CB EC XXVIII - historic moment.

image: Congratulations

3 more days left till the end of this year, so I think I don't need to hesitate with this anymore.

I wanted to congratulate whole Clanbase ET crew, especially two best admins of 2013 ohurcool and aniky, for this awesome achievement that is: running an EuroCup Fall edition - with 9 teams only for more than 2 months already, which resulted in having the EC Fall games in both 2013 and 2014 year!!!!!!! Congratulations guys!!!!!

That is the first EuroCup Fall edition since EC 12th (2005/2006) that needed "2 years" to be finished.

I think we should all celebrate this special moment. party hard tonight dear Crossfire users!!

image: party_background
p.s. i've already said it to ohurcool like 3 months ago, i'm a madafaka nostradamus

Shut the hell up. Ugly Polak
mature ;)
inb4 Aniky using word "butt".
Since you are good with the numbers...

What is the last EC before this where the Playoffs were played without having a polish team in?
I guess it's easier to tell what is the last EC before this where the Playoffs were played without having YOU in
Pick any EC, but at least I don't give a fuck about it, you do.
let it go ...
now now, no need to be so upset, u will get ur bottle of milk just in time!

oh almost forgot: butthurt ?? :D
not surprised to see the same nerds discussing the same things over and over again :)
sniff sniff

aaah the familiar smell of butthurt
I'm alone in my room and I smell fart, I DID NOT fart, wtf is going on
Quick, close this thread!ç!
:DDDDDD Clownbase !
Considering CB went down what, 4 times in that period and actually shutdown - I think it would be quite a miracle to finish at all tbh.
+ we don't want to force any matches, just want it to be played
et still national sport in poland ?
im drunmk since 19th decembern,iffucltard
haha u so cool :D I see u everyday bragging here that "HAHAH OMG I've been fckinginggg drungk since last summer haha I drink so much :DD only nerds in crossfire ET is death" like FUCK you're lame as fuck like what the actual fuck :DD
butthurt much hmm?
polak or not, i agree with you, can we get all of this bullshit done allready ? my 2 loyal fans want me to rape some bitches in 2nd divi oc
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