game goes unsmooth when moving mouse

EDIT: okke so ET is smooth and shit when i spec some1 or stand still but the moment i start moving my mouse game goes unsmooth
I think that site just doesnt work properly everytime. Atleast for me it showed 60fps 60hz while i had 144 in ET
get used to 60hz like pros
Is fps dropping when u are moving ur mouse?
Are u playing with native resolution?
nop im not, but i already tried with native reso and no difference :/

ann no fps is not dropping
alt+f4, delete, discover other games or real life
In jaymod that is caused because of pmove_fixed, don't know about etpro
sounds like you got your screen herz rate fucked up or vsync on, make sure r_displayrefresh is forced to 120 and r_swapintervalls is 0
v sync is off and those ET cmds are also correct :A
when talking about unsmooth, do you mean fps drops or a different kind of lag?
its not any kind of lag but my screen just starts to like vibrate a bit and its not as sharp and if u do like speedybozars aim tutorial shit on a corner os sumth its like vibrating
And you have a 120 hz screen, right?
but weird things is that if i spec its cool but when i move myself it starts doing it :S
Only when you turn or also when you walk sidewards without moving your mouse?
only when moving mouse
sounds mouse related, you could try reinstalling your usb drivers and mouse drivers (if existend). Also do/did you have lightboost enabled?
how do i reinstall usb drivers? :D
and ye i tried both with and w/o lightboost

Then find the right usb drivers for your mainboard, dl the driver and install it :D I would generally also suggest you not to use lightboost, the visual errors and the loss of brightness aren't really worth the hardly even noticable gain of smoothness
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