CG EU ET: Bans & Future Plans

image: 81XpmVt

It's been a little over two weeks since the official launch of CG EU Enemy Territory, and the ladders are running smoothly with plenty of activity. However, some players have been asking about cups, bans, and such, so here is a bit of an update regarding our plans for ET on CyberGamer EU as well as an overview of the bans issued so far!


We do intend to run cups for both 3on3 and 6on6! The plan was to announce our first cup season this week, but we've decided to wait a bit longer. As mentioned in the initial newspost, the coders at CG have been working on a new website which is due to be released within the next few weeks. So, in order to avoid delays, we will be waiting until CG v5 is here and everything is situated before we start CyberGamer EU ET Season 1.


Everyone knows that there is no AC for ET at the moment, but what you may not have been aware of until very recently is that CyberGamer has its own anticheat called CGAC. It only works in CoD4 at the moment but will support ET as well soon. Belgium Kevin aka "badkip", the developer, just posted a journal asking for feedback. Leave a comment there with your thoughts!


The democrew is still active, but we need your help! If you think someone has cheated, please send us the demo or link to a GamesTV replay along with timestamps, and we will look into it. There is no public ban list on CyberGamer, so here are the four players who have already been caught cheating and are now banned on CG:

Profile: (aka N!ke)

Reason: cheating in an official match
Length: 12 months

Profile: (aka Riskk / freaqy)

Reason: cheating in an official match
Length: 12 months


Reason: cheating in an official match
Length: 12 months


Reason: cheating in a non-official match (IRC war)
Length: 6 months
Evidence: (If you watch it from the point-of-view of "LAG" with wolfcam, you can see him pausing and reconnecting with a very obvious aimbot and wallhack.)

That's pretty much it! Any questions?

CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder
CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder
Xictus :/

T'assure sMiRZz ! Pure skill.
trouve moi un nouveau pseudo
Lol toute façon ce jeu est mort. Prend un pseudo à la con, ils vont même pas te grillé. Sa existe encore les bans sur demo c'est moche.
je valide !!
isnt everyone cheating today?
More bans than in past half a year in CB xD
some of them just returned and waiting for naxt ban ;p
whats up with Monkey and Aq whoa re played with smirzz? they did tolerate or even cheated aswell...
who the fuck are you and why do you see cheaters everywhere?

where did i said that te other 2 used hax? i played obviously during the "bot and wh" time and didnt leave or something.

im Kitt some random nice to meet you
Quote by Kitt some randomwhats up with Monkey and Aq whoa re played with smirzz? they did tolerate or even cheated aswell...
thats a "maybe" not a "they did"
who the fuck are you and why do you see cheaters everywhere?

where did i said that te other 2 used hax? i played obviously during the "bot and wh" time and didnt leave or something.

im Kitt some random nice to meet you
As sad as it may be for them to continue playing with him knowing that he had just loaded a bot, we've decided that it isn't quite bannable.
So playing with cheaters isn't ban worthy?
We do not intend to be banning ppl playing with cheaters at IRC wars, on the other hand, if the game is CG offical and if proven that the player has been knowingly playing with a cheater, we do submit a ban towards that player.
i know we played you 2 days ago and it was pretty easy but we didn't cheat (me&Aq), i cant say for smirzz but he will normally say it on all chat when he starts cheating. I guess I should just leave the server next time. oh well
izi nearly fh and then suddenly we couldnt get a grip anymore... ye izi
image: bxFEZ7t

ye nearly fullheld
so 3 mins isnt nearly?

enyhour playing with haxors
3 mins is pretty big on supply, especially considering the fact that almost all games on supply end in a double fullhold

even 3 kazims would beat you, no need for cheats
yeye so muche go but pros would beat us in 5 minutes... even with hax you did it closely in 9 minutes...
- you are bad
- we didnt cheat
- "closely in 9 minutes" nice oxymoron
never told something else... i admitt im bad and who cares?

smirzz did...

