My last journal


Hey nerdy community from crossfire website!!!

So yeah here we go, we meet again on bestest website in the world (even if image: tumblr_m4byo7a1EK1r98oo7o1_1280 is very close to grab to 1st place).

Since you guys are all pessimistic about ET's future and cry like little girls LOL I come here to warm your little hearts with my golden fingers.

Well, 2013 was probably the most inactive year for me since Ive played ET like 10h during the whole year but still I tried to follow the scene a bit so here's a summmary of 2013 according to me. This year there aint no ranking shit on cf so Ima do it le oppan francis style.

#1 ETbackstabbers :

Even if I don't really know what happened, its a known fact that they aren't any decent & permanent AC nowadays.

United States of America/Europe ESL / ClanBase


#1 ETsavers of the year

United States of America Ohurcool

For backing up the community

United States of America Peaches

For investing money into tzac even if it was a waste of money

#1 ETCasters :

United Kingdomdts
Netherlands adeto

Can't say they regularly cast but they atleast tried to keep ETgamers' heart beating

#1 Most hated :

Romania Unforgiven

Even if he wants to beat me up so hard so my head is smashed like a pizza and he'll send it to CF admins. We still love you (the manly way)

#1 ET National team
United Kingdom Team United Kingdom - Sponsored by Queen Elizabeth

Sorry France not even top 3 because you werent led by a true colonel image: Kappa

#1 ET Team :

For practicing very hard 24/24 7/7 52/52 365/365 and reaching EC top 3 image: Kappa

#1 CF king :
See shit above

#1 Woman with mostest golden medal :
Portugal Punky bringing to you new champions in 2013

#1 Community of the interwebs :


Even if I'm not as active as I used to be I still enjoy your retardism while drinking my coffee with croissants

Alright, I wanna finish with an interesting feature from new crossfire :

It's a swaggy stuff imo eheheheh write something on it so I will remember you 4ever ever!!!1 (Better be original)

Ok this is it for today. Hope you guys will play hardcore tonight get drunk as fuck and roll the ladies at cklub so we will all read these shits next year( LOL tomorrow)... yes I had to do this shiitest joke EU.

As usual and since it's quite a special day...

image: fidi67v

Soberly (not4solong) yours,

MarseilleLeFrancis - A computer journalist
I knew it! But came for a chicks. Happy 2014 journaling!
That's not a new feature, I've been using it for a while now !
not mentioning me??? :s
stoped readin after "My last journal"
yet u comment on every single journal i writeimage: Kappa
thats the longest sentence you've ever read. gg nice progress in reading
i flush yo jellyness together with ma poo and toilet paper
Happy New Zealand, from Japan :)
homie your in nz or what?
what a gay journal

i cant believe it got more comments than my latest blog..
maybe cf likes gay stuff bro :s
i wouldnt be surprise, its a giant sausage party here...

not even wrote @ 11:59
sum ppl have life
image: 3
thanks peaches for the money donated , she should be woman with big golden medal :)
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