Vote Snowstorm for admin
22 Jan 2014, 03:34
Thats right! sick of these kim jongs
F1 For yes.
F2 For No.
Reasons why you should vote for me!!
I offer you a free public anticheat!! For all your servers :D
CGAC admins offer it for THERE ladders ONLY! so no public.
F1 For yes.
F2 For No.
Reasons why you should vote for me!!
I offer you a free public anticheat!! For all your servers :D
CGAC admins offer it for THERE ladders ONLY! so no public.
wrong on ur post
F1 btw
2)Who are you?
3)Does his anticheat really work? I mean I know it sounds like a big troll but some people said they tested joining the server with eth and it gave them an error, were they trolling or does it work? If it works perhaps something similar could be used for cgac? If its stops aimbots I think we shouldnt just flame him :P but maybe I missed something