ye wateva
People continueing to play with cheaters? No way ! Only like everyone who has played for team NL for instance oh never mind most of them got busted at some point in time anyway.
What about Nazty? I still cant believe admins(?)/ppl are so blind , and can't see he is the most obvious cheater in the history of the game. Gibbing through the wall , shooting to players behind the wall, my god.. There is a lot of proofs... Im not saying that ur work is shit, beacuse it is not, but what this guy has to do, to be finally banned...
Make some timestamps of him cheating in a CG match, and we'll take a look!
What? Make a timestamps? I think Ive sent admins dozen of timestamps, and still nothing. I was wondering then if u check this but i think i was right to worry. And dont say to me "This actions are not a proof, it can happen on this map" like Aniky. How the hell gibbing through the walls, or shooting player behind the wall can happen, seriously what the fuck. I am not gonna send nothing more, because it is prolly waste of my time, but this guy is playing official games, and laughing at admins' faces.

Do not think I am a hater, cuz im grateful what u did for this game, but still... In my opinion this case is the first failure of the demo crew. I hope my hate is reasonable :p
I'm looking at our collection of demos/timestamps now and don't see any from you. Send me what you have via PM if you'd like, and I'll make sure it gets reviewed.
I will do it tommorow if u don't mind. It is late already, so i will gladly pm You tommorow with timestamps :)
thats true. He's cheating for sure indeed :D
Hey fucking ohurcool, are u rly serious about smirzzs demo ?
"you can see him pausing and reconnecting with a very obvious aimbot and wallhack.)" We can see him pausing and reconnecting ok but we cant spec him WTF
Did you not read the first half of that sentence?

Quote by ohurcoolEvidence: (If you watch it from the point-of-view of "LAG" with wolfcam, you can see him pausing and reconnecting with a very obvious aimbot and wallhack.)
Stuff like no leaning at all?
Wolfcam didnt work on ET its more like freecam.
We just cant spec him even with /freecam so the demo isnt a proof at all. Probably the first time than someone try to ban someone without speccing the player WOW

After the EC 2013/2014 :D We got this. "respect ohurcool best cf admin ever"
Still cant spec "smirzz" with wolfcam sorry now remove the ban
vid_restart bug
known bug of mouse drivers, should be fixed soon
Better work on those aimbot settings next time lol.
Sorry smirzz, i tried m8 :D Cant help you now.
How does it feel to look like a complete idiot ?
bug, nothing suspicious here
Ah, another case of too high m_pitch
Pure skillz :s
If was compatible with etpro ..
Best tool for catching cheaters.
Cool, thanks.
Could prolly be worked out smth about that.

you guys can always ask Sunlight , he's a really cool guy .
Just not really into CF community because of trolls.
Maybe if someone ask him kindly.
Yeh was wondering, since the program was published at 2012 if im not mistaken, will try to talk to him about that.
Still waiting for Nazty / vyjii / base
No idea how to do timestamps or w/e, kinda CBA to take time to make it. If someone could do it i'd be really grateful tho
Map 1:

Round 1:

8:14: player tracking through wall
7:44: could have never known player was there
vieille merde
c'est comme ça que tu t'adresses au roi de crossfire?
hahaha @ vyji xD that guy has ben obv for over 2years if not 3 :)

i remember first time i tought he was cheating is when i couldnt get my acc lower then 56% everygame and he had more then me, started playign with him and.. well. not that good of an aim but still easy to spot that its the .exe moving his mouse
This anticheat only is for matchs as i see it won't load up unless you have match id. Im looking at this and thinking it will not be available for public servers but only private matches and league games?
Then this is actually pointless as the public are the main people wanting this? i'll post.
Pointless? CyberGamer is a gaming league for competitive players. What do you think is more important to them: preventing cheaters from playing in cups and ladders hosted on their website or preventing cheaters from playing on the 3-4 active ET public servers?
Tzac provided for public and private. gl with this, because this was not what people where expecting!
Quotethis was not what people where expecting

Says who?

