for that you would need coders who are willing to do all this. I'm afraid there's no one in the community who will.
I might actually have some people interested in a project like this :) Would probably require some funding though.

I think the game isn't going to be any more active, atleast not a whole lot and thats fine. But it would be nice to have a decent ladder atleast for teams to do some games for. That sort of ladder isn't to hard to set up for crossfire if the people on the backend of crossfire like to work on that with some of my guys.
Only was is something inbuilt in Crossfire OR GamesTV since the only ppl that actually play ET browse those 2 sites only, they both have the biggest ET userbases so it would be the only way to get activity back without coding/begging other orgs to host ET and convince everyone to sign up on their probably crappy sites(?).

Just let the game die peacefully. I am pretty sure there is no way to really save this ship from going down, except if some real money is put into it.
My point is not increasing the activity, but providing a platform for those who are still interested to play.
And it's not that I don't appreciate that, since I enjoyed this game for about 8 years myself. But if the remaining players would care enough, I think these boards would be a bit busier.
money would be the worst idea, if you mean with prizes lol. we have no working anticheat so if we suddenly now decided to run prizecups so many people would be cheating to have better chances to beat phase/queens etc in order to get it.
I don't consider what I said to be an idea at all.
yeah, just needed to reply, others see this as a genuine good idea. :D like the 100K comment up above.
Get players. l0L u cant? ET is Dead. Doing anything without a player base is waste of time, and you cant revive a 10 years old dead game when everyone is playing LoL or other shit FPS games
point @ GudGayG3ri
we've got the most silent active server :

Join us
uve got the most nerds too :s
sorry erase not in sky-e
1) AC is a must
2)ESL OR CF cups/ ladder
I dont think ESL would pick ET up.
I see crossfire as the last place left to us,ET players to come over and feel at home,in this point,I think Ladders and Cups should be here,in crossfire as part of the site.
ESL|baq will save ET
Basic management
bring ET on steam.

inb4 aint gonna happen blabla, im just brainstorming

also etlive
If we had the numbers we could round up all the remaining ET players and make a league or two through Crossfire, Gamestv, or any other major ET-based site. But honestly, I think ET players are but a handful, everyone is in some kind of transitional period playing mostly crappy games waiting for a new fps messiah. The reality is there is no way to get more people interested in a 10+ year old game but a very small, very tightly-knit group of people.

What we ET nerds can do: Find a new F2P game with new Quake 3 or Unreal 2-like engine is the only real option. It will attract fps gamers like flies to shit. Why? There is a huge player base that's just not really happy with CoD or BF-like shooters that dominate the marketshare, and are dying to get word of a fps game that is just different from all the crap that is generally being released. Make it fun, free or low-cost, objective based, with a really high skill cap and create a decent anti-cheat for it (or make it impossible or not worthwhile to cheat at). I had high hopes for Extraction, I haven't really played it but from the videos I've seen it does some things right, but leaves others completely in the wind. Sorry, but that's just my opinion.
dajcie se juz spokoj z ta gra
ale ty tez, i masz racje
Just give us some time to figure things out, ideas are presented, just need to establish stuffs.
no1) Anticheat system
no2) Forget about irc! make everything internal- this web site should have a real time chat support
no3) Forget about money.
no4) Find shoutcasters! they attract viewers who will attract players and so on
no5) Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!
albert einstein's quote spotted
also remove these stickys on best dnb and best metal journals, so this thread wont get buried. no one really cares about that anyway
but i care about the dnb journal :S, dont be so egoistic... yes there r people who r enjoying to listen to dnb or metal not everyone is a helena fischer fan like u ;P
of course some do care about this shizzle but im guessing most dont. im not asking for a helene fischer journal myself, cuz i know not many will care

p.s.: helene fischer is hawt and u all should care
P.s.2:i know speculow is just trolling around, but im being serious, delete this shit, i dont want to see it anymore
most important is an anticheat i guess

or at least something like tzac ID that shows you who you are playing against
#ET cups will do
just try out other games
this topic reminds me of:
image: Fellowship
Timbolina, Lord of Crossfire, speaks:
"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old, you have been summoned here to answer the threat of ET. The competitive scene stands upon the brink of destruction; none can escape it. You will unite or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom.
Help these guys in any way you can (coding, modelling, texturing, etc.) or if you disagree with their roadmap at least fork their job and fix/improve ET as you see the current needs + bring a new promod.

PS. OK, I'm still sleepin' 'n' dreamin' :(
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