AMD/gfx update -> FPS problem

Hello! (I've got Ati Radeon HD series 5770 - yeah it's a bit old haha)
so yesterday I had some notification that AMD catalyst centre (somethingsomething) can be updated to new version.. So I obviously went for it and then obviously after restart and this crap, tried to run ET and I've experienced something really weird.. My FPS were most importantly unstable, BUT they were extremely low. It was dropping to 23fps, 48fps 36fps and so, jumping up and down all the time.. I've (before the update) always in AMD catalyst control centre changed a few things (like resolution, monitor hz and like two other things for better smoothness...), after I had these FPS problems yesterday I tried to put everything on default and tried to run ET again and it didnt help.. So I've tried to reinstall it and it didnt help either (also restarted cvars, deleted cfg/etconfig etc...)..
So is there any way to "uninstall" the latest update or the only way to play ET is to reinstall whole PC? :D

thanks for any help

PS: FPS in every other game are absolutely normal and everything works fine!

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Works on little bit older "new" gfx cards that can still use older opengl drivers.

pds on 21/04/11, 14:48:58 GMT

OpenGL issues and CCC settings.

fLoo on 21/04/11, 15:29:07 GMT

got any clue how to set it properly?

pds on 21/04/11, 16:13:04 GMT

Remove CCC and use this

Put the opengl32.dll in the ET game directory where ET.exe you can open ET just with SLAC, I asked chaplja so you won't get banned for cheats or anything I'm using it for over a year now since I had same issue with newer ATI drivers/openGL libraries.

fLoo on 21/04/11, 17:33:40 GMT

what about the newer games, it wont affect the quality ?

pds on 21/04/11, 17:42:24 GMT

Place the opengl32.dll ONLY inside the game folders where you have this issues, so only ET will be affected and no no it won't affect the quality of other games where you didn't place the dll it won't affect quality at all just limit the openGL dynamic functions to 2.0 (what ET uses) and what ATI drivers give are 4.1 (which is too much for ET to handle).

Hope this makes it clear, peace out.
Basically it didnt help me, because I have no fucking clue what to do/where/what/with what and that link doesnt work, but thanks!
opengl32.dll" if you got dis in yer game-folder be sure to get perm-banned by pbbans and or other faggot-streaming services..
Cheers for letting me know after I've been on 3 servers with it, for fucks sake :D
(still had that shit problem, currently doing christmas-cleaning for my PC so reinstall incoming, will try them primitives after, I thought it may be some cvar, but I didnt change anything before it starte...)
did u already set "r_primitives "2" in config? Else search for atioglxx.dll 10.4
I think that it's update problem.
could you help me via teamviewer?
What's the point now if there is no tzac anymore?
maybe deinstall and install old driver...
Change chicks pics to pics of ur cute gf and buy geforce card instead of radeon :>
last time i updated drivers and it fucked up my grapchics in ET i just did restore point :X

Download and unpack and copy the .dll in the directory where the .exe is, it's the opengl driver from catalyst 13.9 that works properly with older games.
Had the same with my HD7950, it had only 50fps with this 125fps easy.

This counts for all older opengl games, so people with fps problems use this.
!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU <3
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