Memories about ET

Being sad, that is has come to the end.

CB is dead, Crossfire's layout is so ugly, that I don't even recognize the site; everybody is inactive.
The emotions I was given by this game, wouldn't be forgotten at all.

yes werent you that obvious cheater back then?
Some things will never change.
weren't you?
He still is, huehue.
never been obvious! :p but nah never cheated in wars and stuff either
ah the cheater @ nc who still got owned bad
brings back memories
how can i cheats? i are friend of bulldogs
you are still alive? what is this, a zombie apocalypse?
my memories :

[19:30] <sWat{syriusz> :XD
[19:30] <sWat{syriusz> kurwa z malczikiem ?
[19:30] <sWat{winq> zmadrzal
[19:31] <sWat{winq> gralem z nim wczoraj
[19:31] <sWat{winq> i zmienil sie
i miss my dutch friends :~<

where are you riano!
left cuz UAC
lol jij bent een aap ! :D
how are you m8????
very good buddy,

how are things in nl? :D
Im okay!! NL is pretty good too.........
The question is. Why did they make a new design? Was it because they lost the rights of the previous design to Gamerheaven (or what was it called again?) or just cause the admins are retarded?
because it was needed, i guess the community wasn't too happy with the outcome though
i dont understand
would it be too difficult to bring back old cf?
i mean layout wise?
pm merlinator
Funny thing is even the backend lacks of stuff like IP matching
Why is everyone complaining about the design again all of a sudden? Do you guys not realize that it's been a year and a half since 4.0 was released? What makes you think that just because ClanBase was shut down that Crossfire is gonna revert back to 3.2 and dozens of inactive ET players are gonna make a comeback?

If you'd like to see ET remain alive, start contributing instead of whining all the time. There is an "Add content" button on the top-right side of the website. No one is going to stop you from hosting your own cups or writing your own newsposts!
Almost everybody have been complaining about the design from the start.

People are just giving advise to make CF and ET more active again. Nothing wrong with it.
No, not really. People complained for a few weeks/months after the release then got used to it and stopped complaining. Now all of a sudden it is what everyone wants to talk about today, and I'm not sure why.

It's not practical "advise" at all because it is not going to happen. The notion of switching back to CF 3.2 is as silly as suggesting that we change the format from 6on6 to 5on5 again. Neither one will happen, and neither one will magically bring life back to CF and ET.
The decrease in journals, comments when the new design was released was crazy.

Bringing old crossfire back will increase activity for sure on this site. All little things can help and is what this site/game needs right now.

I wonder how long this site is gonna wait with making his own ladder..
Nope. You are blaming CF 4.0 for activity being low simply because you do not like the "new" layout so it's convenient to blame. It will not increase activity, and it's not "what this site/game needs right now".

Let's stop being so dramatic - ClanBase was shut down less than a week ago. Just because new things are not appearing every day doesn't mean they aren't coming.

All I ask is that people quit expecting so much from others and start doing things themselves.
People hosting the community website are the ones who should come with solutions.

#theend #goodnight #dontplayanymore #cfisdead
What a nice attitude you have! I guess someone should inform all of the admins from GamesTV, YCN, ClanBase, etc. that they need to quit doing what they're doing and just sit back and wait for the Crossfire head admins to solve all of our problems for us instead.

Maybe a few more of these journals will do the trick!
well, the clear majority of crossfire users dislike it and wish to have the previous version back, that's a fact one can't denie. Of course it's questionable if that's the main reason for the inactivity but it certainly has not helped crossfire when it comes to the activity. The old layout was more overviewable, faster, way more unique, less delicate when it comes to bugs, a more functional backend (from what I have heard from cf mods/admins so far)... etc
Quote by ohurcoolI'm not here to defend the change from 3.2 to 4.0. As I said, I wasn't a fan of the new look either. But it is pointless to talk about how much we dislike the way the website looks when everyone knows it's not going to go back to the way it was before.

And again, even if it did, the activity level of ET would remain the same - just like when the format was changed back to 6on6.
it doesn't mean that if we stop complaining about it that we suddenly like it or get used to it ;) The only thing we got used to is that it won't get reverted back. and knew the good old cf 3.2 was gone forever :((
Yes, I know. :P I was upset about the change too and still prefer the old CF myself tbh! Just saying we can't blame a website update for everything bad that has ever happened, even if it makes ourselves feel better to do so.
Actually the change of the site is a big reason why people stopped coming to this website, the reason nobody complains anymore is because they all left because of it. :P
Is it the reason for everything bad? No, but it is a HUGE reason why.
As said before, just look at the decline of the journals right after it got launched.
I'm not here to defend the change from 3.2 to 4.0. As I said, I wasn't a fan of the new look either. But it is pointless to talk about how much we dislike the way the website looks when everyone knows it's not going to go back to the way it was before.

And again, even if it did, the activity level of ET would remain the same - just like when the format was changed back to 6on6.
Sure the activity probably won't change if you go back but that wasn't the point I was making, you are underestimating/downplaying the effect the change of the website has had on the community.

Besides if everybody stopped complaining about things that are wrong nothing would ever change so at least they do something about it. :)
That is irrelevant here because it's not going to change, at least not in the way that a few of you are asking for. :P But I understand what you mean, I guess.
Its like saying u like to eat burgers but u dont go anymore to mac donalds coz their new design is shit so u dont eat burger elsewhere


ppls left ET coz they got bored, nobody will stop browsing cf if they want to be active in ETPro scene
Sure people left because they got bored or got other priorities in life, however people still came to this website to check up on stuff on the daily.

I was talking about people that stopped coming to this website and not about not playing ET so what you said doesn't really add up. However those people that would come on cf to check up on stuff maybe sometimes saw a one day cup or whatever and might have had a free weekend where they felt like playing and you totally lost that kind of activity.
can't even remember when an update was a good thing in a website. it always gets worse. used to check cf almost daily, but with "new" cf only about monthly and hating every second of it. my 2 cents.
If you say so. :P I find it hard to believe that you went from visiting daily to visiting monthly only because the layout of the website changed!
no, lots of people did honestly -- the activity decreased after 4.0

some people left because of the layout change, some people left because of the constant whining about it and no other content, and some people left because people had left :)
Choosing not to visit a website because it looks differently than it used to look is a bit silly, but maybe that's just me.
i guess. my point though, was that most people left because of the whine or simply because of everyone leaving
Yep same here
ye bring back old design :$
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