Feel free to start coding your own anticheat for public server players, and we'll see which one turns out better.
Well that pk3 i provided works quite well for stopping aimbots so I think my work here is done.
Well the people I have spoken to are not happy that this isn't for public. Honestly the people will leave when this news comes and you will regret doing this. Sorry but its true! Keep laughing Old man.
please keep going, i was having such a great time reading his comments!
Well there is a point in what snowstorm says, even if he doesn't convey it properly. Outside of Cybergamer competitions there will be no anti cheat - this means public play yes but also self organised tournaments like the ODCs we see a lot and future Crossfire seasonal cups.

Unless literally all of this is hosted on CG then those will be pretty much be full of cheaters and while a demo crew is nice for obvious occurrences of cheating it will not catch everyone who cheats. (although neither will an AC, but it is a better deterrent)

Edit: and will potentially lead to a drop in the amount of competitions as people dont want to organise cups for cheaters, except perhaps Robaciek (:D). For instance CF will not have a cup without an AC, that I can promise.
Yep, I know what you mean. It's a similar situation to that which we were in before with ESL Wire being available only for ESL matches. It is certainly unfortunate that there is no anticheat for all things ET-related, but I don't think that means we should automatically dismiss the idea of using CGAC. :P
No, that is not what I mean - it is just problematic that it can only be used for CG games. outside of CG competitive play will die a bit because of it and unless you counter that by hosting peoples ODCs or any tournaments on CG then it will be bad for ET. I think if ET CG cups/ladders didn't use it it would be even worse.
What is the difference between running ODCs without an anticheat now and running ODCs without an anticheat once CGAC supports ET?

Surely we can agree that an anticheat for CG competitions only is better than no anticheat at all for any competitions.
There is none, and cheaters are freely cheating right now.
Right, that does tend to happen in ET when there is no anticheat. :P
But when CGAC supports ET that will not change. As I said before an AC purely for CG is a minimum sure, but it will eventually hurt the game (not as much as if CG didnt have an AC, but it will still damage it)
I'm not saying CGAC is going to solve all of our problems, but it's time to realize that we were a bit spoiled with TZAC and not every anticheat can work as efficiently as it did. Honestly, are there any other options? TZAC and UAC are gone. ESL Wire will put us in the exact same scenario.

I understand that having an AC for leagues only is rather inconvenient for running ODCs and CF cups, but there's not much I can do about that. This isn't about trying to force everyone to play on CG only; it is simply us doing our best to provide support for as many players as we can.
It is not about inconvenience, it is just that you will find people will not organise ODCs and CF cup will not happen for ET in the future due to no anti cheat. Few people would want to spend there time so cheaters can have a good time.
I know, and I get it. There is nothing I can do about that.
I know you might have your reasons but I can't really see why ODCs and CF cups can't be hosted/run through CG (therefore be able to use their AC).

I'd like to think that yourself, SPU9 and ohurcool could arrange something. CG has the website functions to admin/run ODCs and other one off cups.

