hey hey hey

hey hey hey

Anyone here who can supply me with one of my fragmovies particularly 'my name is jo0f' or the fif-movie 'online onlyz'? Ive lost track of these gems over the years since own3d died. Help a brother out <3

All I could find on my glorious ET career was this :D

I understand nothing in this short clip :(
people were mad at joof because of his sten headshots on bremen :S

joof u so crazy
joof :$ come back to ET maybe?
both were pretty awesome :)

e.share if you have it :)
huh are you asking me to share? I don't have them anymore ... thats why Im asking here :D
guess he meant to share them as soon as you have them back
If it would be anyone else, he would be banned in a few seconds :o
not true, in 2008 joof wasn't some hyped up highskiller that was being protected by his position as a top player. he was just breaking into the topscene with FiFgreen and people were complaining because they thought he was suspicious. :D plenty of people had avi's made about them back then, not that many got banned for it.
well these demos are obvious as fuck, not even walling person looks so obvious at times (if he's not uber retard or polak)
I don't think these are super amazingly obvious.. the last thing was suspicious but the avi doesn't add every detail that could have let him know there was an allies guy back of bank. maybe he was making noise? maybe he'd just killed one of joof's teammates a few seconds earlier. maybe he got a call from a teammate that he's behind bank, anything is possible.

people always find these no-sound .avi's the most obvious
Well when I look at my demos sometimes when im bored at night with shownormals 1, I sometimes (because Im using really high sens) just put my "crosshair" on random spot, when im like tracking the corner of box/wall and just move a little bit with my hand and then there is some guy behind the wall :d

But this is super weird, like exactly hs + from the mAus spot at gayrush, you cant hear behind the wall (old cp) :p
QuoteWell when I look at my demos sometimes when im bored at night with shownormals 1

image: pssh.gif.pagespeed.ce.b47gwAo7ke
Im really bored sometimes + im boring person
You killed antalis :(
Don't have them now :(
Updated the links on http://www.crossfire.nu/videos/804/my-name-is-jo0f if anyone is interested :D
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