Star wars:ToR

well I just downloaded it and played a bit tonight, im atm lvl6 and till now im fucking positiv impressed :S but Im kinda confused how2find the right way to finish my quest but i got too many open i guess. but my question is if some1 here, is also playing it?

I play. 55 lvl Sith Marauder. I can recommend u to do a lot of side quest, because after this u will have no problems with ur main/character story quests. Game is amazing. I like it even more than WoW tbh :p
ye same!
i started as sith and ye this game is just great especially sth like u have to decide if this guy should die, escape or go in a fight, but i killed all 3 was just awesome :P interactions=top!
Quotesith jedi


sith jedi


sith jedi

fu :S 2cet can happen
2cet :D
shit happens
cos ala raidy?
[pl] Są raidy, i są też mniejsze raidy - nazywa się to operations, i sa też normalne instancje. Ogólnie gra miażdży. Najlepsze jest oddawanie questów/ogólna interakcja z NPC. W WoWie podchodzisz do NPC, klikasz na niego, i po prostu wyskakuje Ci jakieś gówno do zaakceptowania. W SWTOR masz całą cutscenke z linią dialogowa i możliwością wyboru swojej odpowiedzi (coś jak RPG w MMORPG). I do tego wyjebiście duży świat (masz swój statek i odwiedzasz po kolei różne planety), jest też mało loading screenów. Fajna rzecz też jest taka, że w niektórych questach masz jakby swój zone (wchodzisz do jakby swojej instancji) i wtedy nikt nie może tam wejść, czyli nikt nie wybija Ci mobów etc etc [/pl]
<- sith inquisitor lvl 55
Started it recently again with some irl people for lulz, it's great as I worship story driven rpgs. I'm level 16 Sith Juggernaut atm on Red Eclipse. The only bad thing it has going for it is the game engine though, it can get laggy easily even for really good pcs. Also if they removed some of the stupid pay to win restrictions (I understand why they have to exist but some are beyond retarded) the game would be legendary.

Donno if you played WoW but it's kinda the same with the questing, only there are class quests that you kinda have to do in order to progress. Almost every quest has a bonus objective that gives bonus xp, so that's a good way to level fast. Checking the map also helps alot.
played it for a few months, got all chars maxed out (lvl and gear).
i got tierd of paying each months, so i bought gw2.

fucking hate mmos.
but there is also a free version of it, I would never pay 150euros/year for a game^^
yea but as someone who paid, there is a huge difference between the f2p and paid.


thats why i bought gw2, very good mmorpg, 1 time paying, but tbh the end-game sux :ADS
hmm sounds nice well then i will give gw2 a try aswell :P

tbh im just waiting for eso, it looks rly awesome atm but when I heard it right then u have to play 20€ per month, hope its a rumor^^

in my opinion, monthly payment for anything is just not worth it..
People say that in GW2 the game is basically over once you reach end level, is this true?
look at what i wrote:
thats why i bought gw2, very good mmorpg, 1 time paying, but tbh the end-game sux :ADS

end-game = end level and yes it sux :D
because everything is the same, and gear-wise, you just grind for cosmetics. meaning all the end lvl gear is the same stats, but different looking so thats bullshit D:

they brought few end game quests and stuff but again, if you love to grind for cosmetics so its fine D:

either way, the game itself is rly awesome, it takes alot of time to get to lvl 80 (max lvl).
i got a jedi knight lvl 55
a bounty hunter lvl 27
a trooper lvl 7 or smthing

Quit playing coz always the same quests :p

=> to make it easier to find ur way on a quest:
You can untrack quests (untap te box next to it in the quest tab), when u have finished ur current quest you can just check another one on again.
There is also a maximum of quests you can accept at one time.

edit: Buy those double XP packs! :)
k ty very much! and about that double xp packs is that 1 houre game time or like just from 14-15cet?
1 hour game time, so u can log off anytime you want, they will still work.
ty :) normally im not playing those games so i had no clue
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