I know it was very different (in terms of activity) but everything we did for Australian cups, ladders etc. was done through CG.
I get that, but the problem is.. people don't like change, they don't like being forced into doing something when there's an alternative, one that has been used for years even and they've familiarized themselves with. I don't know how CG Cups work, never partaken in one, never looked at one, or even at the site layout in general, but I can already tell that people will not want to spend their time creating new teams, possibly even having to add players to them to meet some required rule of minimal players, possibly stumble upon new rules that enforce no mercing, player switching or sticking to X amount of players per team or what not, all of which, of course, are quite reasonable, but... Not what the community is used to. And that being 1day cups only. Maybe certain other people don't want their work associated with CG even, for whatever reason, but would still like to make use of the anticheat, the list goes on and on, people will not succumb to change unless there is no alternative.
Additionally, you've essentially ruined any and all 3on3/6on6 IRC games, people again, will be forced into an "official setting" by only being able to play ladder matches, or "scrims" on the CG website, or ESL Versus. I for one, I like IRC games, quick, easy, hassle free, I use IRC on a daily basis, I run part of my business through IRC, adding another "interactive social" site to my tabs seems like an effort I don't want to dive into. I don't want to have to create a team and add players, accept/decline challenges, maintain a silly map list, possibly even await delays upon delays in which time I wait for gamestv admins to sort our game out and accept it and do god knows what, only so that I have to actually... take the game serious and try my hardest to win as opposed to just having a relaxed nice time, maybe even fool around a bit or try some odd things I would otherwise never do in an "official" game.
There is, in a player's or even community's point of view, absolutely no benefit what-so-ever, for you to be forcing everything to be ran on the CG website. Obviously, for you it'd be a great deal, for us however? A nuisance, no matter how you twist or pull it.
Don't get me wrong, we all very much appreciate being able to continue playing this game, even more so with an anticheat. But, this is the exact same issue people have had with ESL Wire in the past, this community is too old and way too spoiled for them to ever adapt. If this had happened 5, maybe 6 years ago, surely, but to this day... you're quite lucky to have the activity you do on the ET ladders. I believe I had this same argument with Sn4ke before, few weeks ago, it's a nice feature, it's definitely a great tool being able to scrim or "pug" and look for players available for such on a website, ESEA has done the same for CS, years upon years ago, but... these are things new games, new genres and new generations are standardized to, we're old, we're stubborn and above all, we're too ignorant to bother. I don't see the harm in allowing people to use your anticheat outside of a match game, if anything it acts as a great way of getting the word out, people become more aware (those not necessarily active on crossfire but still partake in the odd IRC game, there's hundreds of them), or even just public players. A new anticheat is just about the best advertisement you can have, get the word out, people realize they need this CyberGames tool to get onto their favorite ET publics with? Oh look at that, more unique hits, even if it's just for the first time download, 1 out of 10 might just get interested and does more than that.
nice wall of text Oxy
CG has a pug system, so IRC games can use that. If people want a random IRC without an AC (or aka PB back in the day) then they can still do that.

Still agree that it would be nice if the CGAC or similar was available outside of the website but sometimes beggars can't be choosers.
what do you mean by pug system?
ie. you search a war then through cg you join team a and b?
its basically like gather we used to have at irc
I think that if CG doesnt allow non CG cups to use the AC (for games that it supports) this would be the only option.
Simple solution, only allow people that play on cybgergamer to play in crossfire cups, if there's a big skill boost, BAN.
And there's a rather simple work around for just that. Don't forcefully tie the AC to "Match IDs", or for that matter, just allow NULL values. That's it, disable the check-up, if there is any.. and bam, done. People can use it outside of CG Ladder/Cup matches. Not as elegant of a solution as TZAC is, with a server side client that forces its users to have launched their game through the AC, but... it'll have to do I reckon. Either way, there's a journal for just that and I'm sure the dev's more than willing to listen as it's really not a heavy or big implementation on his part, probably of all the suggestions so far, one of the smallest.
Well yea, but the problem is that it is not a feature currently or a planned one afaik - it was one of the first things I inquired about for pretty much the reasons I have stated. It's fortunate that CG have their own AC and doesn't rely on 3rd parties, but unless like I said all tournaments are hosted on CG or as you say changes are made to the way it works self organised tournaments will take a big hit.
I absolutely agree. It will eliminate the want of playing without an anticheat, which, to CG may sound beneficial, but in reality does the exact opposite, lessen the overall activity rather than increase the activity in ladder matches.
The thing is, from the coder's perspective (I'm merely assuming on how his setup works), all he has to do is allow a NULL value for the match id (as in, blank field), which takes... 5 to 10 seconds at most and shouldn't interfere with any of its other features, period. If such a thing would be denied, it can really only boil down to CG trying to achieve monopoly over leagues in CoD and ET both. Not sure if that's a good thing to shoot for these days, especially given the recent announcement of ESL possibly picking up ET again.
I guess the only negative view on that could be that it would then effectively become a third part AC in that they are working on software that would not be used entirely for the purpose they made it for, CG. I guess it just depends how the dev(s) see it - but I wouldn't have though it would decrease CG activity.
For the record, ESL Wire is also integrated in the ESL website and only available for ESL matches (as far as I know).
Apparently not :P I had a recent discussion over it, with i believe Snake? He claims that it works outside of ESL matches, and already has back when it was first introduced too. I wouldn't know, I haven't actually ever tried it, but from what I gathered.. it was an option, just a bit weird or hard to navigate around.

