New Microphone?

Hey crossfire, my mic just died, but my headphones still work. Therfore, i thought about buying a new microphone that you can put on the table. Has anyone experience with this "table-mics"? Would you rather recommend me to buy a new headphone with integrated mic?

Could you tell me some good (cheap) Mics?


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its laik 10 e
had same prob then i bought 2e table mic it works well but not very handy if u like having ur mic very close to ur mouth
headphone! 1 on head and 1 on neck
what leku posted above, get some mic that can be attached to wire of headphones, better. Or just get get new headphones depending on the quality of ur current headphones.
stop being poor and buy a good one moron
bought a mic for 500 SIT (2€) like 9 years back and it still works.
Been there,my mic on the headset died,so I went and bought a table mic it's surely won't be that good as having the mic on the side of your mouth,but it will be enough,I recommend you trying to find a table mic which is flexible so you can play with it and also has a mute option which I find useful.
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