Old CF Design

Is there any way to bring back the old design?

It would increase the activity of this almost dead community. Even i would be more active again (which is the wish of almost everyone on CF).

image: alegs-for-days-14
my own mix

Inb4 "can't do that" "it's not that simple" "we promised TosspoT we would not do that"
nobody has ever said any of the 3 examples you wrote. :D going back to anything pre-CF4 will just never happen.
1st 2 totally happened!
not from me then. "can't do that" -> it can be done, but it won't. "it's not that simple" -> of course it's not simple, it would require work, but it is of course achievable (still, not on the cards).
Thought you quit
Never said i quit cf. only quit competitive ET.
Yes, here it is: http://web.archive.org/web/20120608005117/http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=news

On a serious note, do you think someone will even have the work to completely drop hours of work, create some new scripts to import the data back to the old website (even drop some data cuz there is new stuff on database), just because some people can't live with innovation?
Stuff keeps changing, i remember people crying because of touch screens when they first came out, but nowadays all mobile phones have a touchscreen...
Learn to like it :)
my mobile phone has no touchscreen :(
nice hipster
tell that into the face of my sony ericsson w 955 XD
I have no problems with innovation, but did you know that out of 10 attempts to introduce a new innovation to the market, 9 are failing? Only 1 innovation will be profitable enough to survive on the market. In my personal opinion this website is okay, but the old one was way better. I dislike this and prefered the other one, but unfortunately there is no other option than staying on this website. Thats why there are still some journals every day.

Sure people invested time on it, but just because someone invested time, it doesn't mean that the "innovation" will get accepted. It is not about time, it is about quality.

I stick to my opinion. This website looks bad and the old one was way better.
I am not in touch anymore with the coders / designers of CF 4, but you can surely point out whats bad and give some constructive ideas (and acceptable ones) so they can change/improve?
They can't remake it completely, but changing some stuff here and there wouldn't hurt i guess.
too bad, wish they would remake it completely. cuz there is literally only one thing, that is good compared to old CF, rest is worse. direct ET download is really cool. they promised better search possibilities, but it is as bad as it used to be in CF 3.2
its even worst :D the search crashes the website for me.. the pages load slowly and with visual bugs..

But for example, the comment section, the movies, the notifications.. great improvements imo :P
tbh this current design feels and looks much better
I like it too tbh... it's not perfect, but its functional and gave some fresh hair! There is room for improvement, but ppl have to remember, most of the guys (if not all?) did it for free.. they best they could... managing to do it while working / studying.. so yeah.
don't exchange innovation with change. and not every innovation is successful. like zip-disks for example. moreover, old cf had few things I miss a LOT on this one (recent comments, hits count etc.). so instead of innovation I see this as step back.
Read my comment up. This features exactly what i said, there is some minor touches here and there that could improve. I also enjoyed this stuff... the edit icon (after u edit a comment)... there was ip check (nowadays cf4 admins don't even have it.. or atleast they didn't back when i tested the last beta versions of cf 4).

Go spam Artstar with those improvements :P
holy shit the old desing looks way much better than this one :< would be even nice to choose by your self which desing to choose
there was a big drop of activity after the switch to the new design - i like the old one much more like the most people do and the drop of activity stands for it
nothing to add
Just change back to the grey oldschool layout. News, articles and interviews on the left side and other news, journals, polls and threads on the right side.
I agree RazZaH m8
I agree, too
if u use firefox with greasemonkey you can still use that thing some guy made to make it look better :P atleast makes it abit darker then this white shit
nice racism
Well ofcourse, old cf was darker. Once you go black you never go back?

also: 'white shit' I make so much sense :X
i agree.

cant even change my fucking nickname on this shit..
You do realize that CF has no active coders, right? Who is it that you expect to "bring back the old design"?

QuoteIt would increase the activity of this almost dead community. Even i would be more active again (which is the wish of almost everyone on CF).

QuoteIt would increase the activity of this almost dead community. Even i would be more active again (which is the wish of almost everyone on CF).

NOPE! Damage is already done. Just like when ET went 5on5. People keep saying making it again 6on6 would bring more people back.

We just need to bring back the Mortar, and ET will be saved!
As you say, there are no active developers on the site any more. In handing over the site to Merl & Artstar this was my farewell. I still pay the 50 quid a month for the server but I have no active involvement any more and after probably a decade in the RTCW/ET community I have moved on.

At the same time, I don't want to stand in the way of anybody who wishes to take this site and community forward. If you can convince a coder, most likely Antwan, to get back in the saddle and code again then that would be fantastic. I just checked Google Analytics, there are still 50k unique users checking the site a month - so that you're aware that is only 10k less than at the end of Crossfire 3 (it's 100k less than the high's of CDC4). If someone wanted to do something big an adventurous with the site they have an excellent base from which to do so.
good to hear!

Thanks stu

PS: Where did you move btw? I mean in which scene are you active at the moment? Back then you had some TV interviews, right? How did it evolve?
I run Twitch.tv in Europe, all content partnerships and revenue. So I didn't exactly move too far ;)
I wasn't trying to be negative, just kind of annoying to see journals like this all the time. :P

It's 2014, yet some people are still delusional enough to believe that CF4 killed ET and bringing back CF3 will magically cause hundreds of players to return to the game.
CF4 didn't kill ET. No more lans and no anti-cheat killed it.

In CF3 there were still a lot of users who didn't even play ET. They just visited the site to enjoy some random journals or have a look on how the competitive scene developed. Sadly the new website was not as good as expected. I don't say that it is the only fault, but it had a negative effect.

The game is already dead. This website just killed also the community.
A simple lack of players is what has caused ET to be less active, and a lot of things contributed to that. Some can be fixed or improved upon, while others cannot. As I said before, changing the way CF looks is not going to magically bring players back to the game.

ET is not dead. You just want to believe that because it makes you feel better about quitting, which is somewhat understandable but doesn't make you right. :)
I logged in, crashed the site, I logged back in, thought I'd posted a comment, it logged me out.

Pretty sure everything is working as intended?
It's what developers like to call a "feature". "We don't have bugs but we do have many unique features".
theChive lurker :P
Used it back in the random chick time :P Only went there to find a good chick for this journal ;)
true, im sure at least 90% would vote for old design
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