tadaa, link:
He's probably referring to Versus, some sort of ESL matchmaking system which again only works via the website.
Fair enough, that appears to be the case. Obviously no need to debate this, you evidently agree that a league exclusive anticheat does nothing but harm, perhaps its time for you to hand out some spankings over at CG.
It does some good and some harm, yes. :P

Will do!
Allow for and adding values, two different things. NULL is essentially just a blank input, ie... no input at all, if he checks for input, which I assume he does, checking the Match ID against the site's db to link one to another, or even just checking for its existence. Allowing NULL as input would result in no check being made.

or even just preconfiguring a DB entry such as "IRC", that would flag this game, if used "IRC" as match id on the client, as a non-CG game, if that made things easier for him. I don't know his code, nor the site, for all I know they could have some mysterious mumbo jumbo of hired basement trolls keeping everything in sync.
Well, at least forcing the old PB on those non-CG competitions, can do something i guess ;p
Better than nothing, can still catch some cheats
Nice!! But admins, you forgot to ban mkks?
We can't ban a player who isn't registered on CyberGamer. :P
Oh ok, too bad :D
still waiting on razz phyzic ross sqzz clown and fumbles ban
lets play some with vyjii, I have a feeling we would be a really good team together bro! XD
I see a lot of people asking for a tournament version of CGAC, but this however will not happen because this AC is integrated into the CyberGamer website. CyberGamer will have the option to host tournaments soon, so if you want to host a tournament just do it through CG.
So adding that NULL value is a big no?
The problem is that I integrated the check if people are online on the CG website, so even if I allow a NULL value, you wouldn't be able to check who is on it and who isn't.
I ain't no coder but can't you add some if-statement, like if guid == IRC then don't check DB?
if(matchid == NULL) { = true; }

That's almost exactly what I said!
nigga do you even code?
ban base save et
ban dee kay zee save eh tee
Wtf only 6 and 12 months bans? Cheating = lifetime ban.
nah, lifetime bans are just stupid
since when. :D
since arrow 8 : ]
12 months is a good choice
Players have never been permanently banned by leagues for cheating. ClanBase banned cheaters for 12 months, and ESL bans for 2 years. The idea is that with less-than-permanent bans, the player has the opportunity to come back and play clean once his ban has expired. If he is banned for life, he is much more likely to try to dodge his ban since he has no chance of being unbanned anyway.

Our policy will be the same as CB with 6-month bans for cheating in public and 12-month bans for cheating on CG.
I edit my post a bit: "=" is replaced with words "should be". Shows my thoughs better.
Well, my answer is the same. :P I don't think players should be permanently banned for cheating one time.
anyone playing cookie clicker ?
People gibbing players behind the wall still not banned.
a 14y old who just stared et talkin shit I think ET + rtcw is older than you kid. Go suck on ur moms tits
You better go back to school and get some education you cancer retard.
Cry more whenever you're going to get kicked from NBS fuckface.
NBS? Lol is full of hackers boring server
hey stfu, your name will be soon in the list and stop talking everytime about your oldschool style it's boring. Mr nobody .
I'm sry but idk you kill urself
Send me some timestamps of these guys who are "gibbing players behind the wall" in a CG match, and we will take a look.
La cloquette dans ta bouche lol
c u smirzz
nice, lol so right now 50% of the busted cheaters are from .pl
hopefully we can keep the -whine walls of text- from the usual AC whiners(oxy,cupra,etc) out of the feedback topic for the CGAC.....
cmon. oxy is having a point. being named together in the same sentence with cupra? That's just mean
lol I wont read that have you seen the size of the wall
any chance for an sticky with updated bans?
It won't be stickied, but we'll post an update every now and then which will include the most recent bans.
What a suprise. So obv ..knew it fucking smirz.
The bigger problem is that in most of you are fucking idiots and you can not see who is cheating and who is not. Give me Admin rights and I will ban all hax :D
Who is cheating? Send me a demo or link to a GamesTV replay along with timestamps, and I'll make sure someone looks into it.
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