my comeback to et

image: 137413810152302888224922485877495n

obvious cheater, ban now
co to za dziarka
This journal will help your reputation.
I wonder since you are inactive, what is his reputation in your eyes?
You should focus on hitting puberty rather than gaming wit yo baby ass face
dis gaysek always doin funniez :{D
obvious hax look on laptop screen ! :D
i heard there are one or twoo cheats on shootmania, you should try it.
aahaha and ppl still wonder why every1 hates polish players :D
How is the ET scene looking anyway? Haven't been around for years..
I guess i will have to avoid playing against u, dont want to be accused of anal rape of underage kid with baby face :s
wow u still believe in these journals, congratz welcome to 2k14 year of really serious buisness @ crossfire!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes im bit drunk
Radujmy sie!
Who are you anyways??? Go fuck yourself
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