new Community for CF?

I saw that CB has shut down so for it looks like the time is done for ET and imo the time till crossfire will shut down will be soon aswell? The last days i followed the user online counter and its sad for this site it going worser and worser... I know this site is or was the home of ET but isnt it time to get new people on thissite? I would be aviable to get news and content for csgo if its needed.. Why TosspoT dont do anything more for this... Hes a big name in.CS allready and could push this huge...

Its just sad what happend to this site and i dont want miss it..
Get cf 2.0 back.. Would help too since more than 80% ppl who still browse site would like it too
noneed of cb for et alive if yanowhamssayin.

why dont u delete ur cf acco and gtfo.. since ur only coming up with useless shit like ET is dead, please come play cs coz im rlly good in it but no1 in ET scene knows it :(
Thx for insulting for nothing.. But it was just an idea like spiroze said.. Why the admins of this site dont make it public and do something against the "inactivity" of ET.. With the community of cs it was just a point of a lot to get this site alive... And this surly not stupid besides the rest of journal content wirh useless crap in it...

Get a userfriendly site back " older cf "
add own league system
include "othe gamess 'example cs'""

And just my point. How you can say ET is active when no single EU league support.. Ofc people still play it but u cant say there is any competetive... I also still watch ETtv or play some pub..
ist an utopic idea to make et alive.

Firstly people ar getting bored of this game, secondly almost no one newschooler would begin playing an old game, when there ar many good alternative games out with super graphics, stable community. The most important factor ist that people ar getting older and have no more time and fun playing games. Thats why the game and the site gonna continuous"die", and no one gonna stop this process.
true words
Why would you want to flood this site with retards. We already have enough of those here.
I'm still wondering why the site still uses this "new" design. The old one was so much more userfriendly.

Also why hasn't this site yet hosted it's own ladder and cup system..
First good post..

Thx to the haters :-D still nice to see u remember how i raped u in ET
I can't seem to remember that
2nd part wasnt ment to you ;-)
can't remember that your idiotic and relentless spamming EVER killed ANYONE you cum reservoir.

I bet you are as shit in CS.
God get mature :-D
et never die
Im not playing anymore, still checking the site tho! Too bad that there are only a few journals a day (way more journals at the old cf)
well I don't think et is dead yet but I agree that the -competitive scene- seems pretty much gone and as for crossfire, whoever runs it doesnt give a fuck and probably wanted to shut this site down for ages already, otherwise I dont understand why it took like 5 years to add a "download et" button to the sidebar, or why they made this site looks like this killing its activity, or why is there still not an irc chat embeded somewhere (I have even seen some jaymod clans with this on their forums so not hard at all) or really anything that makes sense to boost or at least keep some activity in et havent been done in crossfire. inb4 coder says its too hard and does it on his own time /care
True that.. Finally someone understand my mind :-( its just sad to see noone cares on the website.. I dont mean the coverrage on running competitions but the site is missing a lot what it had 4-6 yrs ago
fyi TosspoT used to own crossfire and now it is artstar and merl since a few months
TosspoT still owns CF. Merl and myself became management around ~7 months after the change from CF 3.2 to CF 4.0 - I know users don't agree but a lot of money went into the development of the new site and thus it's highly unlikely CF would ever go back to how it was (in response to some of the comments in here).

in response to:

QuoteI saw that CB has shut down so for it looks like the time is done for ET and imo the time till crossfire will shut down will be soon aswell?

this will not happen any time soon and if it was on the horizon, nobody would be kept in the dark until the last minute like the unfortunate events that took place with GGLs management over CB.
That's good to hear.
Quotebut a lot of money went into the development of the new site

I would ask for refound :D
nigga exactly, that guy havent gave a fuck for et for ages which is exactly my point. I honestly dont care about the way the site looks anymore, but I would say 90% of the people I used to play with quit this site when the changed happened. Even if that is not important, why is it so hard to just embed an irc chat? Lol I know a guy who can do this in 30 min... but last time I read about smth that required coding in this website didnt have anything to do with tosspot or artstar o merlinator but some other guy who simply said no because no.
i just want old cf back :(
ET is not dead it just took a couple of shots
actually the average user count has barely changed at all over the past months (approx. 90 users every time i log in)
ick hatte noch 3 tage lang muskelkater :D
es ging .. hatte es mir schlimmer vorgestellt :D
nice observation tites, now go eat some more swedish turkey!
*swedish pork

you go and drink your afternoob tea!
how the fk would cf 2.0 help ppls to comeback?
It wouldn't, but it's easier to blame CF 4.0.
wait, maybe he got the answer

Why... I don't even... These ideas I just... Wow.
Crossfire is not going to shut down or revert back to an old version. This is the community website for ET and RtCW, and it will stay that way.

Also, not sure if you know this, but there is an "Add content" button on the top-right side of the website. Feel free to contribute news yourself if you think CF needs more. No one is going to stop you!
I honestly think CF 4.0 has had big part of killing ET and hence the community.
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