Vote Snowstorm for admin

Thats right! sick of these kim jongs

F1 For yes.

F2 For No.

Reasons why you should vote for me!!

I offer you a free public anticheat!! For all your servers :D

CGAC admins offer it for THERE ladders ONLY! so no public.
+1 SnowStorm
But there is no way you are not Unforgiven at this point.
Though you have to admire his self-control in not calling msh100 a Nazi and blowing his cover.
Snowstorm would make a much better admin than ohurcool
+1 hobbit for admin
This site needs more SnowStorm up in here.
SnowStorm for president.
And who are you?
xD what do fuck u've been smoking mate?
SnowStorm FTW, F1!
i c what u did there :D
wtf, i cannot join this server ;x
That server is now - - i7.NoDownloadzZz - ET - Jaymod (2) with 7 bots on it.
You Idiot! Its etpro 3.2.6
I'm the idiot am I ?? Then maybe you should go and edit your previous post to the correct IP. - ...
QuoteServer IP:
God, I don't even need to quote. There's a massive banner at the top? Can you see it naab?!
If you are trying to promote your server to the community then I sugest you go back to your other journal and correct the IP, go take a look tard. ---
its correct on banner
wrong on ur post
I shall build my own site, where Snowtard is an admin. With blackjack! And hookers! Actually, forget the site...
So, we're heading to a venue, of which Snowtard is admin and serves us blackjack and hookers? :o
Yea, something like that.
definitly unforgiven tbh
nah he's not mad enough
Tu savais que ce petit connard était à Anvers pour étudier actuellement? :D
Aller ? C'est Bart qui doit être content d'avoir un énergumène pareil dans sa ville :D
Avec tout ce qui y est déjà, ça ne va pas faire grande difference :D
what the fuck!
free unforgiven
yes please
i cannot press into F1 it opens new page sorry bye
im sorry, as hard as your trying ur not taking the retard of the year award from me... aint gun-a-happen
is there already an youtube movie?

F1 btw
F3 I'm READY !
ready to get banned from CG
finally check ur ip and ur subnet. WELCOME BAK LESTI
Do us a favor, jump of a roof, hit the floor with your head and suffer a slow and painful life.
That would sadly only result in new modification to already briliant anticheat hes providing :s
We call aways order some hitman to exterminate his race (stupid people) of planet earth
U would need to hire an entire army in order to achive something like that im afraid.
3 things: 1)Can you modify your name to something without torm in the end? Would mean a lot kk thx.
2)Who are you?
3)Does his anticheat really work? I mean I know it sounds like a big troll but some people said they tested joining the server with eth and it gave them an error, were they trolling or does it work? If it works perhaps something similar could be used for cgac? If its stops aimbots I think we shouldnt just flame him :P but maybe I missed something
If you really think its a troll, as it is not! all i can say is download an aimbot and join the server. I think that can prove something more than words :)
lol I was joking, cool story man, not going to download anything
F1 although everything you posted could be easily bypassed, since they are outdated methods. I still admire your persistence.
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